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Hey Y'all,

Don't laugh.

So, in Real Band, I have selected the "also generate real chart feature" and it converts everything to Midi except for drums.

What is up with that? Does anyone know how to do this?

I can do a work around with a BIAB export to XML but that takes too long.

User error????

How does it work. I just need an easy way to turn Real Drums into midi.

Thanks and don't laugh at me!!!
Hi David. I'm not laughing at all.

I had thought that one of the features of BIAB 2020 (or was it 2021) was that all the RealDrums now had notation. My understanding of that is that you can see music notation in the edit modes, and just drag a track to a DAW to get the MIDI.

I could be wrong on this. Also, I do not use RealBand so someone else can address this.

Question, just trying to understand: when you say 'export to HTML' do you mean Music XML?
In another thread, this is what I posted..

"The RealBand help system says "RealDrums with an "Ntn" in the # column of the RealDrums Picker dialog can display notation." So I picked a RealDrum that had Ntn in the # column and generated. I also have the "When generating RealTracks also generate a RealChart" box checked (I don't see anything that separates out RealTrack instruments versions drum/percussion instruments).

I get the generated wave form, but do not get a RealChart for it."

Clearly this needs fixing in RealBand.
Tried this just the other day. Took the RD midi chart provided in the BIAB-VST and inserted it into EZDrummer2 as a example groove to generate a song. A nice RD midi track playing jazz brushes groove turned into a something that sounded like a 10 year old playing his first drum kit. A hot mess. I suspect some sort of drum map is needed which is not what I was interested in doing.
If you want a long way to do this, you could send the RealDrum .WAV audio to Melodyne and convert to MIDI there.


Sorry. Brain cramp, yes I meant XML!!!


I will look to see if there is a notation in drums that indicate there is notation, but I thought ALL were supposed to have it by now and that was a feature of 2021.
Maybe time to review the manual grin
Originally Posted By: MusicStudent
Tried this just the other day. Took the RD midi chart provided in the BIAB-VST and inserted it into EZDrummer2 as a example groove to generate a song. A nice RD midi track playing jazz brushes groove turned into a something that sounded like a 10 year old playing his first drum kit. A hot mess. I suspect some sort of drum map is needed which is not what I was interested in doing.

If available in EZDrummer2 you have to select GM as the drum map. Many MIDI drum sources have multiple drum maps incorporated in them, thus you just select the one that you need and the program will automatically convert to that map.

I am getting somewhere.

I made a "style" in BIAB that only has drums and exported "Mod Country" as a midi. (Saved as.)

In Sforzando player with "BIAB" rock drums it is not too bad. It sounds horrible in Session Drummer though, but I may need to experiment.

However in Real Band, it will not generate a Real Chart, though I know it should. I think that is a glitch, because yes, it does show up in notation in BIAB.

What does the "x" mean by the way in the drum picker? Don't laugh. The other columns seem intuitive.
Originally Posted By: MusicStudent
Maybe time to review the manual grin

This is not very helpful...

Attached picture Capture.JPG
I do it using the drag'n drop function from BIAB to RB.
Using a drum style with notation, drag the drums from the Mixer panel or from the top panel into the MID section of the drag'n drop area at top left just below the Master. After a couple of seconds the MID section will turn green, you can the drag this to a track in RB, then Edit/Midi/Split Midi Drums will separate the drums into individual tracks.

Hope this helps




Thanks man!!!
Happy to help,

Great tip there Vantage! How about posting to the TIPS section?


This one tip has changed my life!!



Here we go now. Look put world!!!
Does this trick only work in Real Band?

I tried the same approach and get less wonderful results in Logic.
Originally Posted By: mrgeeze
Does this trick only work in Real Band?

I tried the same approach and get less wonderful results in Logic.

I don't know about things on the Mac side but this technique works perfectly with a Window's version of Studio One Pro 5.
I have only used it in RB, but I suspect you should be able to drag the MIDI to any DAW, but may not be able to split the drums into different tracks. The synth/sound library available in the DAW will also influence the sound.

A possible work around is to do what drums editing you need in RB then save the various tracks to your DAW as WAV files.

Here's what I get for my multiple attempts.

BIAB appears to create a midi file when I drop it on the left upper mid area.
I can drag said creation to my daw (Logic).
At best I get a 1or 2 bar midi sequence of 1 drum. I can repeat it like a loop but its the same 1 or 2 bar pattern.

I'm pretty much a midi neophyte.

Some questions.
Should this work for all RealDrum Tracks or only specific types?
How does one tell?
What settings in BIAB need be made (if any) before attempting the conversion.
Seems like there are a lot of options regarding forcing real drums to midi, or changing to midi drums, etc.

If there are any Logic users who have done this successfully, can you chime in on the Logic side requirements. I'd like to give it a go, if possible.

Should this work for all RealDrum Tracks or only specific types?
How does one tell?

If the RealDrums button is underlined then the RealDrums has Real Charts. Real Charts are MIDI transcription.

Description: Underlined RealDrums button has MIDI
Attached picture Clipboard01.jpg



As far as I can tell, there is a bug in Real Band where it will not create a midi for real drums if you check also create real chart.

I have to do the drag and drop or save as midi.

It does create a real chart for instruments.

I think others have said they have the same issue as me.

This bug should be checked out I think.
Above I had guessed that all of the RealDrums now have notation. I checked and I was pretty close. Almost all do.

There are a few that have what they call notation videos, and one called FunkSwing that has no entry (probably an error in data entry).
Thank you Mr. Fogle!
Much better.

I guess its time to get acquainted with the piano roll editor.

Again, thanks.


I'm not as familiar with using RealBand as I should be.

Do you mind providing an example where
there is a bug in Real Band where it will not create a midi for real drums if you check also create real chart.

I find your statement confusing. I've always thought Real Charts are MIDI transcriptions so I'm not sure why you would want MIDI and a real chart for drums.
Well, when you have that box checked, you expect to get a MIDI track along with the RD Audio track in RB. (the MIDI track being the Real Chart).
That is how it is expected to work by most in RB ..
Some have found it doesn't.

It has been reported to dev team via Beta communications previously, and I just bumped the item FWIW (I can only go as far as my powers allow, and even then I'm just a user like you guys).
I also referenced this thread.
Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle

I find your statement confusing. I've always thought Real Charts are MIDI transcriptions so I'm not sure why you would want MIDI and a real chart for drums.

I can't speak for David but I can see a few reasons for using a MIDI transcription over real drums. One you can choose a different drum kit or kits; many times I will use one kit for the drums and another for cymbals and in fact I have used some drums from a couple of kits.

Two it is easy to change drums on a MIDI drum kit. For instance changing a low tom to a mid tom or a snare.

Three it is easier to change the drum pattern in MIDI. You can add fills of any length anywhere on the drum track.

Four changing the volume of each individual drum or cymbal.

There are probably more but this is what I came up with on the spot.

I hope I explained myself clearly.
Okay, let me ask the question a different way.

Is Real Charts RealDrums MIDI data?

Is a transcription RealDrums MIDI data?

Assuming both Real Charts and RealDrums transcriptions are RealDrums MIDI data, what is the difference between the MIDI data contained in a RealDrums transcription and the MIDI data contained in a RealDrums Real Chart?
what is the difference between the MIDI data contained in a RealDrums transcription and the MIDI data contained in a RealDrums Real Chart?

The difference could be that one of the midi files was automatically generated by an e-drum kit when playing while the other midi file was manually transcribed by ear, post playing. But I am just guessing here. crazy
If you want to get the RealDrumCharts from the Drums folder just drag the Melody track to MID from the RealDrums SGU.
You can add them to your EZDrummer user library and find the right beat with Tap2Find or a midi sample clip quicker than having to play them in the RealDrum picker, if you have EZDrummer VST loaded in Biab it will preview them in sync with the other Biab tracks.

Full Screen Pic

Attached File
BB21-RealCharts-Export.gif  (129 downloads)


On the RealTrack menu bar there is a gigantic icon called GENERATE.

If you drop down you can check "also generate real chart."

The real chart is the midi file of the Real Track you will be generating.

It works flawlessly with instruments. I get a midi with every real track as standard practice just in case I need it later for something else.

In my system, it does NOT generate the midi (real chart) for drums. I do not know why. Others have reported.

I can do all of the workarounds listed in this thread, but at some pt. in the future I would like to do it the easy way and that is why I posted the comment and head-up as others have done.

Originally Posted By: David Snyder

...In my system, it does NOT generate the midi (real chart) for drums. I do not know why. ..

I reported that on Aug 2nd.

Thank you Pipeline.

It's all I'm sayin' man.

As far as I've been told, RealBand has never done this - RealBand does not generate charts for RealDrums, only RealTrack instruments.

Well dang, Simon, don't ya'll think you might want to add that to the wish list??

And hey, since you play in a metal band with your Carvin, let me ask you a pop quiz for admission to the heavy metal PhD program in the School of Rock.

What is the most important part of a song?

A.) The Drums

B.) Something other than the drums.

Originally Posted By: David Snyder

Well dang, Simon, don't ya'll think you might want to add that to the wish list??


Originally Posted By: David Snyder
And hey, since you play in a metal band with your Carvin, let me ask you a pop quiz for admission to the heavy metal PhD program in the School of Rock.

What is the most important part of a song?

A.) The Drums

B.) Something other than the drums.


C: Whichever band member paid for the recording sessions.

But yes, the answer should be A, especially considering I was a drummer before I was ever a guitarist. This was back when I still had hair.

Good man!!

You're in.

Welcome to Julliard.
Originally Posted By: David Snyder

Good man!!

You're in.

Welcome to Julliard.

I feel so loved blush

Anyway, I've been told that the developers are looking into adding this into RealBand, so hopefully this will be possible in the future!
Just drag and drop ad a midi
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