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(note RB = realand.)
before someone asks, i decided to post this topic here in this forum, as i feel the readership is probably higher.

why did i decide to post this ?..

1.because yesterday useing rb i was reminded once again the tremendous power of rb, ...and because
2.reading the long contemporary modern pop songs thread elsewhere on these pg forums, i was left wondering if
modern pop song creators who are also users new to pg
possibly have not explored rb's power.
also because rb is included free..i wonder if some people are doing a great disservice to themselves by not bothering to delve into all its features, or i suspect even ever booting rb up.
3. most of the talk on these forums is mostly centered
around biab. biab this n that etc. thus i wonder if certain new users ever bother with rb.
a shame imho if they never use rb.

let me say on these forums there are more than a few long term rb users like moi. who realise how wonderfull rb is.
one leading user is rharv. and i dont profess to have his
understanding in depth of the product....ive just developed my own methods over the years.

1. it has features you wont find in any daws that are
competitors to pg. even very high priced daw software.
(as far as i'm aware currently. correct me if i'm wrong.)
why ?..heres why ?
2. i invite anyone to open up rb, and go to traks view
and, if youve never done it, right clik on a trak with the mouse. as a result youll be presented with a big list of actions. now some might say its inelegent.
but please persevere..go to generate and youll see all sorts of audio and midi trak generation options.
i know of no other companies daw/multitrack software that has these generation and accompaniement features.
lets look further.
3. not only can you generate ad nauseum audio and midi traks. but, in addition you could plug in your favorite
third party sample player (see the contemporary long thread) with its huge data base of gigs and gigs of modern sampled sounds and generate traks that way.

eg just a very simple idea i sometimes perform.
i generate a midi trak useing the rb (or imported biab)
chord sheet, then, useing a plug in i can audition and generate tracks useing the sounds in the plug in triggered via midi. if youve become more comfortable
useing your daw youve used for years before coming to pg
you have up to 48 traks in rb you can generate, then export into your fav daw for example.

in conclusion, ive only had time to touch on some of rb's deep features.
other long time rb users can add their own if they wish.

THE KEY to enjoying rb is really understanding all its features/menus/various views AND PARTICULARLY RIGHT CLIK OVER A expose the long list of actions/options.
let me say, dont discount rb, it does a lot of things pg's competition dont. which probably explains why some mac users would liker a mac version.
and to those contemporary song creators who want more
modern sound pictures in pg's products...just use a plug in sample player with a big data base of modern sound samples.

best to everyone.
i like realband old muso

what a HOOT. after i posted this i noticed pg have posted a new version of rb.
jeez i must have esp/be psychic. lol.
for those sceptics amongst us, please note i'm just an end user like every other pg user with no links to pg.

I use RB and frankly can't see why I would need another DAW. But then I was bought up on BIAB and RB on floppies and learnt from day 1 to use the two together. I know lots of people now use the BIAB plugin but i'd be surprised if there's anything you can do with the plugin and a DAW you can't do with BIAB and RB working together.

With muso, i think there are lots of people using the plugin and a DAW who have never opened RB.

maybe they are coming from using a DAW and adding BIAB as an extra resource. RB is a fabulous program and quite intuitive and user friendly even if people think the GUI is flat and unexciting.
I've been a Reaper user for about 10 years and have limited experience with other DAWs. I have tried more than once to use Realband and found it to be sluggish in its operation and limited in its functionality. As far as I can see its only advantage over modern DAWs is the ability to load RealTracks and with the VST, well, even that advantage is fading.

I'm not posting this to be argumentative but instead to suggest to new users who might read your glowing review that they try a more modern DAW with the VST before settling for RB. There are many more powerful functions and modern features available in free and cheap DAWs such as Reaper.
I've had a quick go at RB but is does nothing for me.
It's ability to work seamlessly with BIAB is undeniable and those amongst us who use almost nothing but BIAB tracks, be they RealTracks, RealDrums, Superstyles etc., will be at home with it I'm sure.
I use Reaper, (I came to it via Cakewalk ProAudio which was pretty flash back in the early 2000s), which does cost money, ($60), but it's cheap, super powerful and does just about everything you've mentioned. It's no accident the PG have developed the BIABVST.

In the end it's what one is comfortable with/what doesn't disrupt the work/creativity flow.

Were PG to make more aspects of the BIAB/RB nexus proprietary they'd lose new business. Were they to discontinue RB they'd lose current custom. I think their approach is good...keep it updated and 64bit capable so that it can use the BIAB stuff and they can continue to sell the annual updates and extra Paks without alienating those who use other gear.

I think, in many ways, RB suits many folk in the Users Showcase as they are happy to make & bake in the same kitchen and that's a pretty strong demographic for PG but not one that's likely to grow.

I had a lot of crashes with the 32bit, and yes I think that is why the BBPlugin came about, but I haven't had those crashes in the now 64bit version.
It has been liked as you can see there is a website dedicated to it, though it could be updated and maybe it could include the BBPlugin.

Attached picture RB-Site.png
JohnJohnJohn/rayc and other users.

when i started this thread i wondered if there would be people who questioned me re rb.
the shame of it is that users new to pg seeing your posts now might not bother opening up rb.
thus i feel missing some very nice features.
(i'll get to reaper, as i'm a long time avid user/early adopter (v0.99) after haveing addressed rb. )

so heres my REPLY re rb.
(firstly let me preface my reply by saying i have no idea of the internal codeing of rb.)
1. reasons for sluggishness might vary. i respectfully suggest that running rb on an optimised pc or one purpose built for recording studios that never sees the net , with high speed processors like ryzens/threadrippers rated on at 20,000 (and useing high speed nvme or m.2 ssd's) is going to be different probably than say a slow one drive laptop whose processor is rated on at 3,000.
maybe rharv, who is the rb guru imho can comment on how his ryzen performs with rb.
user Bob upthread is obviously happy with rb.

2. if anyone had read my past rb wishlists i had suggested, to speed things up, to have an option
to turn off waveform draws when genning traks from RT's etc. i suspected on slower pc's genning lots of traks from RT's AT THE SAME TIME might be an issue.
overall i feel, if one is running an older pc thats at the same time running other non rb tasks in the background...this might make an impact.

EVEN GIVEN THE ABOVE, i still feel that rb has a lot of nice features, and very unique features that merit a new user at least trying it out. as i said unique features its daw competitors dont have.
even higher priced daws costing large money.
(its interesting that pipeline set up an rb site on the web nice stuff pipeline/respect.)

yes rb has some quirks, but what doesnt ?
youll see on various daw users forums users complain about lots of their daws various aspects..
which brings me nicely to talk about REAPER.
as far as i understand it, how reaps came about was the developer looked at the daw offerings at the time, and said i can do better. i was an early adoptor, with many others at v0.99. a very early release. many big studio buds ridiculed me and said "it'll never last" etc etc.
i feel vindicated.

full early adoptors like myself were makeing all sorts of suggestions way way back to the dev.
it was obvious that lots of people werent happy with their music software at that time.
the one i'm kicking myself i didnt suggest was the folder concept. brilliant.
anyhoo ive been a user ever since. its brilliant at what it does.

but it must be understood that people who say that other daws are more nimble/less sluggish than rb...the other daws dont have the auto accompany feature which i suspect is not trivial such programming.

in conclusion i avidly use both reaps and rb, depending on my need for a feature as well as biab.
if anyone has seen my crazy songs in the showcase youll see in the description that on all of them i used the biab/rb/reaps combo. whether the songs are any good, i'll let others be the judge of that.

but those 3 products have been used now on 90 original songs, and its been a fun time useing all 3 over many years. note i would post more songs, but ive decided to trickle them out every few months as i'm sensitive to the fact that lots of my fellow users post songs.

and let me say ive heard songs on the showcase from my fellow users way better than what i often hear in the top 100. i think the showcase is a lovely friendly collegial forum. and kudos to pg for hosting it.

best to all, over and out, and whatever your tools...just go make some songs. i'll continue to use the biab/rb/reaps combo.

RealBand is like any other DAW in that it has advantages and disadvantages when compared to other DAWs. Some people love it and it is their only DAW. Some people only use it occasionally while some people hate it and don't use it at all.

My workflow is BiaB to my DAW Studio One Pro. I rarely use RB but that doesn't make RB a terrible DAW. It just means my workflow maybe different from yours. I also don't use any other DAW.

I have always said 'if you have a PC and don't already have a favorite DAW then learn and use RB'.

The bottom line is that no one can listen to a song and tell what DAW or DAWs were used.

Pipeline, is this still a valid website? My Norton antivirus is blocking access to it with the following warning:

This is a known dangerous webpage. It is highly recommended that you do NOT visit this page.

Can you advise.

Thanks Jeff
Originally Posted By: MountainSide
Pipeline, is this still a valid website? My Norton antivirus is blocking access to it with the following warning:

This is a known dangerous webpage. It is highly recommended that you do NOT visit this page.

Can you advise.

Thanks Jeff

I'm using Firefox and MS Security (Defender) and I have no problem with that site. You may be getting a false positive with Norton.

FYI - I quit using Norton years ago because of problems like this.
I usually laugh out loud when I read these type of posts and I wonder if it is just me.

To me RealBand serves as very useful purpose as a TOOL. Let me explain where I think it fits.

1.) RealBand will generate, ugh, Real Tracks. Last time I checked, Reaper and Cakewalk and Studio One do not do that. (I like the BIAB VST but I don't use it that much. It is cleaner for me to work in RealBand until my tracks are ready.)

2.) Real Band will open a BIAB file. Last time I checked, aforementioned DAWs will not.

3.) My workflow (if I use Real tracks) is normally this: BIAB basic file, open it up in RB, add extra tracks if I want, export .wavs, then import into Cakewalk.

4.) I LOVE recording audio in RB because it is so easy to edit, copy, paste, manipulate. Way easier than Cakewalk, to me. It records great audio. I MIX in Cakewalk. I RECORD in RB.

5.) Audio Chord Wizard works great for me in RB. The other day I recorded a pretty complicated Flamenco original in RB.

Then I turned on ACW and let it rip. It was pretty accurate. If you are analyze something you RECORD there at tempo it seems to be super accurate. But FIXES on the fly were super easy as I listened to the track and corrected a bar here and there in just seconds.

THEN I chose a backing Flamenco style. It synced up perfectly. Song is ready to mix.

I challenge anyone to try this in Pro Tools.


So, I see everything as just another tool. Good old Real Band will generate tracks and midi charts for those tracks for you. What's not to love???

Originally Posted By: MountainSide
Pipeline, is this still a valid website? My Norton antivirus is blocking access to it with the following warning:

This is a known dangerous webpage. It is highly recommended that you do NOT visit this page.

Can you advise.

Thanks Jeff

Originally Posted By: MarioD
I'm using Firefox and MS Security (Defender) and I have no problem with that site. You may be getting a false positive with Norton.

FYI - I quit using Norton years ago because of problems like this.

I stopped using Norton because it was like a virus itself taking over the computer.
The site has some flash videos that maybe sending Norton paranoid and having panic attacks .

It's kept active as there are a lot of UserTracks there, maybe I could just strip it down and have just the UserTracks there ? what do you guys think ??
Okay, if your intention was to cobble together a bunch or reasons to keep & promote REALBAND this wasn't clear in the title of OP of the thread.
David Snyder
interesting positive post.
i use rb very similar to yourself.
what processor are you useing with rb david ?

re "promote".
sigh, well no that wasnt my intention.

as there are so many threads centered on biab i felt it might be nice to have a discussion about rb, and what one can do with it. i was interested in all the ways people use rb.

ray, rb might not be for you. but obviously some of us like it, as you can see. as mario correctly pointed out each daw has its plusses and minuses.
in rb's case , its not just the accompany/gen features in the product, but also, there are lots of other features too.
i'm curious to see what the 2022 rb version brings.

what i find interesting ray , is that the big name daws
have had many many years to include sophisticated auto accompany features, but i dont see them doing it.
and i wonder why ? as musicians obviously like the features.

best to you both.
I understand your sigh BUT I reread the thread and, well, your intentions are less than consistently easy to grasp by the end. I won't quote you but the general line is "Look How Good RB IS?" with a response to comments of "This thread could put off a new RB user". How else am I to interpret these things?

You put your position, a good, valid, polymath, renaissance man one too. & I gave my reasons for being limitedly bicultural and the reasons I think PG persists with RB.

Big Name auto-accompaniment - well, the big ones are trying to sell themselves as the choice of SERIOUS recorders, and adopting MIDI plus VSTi is where they've taken it as far as replacing musicians while Garageband and a plethora of iPhone software instances have gobbled up the quick n easy song building/backing making world...hell, even BIAB went with a PEDAL for a bit. Different demographics/different market strategy, different cork sniffing.

jeez, i dont want to get into a brouhaha.
and i DO appreciate all your efforts in the user showcase.
as i said these forums are loaded with biab discussions.
cant we for once just discuss rb ? and how folks use it ?
maybe new pg users might find it of interest.

maybe its us users who started out on powertraks years ago before rb that take to rb. like rharv and myself. dunno.

i only wish you the best.
I think this may be the very last post I ever do on this topic, or others related to it.

I am left simply scratching my head because I truly do not understand the questions of the debate. And there are so many of them. Over and over.

It is all in front of your face.

This is what RealBand does that other DAWS do NOT do. All in ONE PLACE. Until you are ready to export. (And MIX the tracks in another DAW if that is what you want to do. Unless, of course, you want to play the cello yourself.)



Any composer I know, or songwriter, would take ONE look at this and go "Holy *()*)(*)*()."

You either see it or you don't.

HOWEVER, I do think PG Music should fix some little annoying things that have been mentioned for years, so there would be no need to leave the RB DAW unless you wanted to. Simple things, like saving VST settings reliably. It can't be that hard. But for track generation it is a goldmine so I am not complaining. That will be my view til Jesus comes back.

Peace out.

Attached picture Exhibit A1.jpg
Attached picture Exhibit B.jpg
Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
reasons for sluggishness might vary. i respectfully suggest that running rb on an optimised pc or one purpose built for recording studios that never sees the net , with high speed processors like ryzens/threadrippers rated on at 20,000 (and useing high speed nvme or m.2 ssd's) is going to be different probably than say a slow one drive laptop whose processor is rated on at 3,000.

The solution to sluggish performance is NOT "get a faster computer" when comparable DAWs do NOT suffer from the same sluggishness.
Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
the shame of it is that users new to pg seeing your posts now might not bother opening up rb.

Another shame would be if new users settled for RB as a DAW without trying more modern, feature-rich software. Really, my only suggestion is don't settle for the bundled free program that is not even offered for sale separately. Try out some DAWs and see which one works best for you.

Except for working with proprietary real tracks - none that I can see.
VST had taken a good step forward in the past 2 years, making RB near obsolete.

For a new user, I would suggest not even bother with it, and start learning BIAB and Plugin. Maybe I am wrong, but I am pretty sure most of new users will not use RB. To be on par with even free Cakewalk, RB needs thousands of hours in programming and testing.

Did I try it, yes, about half a dozen times or so. If it was me, I would stop of today and just keep it "alive" for those who are used to it and focus on fixing and consolidating items in BIAB, VST and of course producing amazing RTs. Why? because PGmusic is a smaller company and developer resources are limited.

I recognize that RB is a tool, and I deeply respect Peter G. for walking extra mile keeping long backers happy, but that is about the only positive things I can say about RB, besides that it is free... but so is Cakewalk.

P.S. Muso, having a fast PC will not solve issues with RB.

I guess I am not gone after all.

Ok--explain to me how you QUICKLY use the BIAB VST to add Real tracks BY MEASURE, stacked in a visual row like I have posted above, which is an Arrangement, if say you want an Arrangement that has 30 additional parts, of oh let's say, only four or five bars. I have heard some of your great stuff and I know you are arranging, not ripping off demos, so I can't believe you are saying this. You of all people! smile

Go ahead, I'm waiting....


OK, I see you are back. How was that? Fun??

So, what makes RealBand "obselete" now?

Did you just want to generate 5 tracks all of the same length and call it a day man?



Whew!!This is driving me NUTS y'all.
Originally Posted By: David Snyder
I think this may be the very last post I ever do on this topic, or others related to it.

Ha! Yeah sure. laugh
Originally Posted By: Rustyspoon#
For a new user, I would suggest not even bother with it, and start learning BIAB and Plugin. Maybe I am wrong, but I am pretty sure most of new users will not use RB. To be on par with even free Cakewalk, RB needs thousands of hours in programming and testing.

You are 100% correct!

about the only positive things I can say about RB, besides that it is free... but so is Cakewalk.

Remember, it is NOT free! You must buy at least the basic version of BIAB to get it. They don't sell it separately because, as a DAW without RealTracks, it could never compete with modern DAWs. And to be fair, it should not be expected to either! PGM, with limited resources, created it as a free add-on for BIAB. And for that purpose it is fine.

But every time someone tries to claim it is as feature-rich, functional and modern as other DAWs it requires that someone call that out as the gross exaggeration that it is. Sorry, not sorry!

I'm kind of with Misha on this one...... except I don't even use the plugin, just BIAB.

I get all the tracks exactly how I want them and export all MIDI/AUDIO to .MID and .WAV files and import into Pro Tools.

The export doesn't take any time and I really enjoy PT as my DAW.

I think it's mostly a matter of DAW comfort.

But Steve,

In this and related posts, people keep circling around and around and making uninformed statements that are simply not true and they are not addressing the real issue, which I have pointed out over and over.

If you are ARRANGING and you WANT MORE THAN FIVE TRACKS, then RealBand is a wonderful tool to select from thousands of instruments that you can place and stack in a visually pleasing environment with bars of only a few measures or so which is what an arrangement often IS. And you can do it and edit it FAST.

NOTHING and I mean NOTHING even comes close for using it for that purpose.

If someone WANTS to use it that way and is ARRANGING why does anyone else care??? Does no one realize what the capabilities are? How could you NOT know??? Is anyone actually USING this product? I have my doubts, sometimes, seriously.

I know there are people who just want to create some Christmas jingle midis in four tracks, but if you want numerous parts and RealBand works great for that, why trash it?

I would love to see a show of hands of people who have acquired a version of Band in a Box in the last 10 years and have mixed a song using Real Tracks in the last five.

That would answer a lot of my questions.
wow what did i
lets keep it friendly and collegial eh ?
i'm with david, i dont want pg to drop rb.

BTW there is a paid version of rb thats included free with biab. its powertraks that i started with many moons ago, and which i still consider one heck of a deal for the features it offers at such a low price. a steal imho.
it just dont have all the accompany features.

i agree with you. rb is a goldmine for genning not just traks but also song ideas.
in this and some following posts i'll delve into little ideas/triks in rb's useage.
(other users can add their own ideas.)

for example lets start off with the fact you dont necessarily need a chord sheet.
you might want to jam up some guitar ideas for example.
but it would be nice to have some nice drums wouldnt it ? to jam with ?
the following took me all of 4 minutes today. just experimenting.

1. i genned a funky real drum trak on one trak from lots of pg rd's available.
2. genned a midi trak , and then inserted one of computer music mags vsti drum sample/beat box like drum plug ins. the samples in the plug in reinforcing the funky RD trak to create added synergy.
so now i have 2 traks of drums.

then i was paging thru lots of presets in the cm mags drum plug in to see what i liked best.
any sample player plug in could be used of course. from simple to exotic. eg some of those plug in sample players
mentioned in the long contemporary thread with their data base of modern sounds.

anyhoo i got a funky groove going in 4 mins i could jam to. no chord sheet.
i sometimes do this as a way of nudging song ideas into my brain etc.
ive got more than a few song ideas this way.
i'll add more ideas of things to try in rb as my time allows. overall i would urge people, if not already done so to delve deeply into rb. theres lots of neat stuff/triks.


I have been through all this years n years ago.
It is good there is a choice Biab Realband BiabVST
I have said if RealBand was the only thing there is I would be able to use it.
The thing with RealBand you've never had this development
RealBand® 2021 - 59 of Your Problems Solved! the main focus has always been Biab.
You just drag audio to you DAW from VST... and it will line up very nicely. Use freehand or snap grid to do whatever you want with it. And it will "feel" and "look" much better than RB. String & anchors for volume / fx faders and gazillion of other DAW specific features that just work much, much better and more intuitively especially with VST loaded 30+ track projects.

I think the issue is, you do not realize how fast DAWS evolving compared to RB. If PGmusic had a small army of coders, like Big Boys, I would scream hard to bring it up to current standards. But crew is small and it seems not easy keeping checks on stuff that badly needs to be done. There are plenty of DAW alternatives, but none to BIAB and VST, I rather see team to give more love to the later two.

PS. I am not saying "TAKE RB AWAY FROM DAVID!". There is nothing wrong with keeping RB "alive" for those who need it, I just do not see the point of comparing "advantages" to "competitors" and using resources to aggressively develop it.

"I would love to see a show of hands of people who have acquired a version of Band in a Box in the last 10 years"

That is one strange statement... 10 years is a lot of years when it comes to software. For example, Cakewalk (after Bandlab bought it) put more effort in last 2 years, than it was done through most of time of Gibson ownership.

Since you like to type in Caps, I will echo your style.

Originally Posted By: David Snyder
If someone WANTS to use it that way and is ARRANGING why does anyone else care??? Does no one realize what the capabilities are? How could you NOT know??? Is anyone actually USING this product? I have my doubts, sometimes, seriously.

David, I have no issues whatsoever with people who use and produce great music with RB. Kudos to them!

I don't express my opinions on the tool itself very often because I had my 50-100 hours with it and don't like it, very frustrating. Compared to other DAWs it seems like a toy. During the times I have used it, it crashes, usually within 60 minutes of having it open. I have a powerful PC and no issues with the standard audio interfaces I've used in other DAWs. Most of the basic functions it has are not as easy to learn as other DAWs either. I was constantly going back to documentation for the easiest of tasks. For me, the old school BIAB is much better at the arranging part. So what if it's 5 tracks? I can still generate as many as I need in BIAB, it sometimes just takes more than one export to PT to do that, no biggie for me. It's just my preference not to use RB. I would rather use a tool that is easier to use for me.
Biab now has Utility tracks because users liked staying in Biab because it is quick to change and regenerate, in RealBand and the BiabVST this is more time consuming, with RealBand you have bbw2 running in the background to generate up tracks to RealBand's temp folder, this is the same as BiabVST has bbw4 running in the background working the same way with your DAW.

That is why I'm pressing hard for Instant Generate and Play Direct in the BiabVST,
I don't think users understand what this is all about and what it will mean ! maybe down the track when they are using it and it's common place "oh yes now I see what pipeline was going on about".
If this was done in RealBand in the past with non destructive audio editing, Realband would of been a whole new ball game by now.
As I said what you guys are all talking about now I have been through on both sides of for years n years.
please could you clarify one thing up thread for me.

are you saying a user cant do those 59 items currently
in rb that you mentioned up thread ?

maybe its psychological but i find useing the plug in vst in bb i feel hemmed in sometimes. also sometimes i want to do something and the plug in wont let me do it.
for example i like the standalone plug in but it dont have vols and pans.

whereas when i move to rb i dont feel hemmed in and i can do such things as compiling a final trak from a number of
genned takes of an rt . cos ive got 48 traks to experiment in rb and try various arrangement ideas.
i like the flexibility of the large no of traks.

and, even wackier i could mix the 48 down to stereo and reimport into rb and do/gen a ton of further traks.
for example if i wanted to build a huge orchestra all built by genned midi traks plus useing orchestra plug ins. i guess i like the flexibility .

Through the years I've made various attempts to use RB.

I've always found it sluggish and prone to crashing. That makes it a non-starter for me.

If it works for you - more power to you! laugh

Well, guys, I guess I am the odd man out.

I LOVE RealBand! I wish they would fix the VST save issue, which is highly annoying, but other than that I love it. I mix in Cakewalk with about 897 VSTs last time I counted but I record in RB, as I said. To each his own it looks like.

I can see I am all alone though (except for Muso) so I will let this go!!!!

Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
please could you clarify one thing up thread for me.

are you saying a user cant do those 59 items currently
in rb that you mentioned up thread ?
That is a Biab Ad, it just shows the energy going into BB more so than RB.

maybe its psychological but i find useing the plug in vst in bb i feel hemmed in sometimes. also sometimes i want to do something and the plug in wont let me do it.
for example i like the standalone plug in but it dont have vols and pans.

It has Vols now after a huge fight to get them, still trying for Pans !

whereas when i move to rb i dont feel hemmed in and i can do such things as compiling a final trak from a number of
genned takes of an rt . cos ive got 48 traks to experiment in rb and try various arrangement ideas.
i like the flexibility of the large no of traks.

You can add just 3 BiabVST's in RB and get an extra 75 tracks.

and, even wackier i could mix the 48 down to stereo and reimport into rb and do/gen a ton of further traks.
for example if i wanted to build a huge orchestra all built by genned midi traks plus useing orchestra plug ins. i guess i like the flexibility .
The idea behind RB is great !!!, could it be better ? for sure. Say if you moved the generate code into a NEW DAW without using bbw2.exe running in the background so it generates up the tracks instantly playing them as DAW's do direct from the original files non destructivly, wouldn't that be better ?
I can generate up the RealDrums from reading their txt files straight into Reaper, if I went through all the RealTracks and chorded them out I could do the same with them, but I shouldn't have to do that cause that's why I pushing for the
Instant Gen Play Direct !!!!!!

This is destructive editing and non destructive editing:

Full Screen

Attached File
Rea-RB-Edit.gif  (563 downloads)
Well, JAOM,
You may see that I'm not on my Pat Malone in my interpretation of your intention.
There's no brouhaha and, for my part, no interest in advancing the matter into one.


Reread and reflect on your posts and responses - I've done so with mine. No gripe or grievance - I offered a response to your O.P. based on the thread title and, later, to your thoughts on mine. You like it, I don't. You want more and I'm can see how & why PG continue with it. No opposition, I've barely a position.

David's been sparked into a justification of his workflow and a challenge to others that is, honestly, pointless in terms of their workflow and the high likelihood no one in the thread wants to spend the time doing so.
Good on you for using RB to do what you do David. I sincerely suggest you make a video, not unlike Floyd's Birth of a Song, showing the Snyder method and its advantages for those interested/new/keen on seeing details of your process based on their listening. You've plenty of admirers so I'd venture that it'd be worthwhile.

From my perspective it's a solid piece of legacy software that isn't as buggy as the main program, (largely becasue it's not perpetually being updated without being fully upgraded). Let's face it, if PG Music REALLY thought there was value in ramping up interest in RB they'd have done it/be doing it.

Perhaps a super thread with lots of "stickies" - "RealBand for Newbies" or "Taking BIAB to the Next Level with Ultra Compatible RB".

Some folk like RD and other don't.
Some folk have spent time with RB and like it or don't while others haven't found it sufficiently interesting to delve deeper into to find out.

Hey, I actually LIKE, & regularly drink, instant coffee.
thanks for your comments mate.

thanks for the reply/clarifications. thats a very neat trick for expanding trak count by useing bb as a plug in. i hope some new users see that idea. great idea.
re destructive/non. if i'm gonna do a hard change on a trak, what i do sometimes if a critical trak is save a back up before i changed it. i save to *.seq often also anyways.
i'm back up crazy. lol. nice graphics btw.

lets consider another way of working //more ideas.
my objective in this thread is to show that with rb actually one can do some really neat things.
ie focusing on the positive aspects of rb.
(but my time is limited as i'm creating songs too. so i apologise if i dont get back to it to post more ideas//triks for a day or so sometimes.
perhaps , if some would be good enough... instead of posting in general terms that you dont like rb , start your own thread on neat things you do with your gear.)

the first objective imho when i'm starting a song is getting the arrange right.
but i suspect some people go all gung ho on genning realtraks right off the bat. its just human nature.
or go to n from biab //importing bb chord sheet into rb // changeing the chord sheet and genning audio rt's.

so those waveform draws get a tad tedious after a bit while one is still sorting out chord arrangements etc.
particularly if genning a number of rt's at a time as i said earlier.

so heres another suggestion. stay all midi in rb till the chord arrange is down and finalised.
and your certain its a keeper. try starting off the chord sheet in rb like i did other day.
the other day i found i worked very fast this way in rb.
for me the arrange and trying different chord shapes etc etc takes a time anyways.

i'm typically playing back the rb chord sheet , jotting down more lyric ideas , and singing along with it, and altering chords and lyrics etc, and trying to find progressions that i like //progression hooks etc.
(you know those hooky chord structures we search for to make a song interesting. where we go "yeah".)

the advantage is, on my pc anyway , i right clik over a blank trak in rb and the midi trak gen is instantaneous
compared to a audio gen from a real trak that takes a few secs/waveform draw.

i REALLY LIKE the right clik over trak in rb for genning traks, cos i can work fast trying different chord arrangements etc etc. like tother day.

in summary i start a song chord sheet sometimes in rb flushing out and finalising the chord arrange, all the time right cliking over traks to gen midi traks. i cant emphasise enough how much i like the right clik over
a trak to gen. it lets me work very fast compared to other approaches. and ive got SO MANY TRAKS i dont feel hemmed in like when i'm useing the vst plug in version. but maybe i'm
more next time.

Originally Posted By: David Snyder

Well, guys, I guess I am the odd man out.

I LOVE RealBand! I wish they would fix the VST save issue, which is highly annoying, but other than that I love it. I mix in Cakewalk with about 897 VSTs last time I counted but I record in RB, as I said. To each his own it looks like.

I can see I am all alone though (except for Muso) so I will let this go!!!!


Not at all David. Listen to this example of an original production mostly 'arranged' with RealBand from a few ago.
Like you, this BIAB artist (Joesarahh) loves RB and understands the advantages it has over its competition...

The Young British Soldier Forum Post
kudos for linking to that.
only 4 words for it. (i was born in uk)
Great example, Charlie.

This is an ARRANGEMENT. Sorry for all caps, but that is what Real Band does. It helps you instantly and visually ARRANGE.

Loved how he did this. Thanks for sharing.

I wish more of the forum posts, threads and discussions talked about and shared COMPOSITIONAL secrets and tips from active users of all the products, RealBand, BIAB, VST, whatever.

As a metaphor, I have a LOT of instruments but I don't play the same one every time. That would be stupid. RealBand is one such instrument.

To me, an overwhelming number of posts go on like, "I have 21 Tigabytes of RAM now in Windows 15, running a super-quad, water-cooled, AMD flexchip with the latest installation of Imitation Guitar Box 12."


And stuff.

But a typical great song is usually a stack of very carefully chosen tracks, meticulously arranged bar by bar.

Any tips on how to do that better??????

Hello, hello?? Anybody home???

Originally Posted By: David Snyder


I wish more of the forum posts, threads and discussions talked about and shared COMPOSITIONAL secrets and tips from active users of all the products, RealBand, BIAB, VST, whatever.

But a typical great song is usually a stack of very carefully chosen tracks, meticulously arranged bar by bar.

Any tips on how to do that better??????

Hello, hello?? Anybody home???


David, a compositional tips is a great idea for a new forum. Post it in the wishlist forum and you will get a +1 from me.

PS - Discussing what is the best DAW is like discussing what is the best car. Everyone has their own opinion. Either you agree with them or you do not. IMHO the best DAW is the one you use regardless of the brand name. YMMV

I know this sounds CRAZY, but when I got my first starter copy of Band in a Box in 2014 (and boy was I overwhelmed with those 26 real tracks) I thought that COMPOSITION was the name of the game.

I did not yet realize (in my ignorance) that is was all about the 21 Tigabytes of RAM in Windows 15, running a super-quad, water-cooled, AMD flexchip with the latest installation of Imitation Guitar Box 12.

Are you sayin' that it still IS about writing a song people would actually want to listen to?

Just give it to me straight man.

I can handle the truth.
Me <----- ten foot pole -----> this thread

/felt like I had to chime in
// I couldn't care less if you use it or not in your workflow, I just try to help those who do

Mario I started a new thread....
Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn
The solution to sluggish performance is NOT "get a faster computer" when comparable DAWs do NOT suffer from the same sluggishness.

In my time working here, the only times I've ever heard complaints of sluggishness in RealBand were the result of the hardware. Computers with Celeron or Intel Atom CPU's and only 1gb of ram technically meet the minimum requirements for BIAB and RealBand, however they're not really up to the task, especially once you start adding plugins to the mix.

That said, RealBand works great on my low end 2012 desktop - it has a CPU rating of 4760. I've also had success using it on an "ultra-thin" laptop that I got for free out of a junk bin, which had a super low powered CPU rated at a mere 1795 (this is a sub-ghz chip!), and for a handful of tracks and lightweight plugins it was fine - not that I'd recommend that particular CPU for people who want to do music production.

On these older slower systems, other DAWs aren't nearly as quick for me, with the possible exception of Reaper considering it's so lightweight - but it still doesn't generate Realtracks and I personally find the workflow for arranging to be slower, which is nothing to do with how quickly the software moves and everything to do with how quickly I move.

Originally Posted By: David Snyder

Don't worry, we like RealBand.

Originally Posted By: David Snyder
As a metaphor, I have a LOT of instruments but I don't play the same one every time. That would be stupid. RealBand is one such instrument.

Exactly! RealBand is not the only DAW I use (I probably use more of them than most people due to my work here), but what it does is unique, so it remains part of my toolkit. Whatever floats your goat though - if you prefer to use Studio One, or Pro Tools, or Logic, or whatever, we're not forcing you to change - that's exactly why we created the DAW plugin, so that you can add to your existing workflow rather than trying to replace your workflow.

Originally Posted By: David Snyder
To me, an overwhelming number of posts go on like, "I have 21 Tigabytes of RAM now in Windows 15, running a super-quad, water-cooled, AMD flexchip with the latest installation of Imitation Guitar Box 12."

So I guess you don't want to hear about my new 8-core 16-thread 5ghz i9 build with 64gb of ram eh?
Click to reveal..
It has SO many jiggawatts, I can't even


Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man, see my PM...
I love these posts! I always get some new ideas.
I used Real Band at first. but could not get 3rd party plug ins to work and it would randomly crash. I think it might be a 32 bit thing the the file size gets huuuuuge.
Then heard about Reaper. It had better (for me any way) instructional videos. The series "how to record your Band" got me going.

So right now I make tracks in BB then export.
When I need some more instruments I open BB again and then export more tracks.

I have the BB vst loaded in Reaper but I only use it their for the track settings and following the chords when I play along.
I don't like the way the BB vst needs to generate a set of tracks to your temp folder that you have to go and clean out.

But... this is a bit of a slow way to arrange.

So...I think I'll try testing out
thanks for your hardware comment, and the fact rb will carry on as a product.
i use vsti plug ins in both reaps and rb.
i would suggest you contact pg support , and detail the plug ins your trying to use in rb plus your computer configuration. i would be surprised if they couldnt help you.
best to you marty.

this next trik/idea is for people new to rb.
one of the neat things i like about rb is DRUM FILL GENERATION. its so neat to do in rb.

all included FREE ! and cos there is so much trak flexibility rb has certain advantages over other methods with its large no of 48 traks.
i mean you could go bat crazy with drum traks and generating fills for same out your ying yangs.
and drum trak comping from different traks etc.

in the past in big studios i would have had to hire a session drum player. and they were very very good.
but not a lot of us can afford that. neither can i (and many others ) afford to spend large on big drum sample libraries and vsti plug ins. i have other family responsibilities.

meanwhile pg is kind enough to provide us with a nice big real drums library.
i'll now summarise genning drum fills. the steps.
1. open up chord view and experiment with various combos of k.d.
(k = song key ) you could fill every bar with k.d eg k.d,k.d etc etc, the whole chord sheet....
or just here and there. k.d indicates to play only drums.
2. then experiment with different combos on the chord sheet of shots and pushes in combination with different part marker breaks etc etc. you have to generate of course the fills like you do a regular drum trak from the huge pg real drum library.
(read the manual for more detailed info.)
3. this is really important..IF YOU WANT OODLES OF FILLS INSTEAD OF THE OCCASIONAL FILL, PUT A PART MARKER AT BEGIN OF EVERY BAR eg green or blue. i was doing this this morning to gen a funky urban more modern drum trak
with fills. in fact further , you could build a whole library of drum fills. midi and/or audio if you wished.
4. you could gen lots of drum and fill traks on different traks and then comp the ones you like for a final great drum trak if you wish.
you could mix various perc and regular rd styles together. maybe mix latin with rock for example.
and IF THAT ISNT ENOUGH , remember those old drum machine hardware sounds from years back ?

tother day i used a free plug in of such from the computer music mag suite of plug ins called cm 505 drum
vsti plug in. clacks and chirps and kiks n old skool sounds etc, and generated a trak of that.
then i experimented with "dune" a fab synth with oodles of sounds included free in the computer music mag collection of 80 plug ins.
(note pipeline i think the on line cm mag only costs 5 buks ? once a year i pay 20 buks for the paper mag. cheap considering what i get .)

what i mean to say is useing rb it opens up a huge vista of possibilities/flexibility. for drum comping includeing useing plug ins AND..
4. there are different views in rb for moving around all the genned fills etc. both audio and midi.

for example say you like a fill at bar 5 , but not bar 43. no problem. good old copy and paste.
space limits me. but i really dig the flexibility rb gives me in comping drum traks n fills.
(i would urge the new user to read the manual and go through all the different rb "views" and "windows".
they all are very usefull in moving bits of audio and midi around till you get what you like.).

as you can see, and as david noted correctly , rb is just great for song arrangeing and composition, and testing out lots of different arrangements. let me finish by saying , lets say, for example your really happy with a song arrange, but you want to experiment further. no problem , save as eg arrangeone.seq. while working on arrangetwo.seq.
and experiment away in arrangetwo.seq

i'm done for now /hth/ymmv/till next time and happiness to all...vivre le
ps other day i slowed down a drum trak , and i was able to isolate a sample of a rd single hit i really liked.
pps. forgot to mention. in rb you could do a minute of a drum solo if you wanted like a live drummer might
at a live show if you arrange it right.

Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
tother day i used a free plug in of such from the computer music mag suite of plug ins called cm 505 drum
vsti plug in. clacks and chirps and kiks n old skool sounds etc, and generated a trak of that.

I have a pair of TR505s. Mid 80s poor cousin to the 808.
Fabulous for its time (though some say otherwise) though the tempo would drift ever so slightly.
Our old TR-626 still works, but the GM sound set pretty much covers the 808 era sounds

/I just saw what the 626's are selling for! Wow
Originally Posted By: David Snyder
I usually laugh out loud when I read these type of posts and I wonder if it is just me.

To me RealBand serves as very useful purpose as a TOOL. Let me explain where I think it fits.

1.) RealBand will generate, ugh, Real Tracks. Last time I checked, Reaper and Cakewalk and Studio One do not do that. (I like the BIAB VST but I don't use it that much. It is cleaner for me to work in RealBand until my tracks are ready.)

2.) Real Band will open a BIAB file. Last time I checked, aforementioned DAWs will not.

3.) My workflow (if I use Real tracks) is normally this: BIAB basic file, open it up in RB, add extra tracks if I want, export .wavs, then import into Cakewalk.

4.) I LOVE recording audio in RB because it is so easy to edit, copy, paste, manipulate. Way easier than Cakewalk, to me. It records great audio. I MIX in Cakewalk. I RECORD in RB.

5.) Audio Chord Wizard works great for me in RB. The other day I recorded a pretty complicated Flamenco original in RB.

Then I turned on ACW and let it rip. It was pretty accurate. If you are analyze something you RECORD there at tempo it seems to be super accurate. But FIXES on the fly were super easy as I listened to the track and corrected a bar here and there in just seconds.

THEN I chose a backing Flamenco style. It synced up perfectly. Song is ready to mix.

I challenge anyone to try this in Pro Tools.


So, I see everything as just another tool. Good old Real Band will generate tracks and midi charts for those tracks for you. What's not to love???


I'm with you on 1,2,3.

4 & 5... not so much.

I've used Sonar so long that it's second nature to record anything in it. Regarding ACW..... it's amazing what that thing does. However, it's not foolproof. Ive had a few projects that were easier to simply type in the chords myself.

For making my backing tracks on the songs I write and having them sound professional and not midi/mechanical, nothing beats using RB to generate those tracks. NOTHING.
A lot of limitations in RealBand can be remedied with a few add-ons.

KV Element allows chaining midi vsti, using Vst3, plugins that won't work in RealBand normally, advanced routing, allows all vst windows to be opened at the same time...

12 Channel Mixer

reastream.dll VST from will give you midi&audio sends/receives and allows track FX changes,
see video: RB-FX-Sends.mp4 a fader can be added in front of the FX chain to give master volume.
*Note to use a track as a receive put an empty clip on the track or a small 1 bar empty audio clip at the end of the track this will activate the FX.
Fader VSTs
It's all about the habits of our work when we create and RealBand is an integral part of my work, although I also use DAW (Studio One) and other music applications (eg RX9 from iZotope), I work with Realtrack with the modem "Also Generate RealChart" and also with Midi SuperTrack and I also use MultiRiff, so far I haven't worked only with the Band-in-a-Box VST DAW Plugin, because I'm used to creating tracks in RealBand and my habit is connected and strongly inspired. However, a user who uses his DAW and uses the Band-in-a-Box VST DAW Plugin can also have an inspirational connection. However, it doesn't have one thing (at least in the BIAB application) I didn't find it. And this is the function "Split midi drums ...", because I like to mix drums separately and if I use, for example, Contact with instruments "DSK MUSIC HQ Instruments" it will make my work easier. In RealBand, I set in Preferences that I don't want RealDrums for this case, that I want Midi. There are a lot of other tasks where I don't even realize how important RealBand is to me. I have had a band-in-a-box since 2005 and with the arrival of RealBand, which came later, I started to work better.
Well said Gause
There are lots of gems in RB that make it the logical next step when going from BiaB to any DAW (ne it RB, Reaper, Sonar or whatever).
nice to hear other people like rb as i do.
i was beginning to doubt my sanity. lmao.
briefly i typically do a song as follows.
1. finish chord layout/sheet.
2. go through zillions of styles noting down the rt
id's etc i like for the song. i normally end up with
30 to 50 i like.
3. right cliking over traks in rb //genning traks based on my shortlist of rt's//midi supertraks//other midis.
4. if i want fx on a trak i plug in a dx pg for roughing
things out without hard printing....the old trik is to
dupe a trak, so one trak is dry and second has the fx on.

and that normally gets me started on a song.
and building the sound picture i'm always hunting for.
i like bars view a lot for manipulating midi n audio bits.

Now that it's 64bit there are many things that can be done to modern it up, BUT I don't know how enthusiastic they are to improve it, or is it just what it is and that's it, take it or leave it ? Jeff could be over in Hawaii these days just taking it easy or helping with Biab ?? Did the RealDrumsCharts get put in yet ?

When you save it seems to have to write all the wav files again, if it just imported the wav files into an associated folder to the project file and used non destructive editing.
This will make moving, cutting, copying, fading, crossfading, volume etc.. a breeze.

They had destructive editing from back in the 90's when you had to process the wav offline because there was not enough processing power to process in realtime.

When I vertical scroll the tracks there is a delay and it keeps scrolling after you have stopped the mouse wheel, should be nice smooth and responsive. As I scroll this webpage it's smooth and responsive.

So do you think it's something that's worth improving or just make do with it as it is ???

Attached File
RB-Scroll2.gif  (294 downloads)
Maybe have the windows floatable outside of the main window like you can with Biab rather than staying in the confines of the main RB window:

Attached picture RB-Floating-Windows.png
Like this:

Attached File
RB-Floating-Windows2.png  (288 downloads)
And with non destructive editing, if you copy or cut a section it won't create a new wav file to build the size of the SEQ up, it will just reference the original wav file start and end points in the wav, this way the section I cut can be resized out to the same size if need be by dragging the ends. If I copy the track 100 times the SEQ file folder will still be the same size there won't be any extra files created.

If you want new users to come to RB then I think this is a good idea to modernize it. These are things that put me off using it rather than another DAW.
The Instant Gen/Play that I talk about in the BiabVST Plugin can also be done in RealBand especially !!
RealBand will tell bbw2 hey I need these chords for this RT,
it will randomly choose the chord sections from the RT files,
but rather than then generating those sections to RAM then rendering them to more wavs it just tells RB what section to playback direct from the source RT files. The RT files don't need to be copied to the SEQ folder as they are a permanent location reference.

Sure, it would need a re-write to compete with modern DAWs, but what needs to be done to RB that will make you use it more ???

Attached picture RB-Non-Destruct-Edit2.gif
With the vertical track scrolling I move the mouse wheel up/down a few times then go and get a cup of coffee when I come back it's still going up and down by it's self with the cpu usage on 95%.
Do you need to have all 48 tracks in there when you don't use them ?
maybe if you have an Add Track, Delete Track so you don't need it to scroll so many tracks and all the track bmp images, maybe do away with the bmp track images ?
Be able to drag a track up/down to change it's position.

I have the same issue with the scroll and have mentioned it to Jeff.
I think the Save takes longer mainly because RB also makes a backup of the previous version, and THEN writes the new SEQ file, which a lot of DAWs don't do (at least in the way RB does).
So that may explain the longer save time anyway.
I do like a lot of the suggestions you've made above Pipeline, FWIW
I think RealBand still has a place in my heart, I think Jeff may be a bit worn out from it and not young and enthusiastic anymore like I got from it frown
Yes you are right there about the backups that would be it.
That's the thing as it's using destructive editing it needs to make hard copies that can build up to a huge amount of hard drive space.
Where as non destructive editing uses and keeps the original files intact.
This is Reaper's file size as it's all reference data:

Attached picture Reaper-bak.png
what irks me frankly is, i put a lot of thought into
posting rb wishes, without even one being implemented.
i mean that wonderfull enhanced bars view graphic you did for me being one example. further it amazes me also that my fellow rb users dont support the need for it.

for readers not up on what i'm talking about see my thread aimed at jeff 'please sir can i have more bars view'. i feel like oliver in the film of the same name.

what further irks me is , realband could be really fab with some small targeted features.
maybe its that lots of pg users dont care cos they have used another daw for ages, and dont want to learn a new one like rb. dunno. least some mac users realise rb's value as a daw. otherwise wouldnt be asking for a mac version.

Originally Posted By: Pipeline
With the vertical track scrolling I move the mouse wheel up/down a few times then go and get a cup of coffee when I come back it's still going up and down by it's self with the cpu usage on 95%.
Do you need to have all 48 tracks in there when you don't use them ?
maybe if you have an Add Track, Delete Track so you don't need it to scroll so many tracks and all the track bmp images, maybe do away with the bmp track images ?
Be able to drag a track up/down to change it's position.

Same issue here. In 2021, when software performs this poorly, I simply delete it without further consideration (and I suspect most new users have the same reaction.)
" i feel like oliver in the film of the same name."
LOL that's what I used to say !

RB wasn't popular like Biab because Biab generated the tracks quickly and RB is slow like the BiabVST as it uses the same method.
IF..,IF it had the Instant Gen/Play how I described above it would be a whole new ball game and more popular no waiting and loosing that moment of creativity through frustration ! and I think also if the tracks window was rehashed to work smoothly without all the bmp's with unused tracks and use non destructive editing, it would have to be a game changer !! but as I said Jeff could very well be laying on that warm beach in Hawaii right now and who could blame him.
Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
at least some mac users realise rb's value as a daw. otherwise wouldnt be asking for a mac version.

It's the famous Crapple O.S. F.O.M.O.,is all.
Does the color theme match ?
Full Screen

Attached picture Reaper-Tracks-RB2.gif
These are the destructive FX that will change the audio for good, these can be all applied as non destructive realtime FX, this way you can modify them at any time you like and it will leave the original wav file intact, they are applied during playback and render. No wav's files need to be written as back up, just the project file. Fade In Fade Out Gain Pitch Shift that can all be done directly on the audio item. When it's playing back the RT/RD files direct from source it will use dllelastiquePro.dll this will pitch shift or tempo stretch any of the source files in realtime playback.
So it's not creating any new wav files, you down mix your song direct to stereo wav mp3 etc..
Only if you drag render export any track it will do the same and render all the realtrack section of the source files together into a new wav.

Attached picture RB-Destructive-FX-Processing.png
This shows the RealTrack source file that's being played,
it shows the position and length on the track,
It shows the start position of the chord in the source RealTrack file,
it shows any playback rate or pitch adjustment.

Attached picture RealTrack-Source-File.png
Here's the realtime elastique pitch and stretch

Attached picture Elastique-Pitch-Stretch.png
Here's a demo of how the Play Direct works.
The Chords Playlist.m3u is in the mp3 folder, you can drag it into Notepad to read.
The media player plays the section back the same way RB will just by reading the text playlist but will play those section's from the time position start within the RT files. Giving you Instant Gen/Play in RealBand.
remove .mp4

You can drag the items in the playlist up/down to rearrange.
Strum E.mp3
Strum D.mp3
Strum D.mp3
Strum F#m.mp3
Strum F#m.mp3
Strum A.mp3
Strum Bm.mp3
Strum F#m.mp3
Strum F#m.mp3
Strum A.mp3
Strum A.mp3
Strum E.mp3
Strum E.mp3
Strum Bm.mp3
Strum Bm.mp3
Strum A.mp3
Strum E.mp3
Strum D.mp3
Strum A.mp3
Strum Bm.mp3
Strum D.mp3

I tried taking some of the track bmp images out but there are so many of them.
If you can get rid of all the bpm's as they look like ones from the DOS days, it may work soother.

1. in both reaps and rb i use vst and vsti plug ins non destruct. plus i'll use the pg dx plugs and reaps js etc
(pity i cant use js in other daws. only reaplugs.)
plus the computer music mag collection i have.
80 free fx plus instrument plug ins.
i got enough plug ins. and i believe useing plugs sparsely. not useing 50 plugs in a song.
i might export some genned rt's eg solos from rb into my fav trick...a reaps folder on seperate traks within the reaps folder. then on the top folder trak maybe a plug in. i truly believe if you feel you cant do a great song
with pg's dx plugs plus reaps reaplugs collection
and js collection, should re-evaluate your song approach. i feel many people go too hog wild on plug ins.
2. just yesterday i was useing both rb and reaps to do a new song. sometimes i go from reaps into rb.
eg rough out a song to a clik in reaps. do a stereo mix i import into rb...then useing the bb or rb chord sheet as a base, start gernning midi and audio traks.
i dont look at it as rb vs reaps, but useing the featurers i like in each.

what i find HIGHLY AMUSEING is folks quoting reaps at me
lol...possibly not realising i was one of an early tranche of reaps users at v0.99 ....feeding back all sorts of feature ideas ealy on, that reaps users enjoy today.
in summary there are things i love bout reaps, but there are also things i love bout rb TOO.

ps pipeline, that sandboxie idea is kinda cute...
as well as running powertraks with rb for a second instance. if i get time i'll pull up my old ptraks and see if it runs at same time as rb. which brings up an interesting point...running rb as a plug in , in

in conclusion pipe i dont think its reaps vs rb, but availing oneself of the features of each.
to quote a big old studio bloke who taught me a lot...
'i use all available tools in a studio at my disposal,...
to do the best for the song'.

hey pipe , lol...heres a challenge ! find a way for me to use reaps built in js plugs in rb.

greatest respect.
i use minimal plugs old muso
If they implemented the above suggestion in RB I would be using it over Reaper, as it's all doable and needs updating from 90's thinking now that it's 64bit, don't you think ?
You would then not get users coming here with negative feedback.
We can learn from Reaper that RB CAN be improved, it's all entirety possible !
No one has promoted RealBand over the years more than me, It is very difficult to get features and improvements implemented (It's that very issue that drove me to Reaper and ReaTrak scripting, and the same reason the BiabVST come about) BECAUSE Biab generates RealTracks quicker so it's more popular and the energy don't go into RealBand, BUT having the Instant Gen/Play and non destructive editing....... smile smile smile smile

ReaPlugs reajs.dll

Attached picture RB-reajs.dll.png
I'm another one who uses RB all the time for the reasons described above. I think the comments from the few in this thread who thinks it's crap is based on the fact they never used it enough to get familiar with it. The common refrain I've heard from people who say that boils down to crashes and sugglishness. Many times over the years I've challenged them to post examples of these issues and treat them like a beta test. If there's a crash, document exactly what you were doing when the crash occured and then post it so we can test it and fix it. What was the response? Crickets. I pushed and pushed and never got them to post anything. This goes back over 10 years now.

Saying RB is sluggish is more difficult because what exactly is sluggishness? Again I had asked people to at least describe what exactly happened. In detail. Again I got nothing in response. IMHO if all you're doing is trashing the program with these comments without trying to be helpful by posting whatever problem your having so we can try to fix it, that makes you nothing but a troll.

One point that was made earlier is the crashing every 60 minutes thing. That's true and I've posted about that many times. If I'm doing a lot of midi editing in the piano roll window or audio editing in that window and it goes on for 45 minutes to an hour the program will start doing strange random things and eventually it will lock up and you're forced to do a hard close and reopen. You could lose what you hadn't already saved because a forced close doesn't give you the opportunity to do a save.

The solution I figured out is to recognize that issue and do normal close/reopen before it locks up and it's good for another hour or so. An example of that is if I'm doing midi edits and it's going great but suddenly I'll move a section of midi notes but they don't paste correctly or some notes changed. I'll see that, look at my watch and go oh yeah, it's been almost an hour so I'll save, close and reopen. Should I have to do that? No. That is a glitch with the program and it is reproducible but the problem is a developer has to spend that time with edits before it shows up and I'm assuming they don't have the time for that.

One possible cause of people thinking RB is sluggish is years ago I was using the old Adobe Audition for audio editing. It was great and very fast. But it did something at the end when you went to save your project and move on to something else. It did a "flushing temp files" thing with questions about if I wanted to keep them or not. This went on for 15 to 20 minutes in some cases. RB doesn't do that but the audio edits are not as fast as Audition was.

I surmised the reason was RB was creating and deleting temp files in real time as you're doing the edits while Audition was letting those temp files just pile up in the temp directory thus making the edits seem almost instant but then you had to go through this long delete process after you're done with it. That could be the reason RB seems sluggish with edits. It's a case of "pay me now or pay me later" sort of thing. Or, this could have nothing to do with anything, I'm not a programmer.

Pipeline, I really like some of your suggestions and appreciate your continued efforts with them. I agree most of these things look like they should be fairly easy to implement and it's the reason I said when the VST was first created they should have put all that effort into updating RB instead of creating that stupid thing. When the VST first came out it was a dogs breakfast and stayed that way for two years.

like Bob above I use RB quite happily. as i've said before i've never come cross anything i can't do (except use vst3 plugins and some izotope plugins but pipeline has sorted that for me!).

whenever i come across a new problem, its usually solvable by reading the manual, experimenting hands on or asking on the forum.

and i've never found it crashes and now on the new improved pc its a lot faster.

i just wonder how many people have never tried it. and that's a shame.
Originally Posted By: jazzmammal

One point that was made earlier is the crashing every 60 minutes thing. That's true and I've posted about that many times...the program will start doing strange random things and eventually it will lock up and you're forced to do a hard close and reopen. You could lose what you hadn't already saved because a forced close doesn't give you the opportunity to do a save.
The solution I figured out is to recognize that issue and do normal close/reopen before it locks up and it's good for another hour or so. ... look at my watch and go oh yeah, it's been almost an hour so I'll save, close and reopen. Should I have to do that? No. That is a glitch with the program and it is reproducible but the problem is a developer has to spend that time with edits before it shows up and I'm assuming they don't have the time for that.

This is something I didn't know about and, frankly, it's unacceptable. Not in terms of convenience but in terms of workflow, potential loss of work etc. At the very least there ought to have been written into it a progressive, automatic background save function.
you've explained a lot about what is good with RB but the above glitch, and the failure to address it, would be a deal breaker for almost anyone coming to the program for the 1st time.
Your praise is damning indeed.
Originally Posted By: jazzmammal
I'm another one who uses RB all the time for the reasons described above. I think the comments from the few in this thread who thinks it's crap is based on the fact they never used it enough to get familiar with it. The common refrain I've heard from people who say that boils down to crashes and sugglishness. Many times over the years I've challenged them to post examples of these issues and treat them like a beta test. If there's a crash, document exactly what you were doing when the crash occured and then post it so we can test it and fix it. What was the response? Crickets. I pushed and pushed and never got them to post anything. This goes back over 10 years now.

Saying RB is sluggish is more difficult because what exactly is sluggishness? Again I had asked people to at least describe what exactly happened. In detail. Again I got nothing in response. IMHO if all you're doing is trashing the program with these comments without trying to be helpful by posting whatever problem your having so we can try to fix it, that makes you nothing but a troll.

One point that was made earlier is the crashing every 60 minutes thing. That's true and I've posted about that many times. If I'm doing a lot of midi editing in the piano roll window or audio editing in that window and it goes on for 45 minutes to an hour the program will start doing strange random things and eventually it will lock up and you're forced to do a hard close and reopen. You could lose what you hadn't already saved because a forced close doesn't give you the opportunity to do a save.

The solution I figured out is to recognize that issue and do normal close/reopen before it locks up and it's good for another hour or so. An example of that is if I'm doing midi edits and it's going great but suddenly I'll move a section of midi notes but they don't paste correctly or some notes changed. I'll see that, look at my watch and go oh yeah, it's been almost an hour so I'll save, close and reopen. Should I have to do that? No. That is a glitch with the program and it is reproducible but the problem is a developer has to spend that time with edits before it shows up and I'm assuming they don't have the time for that.

One possible cause of people thinking RB is sluggish is years ago I was using the old Adobe Audition for audio editing. It was great and very fast. But it did something at the end when you went to save your project and move on to something else. It did a "flushing temp files" thing with questions about if I wanted to keep them or not. This went on for 15 to 20 minutes in some cases. RB doesn't do that but the audio edits are not as fast as Audition was.

I surmised the reason was RB was creating and deleting temp files in real time as you're doing the edits while Audition was letting those temp files just pile up in the temp directory thus making the edits seem almost instant but then you had to go through this long delete process after you're done with it. That could be the reason RB seems sluggish with edits. It's a case of "pay me now or pay me later" sort of thing. Or, this could have nothing to do with anything, I'm not a programmer.

Pipeline, I really like some of your suggestions and appreciate your continued efforts with them. I agree most of these things look like they should be fairly easy to implement and it's the reason I said when the VST was first created they should have put all that effort into updating RB instead of creating that stupid thing. When the VST first came out it was a dogs breakfast and stayed that way for two years.


jazzmammal: Realband works just fine and if you complain you are a troll.

also jazzmammal: Realband crashes every 60 minutes.
as the starter of this thread, please allow me the following comments....hopefully noone will jump all over i prefer friendly debate and banter.

1. if people have gripes , then i'm glad i started this
lets get them out in the open. then hopefully they will be addressed by the developers/coders.
i only want the rb product to improve and remain a viable leading daw. i DO think we should give kudos to pg as to the fact they allow such open debate and gripes on these forums. this is one aspect of the company that has always impressed me.
2. as ive stated before my combo for doing songs is biab//realband(rb) and reaps from
if you notice going back years on the reaper forums...
various posts saying things like 'sssh dont tell anyone
the secret song creation weapon of useing reaps with pg products'....and other comments in this vein.
ie the 3 together is a mighty powerfull daw //song creation solution. each one with its plusses and minusses. that is not to say that other daws arent great these days. frankly they are all good i feel.
i just like the reaps//bb//rb combo cos for my needs
the combo fits the bill.
3. lets talk quirks for a moment. yes rb has quirks,...
but so does lots of software. full disclosure like some other pg users , in my time ive worked on some pretty hefty IT projects. so i know first hand the pain devs go through bringing advanced software products to market.
particularly given the quirks of OS's and underlying hardware architectures. thus i ask myself ...would my creative life be worse if rb wasnt in it ? thats the bottom line for me. and my answer is YES my creativity
would be negatively impacted if i didnt use rb , quirks and all. as to crashes. i'm a back up nut. i back up and save every 10 mins or so. i havent experienced the hourly
problem. as to sluggishness ....sometime find a mate with
an i9 or threadripper or even a older xeon refurb desktop stuffed with 32 gigs ram, and fast ssd's. thats been uptimised for daw work..then run the bb//rb//reaper
combo with a great low latency usb sound interface.
( in the rb forum is a list of interfaces users like.)
for daw work these days i recommend a processor with at least a 10,000 rateing. particularly if running a fancy daw includeing useing high cpu useage plug ins.

anyhoo..those are my comments. let me say i consider rharv as the guru on rb.
i would be interested if he might comment if rb is sluggish on his amd ryzen system.

peace out.
i like rb (and reaps and biab.)

RB runs fine here.
I do not have the 'crash every hour' issue (I'd be complaining like crazy if I did), but I realize that doesn't mean other people don't.
FWIW I run RB different than average users, just like my other DAWs
I use one drive for Reading and a different one for Writing (Temp Audio Directory), not sure if that has anything to do with it.

/I am not the guru, though I was a member of simpletonguru back in the day
I have given lots of ideas that would improve RB immensely.
With Reaper I can create scripts to improve things to work with Biab/BBPlugin and upload the next day BUT I can't do that with RealBand as I don't know Delphi and I don't have the code.
If I did I would have a constant open Beta development forum like this and this. There should be an continuous open Beta rather than dumping the new version Dec 1st and Dec Jan is the open Beta Testing and fixing period:
Originally Posted By: musiclover
Just a wish here that biab 2021 will be able to play biab 22 realtracks when the new version is released. This isn't the case at the moment with current versions and it would greatly help everyone who wants to retain a stable version of the program (biab 21) while the bug fixing takes place in the new 22 version.
This thread feels like a weird flashback to 20 years ago

What drove me away 20 years ago was the very long delay to add VST/VSTi support and the GUI.

I was a heavy PG PowerTracks Pro Audio user.

Never bought BIAB, but was intrigued for at least a decade.

December of 2019 I bought the BIAB mid level non audiophile pack. Installed the lot. Both BIAB and RB, I think.

In the 15 years in between I finally gave up on trying to get electric bass samples and VSTi to suffice and I bought one. Play quite passably now. Same with guitars. I have gotten much better in 20 years.

Anyways, I fired up that BIAB exactly once. Massively disorganized GUI. I simply don’t have the time budget to devote to it. I can get decently passable demos with the freebie iOS Music Memos. Good enough that I can use them when I sit down to record it better in my DAW. All parts except drums. I have settled with EZDRUMMER and get my stuff done way faster that way than if I was still sifting for styles for hours.

I can see where if it the only product used, it could be awesome for someone starting with it as their home DAW environment. Learning more than one DAW as it seems most in this thread are doing just gives me a headache.

I should not have made the everything pack purchase. But I bought it with some prize money from a company Christmas party.

If I had made that purchase of BIAB 20 years ago, I’m not sure I would have really learned as much guitar and bass as I have and my enjoyment as a musician and songwriter may have gone an entirely different way.
This explains a lot that has confused me about some of your posts Rockstar and I may add something to another one you did recently.

I am a gentle soul at heart, and would not wish to hurt a fly, but some posts around here are starting to get annoying and someone has to say something. I guess I will go.

The dates of 2019 and such don't quite add up in my head to match what you are saying. Did you mean 2009, or maybe 2001??

I have long suspected that some "contributors" here do not really own or use the product.

Not trying to be sarcastic, but why are you here, exactly?? To lend your superior insights into a product you do not use? To edify us simpletons? To tell us why we should not be here? It really makes no sense. Have you ever noticed this is called the PG Music/BIAB forum??

Are there no other forums out there where you can go and provide some links to the treasure trove of incredible music you have played and recorded by NOT using BIAB?

Really, I promise I am not being sarcastic.

I honestly am profoundly confused, as I am with many of the anonymous secret posters who I suspect have never left a fingerprint on a BIAB hard drive.
David that is a fair question.

I am here because I still wish the best for PG. Because PTPA was my first DAW and there are still a couple of forumites here from back in the 90’s that are like my favorite professors from the good old days. Most of the people I have collaborated with from these forums have passed on literally or figuratively. But that doesn’t take away from the feeling of home I still have visiting these forums. Maybe that makes sense to you, maybe it doesn’t.

I do find the title of the thread amusing / confusing. There really isn’t ‘competition’ for either BIAB nor RealBand. It appears that most users here agree; that it takes a different product to complement either of these whether it’s Reaper or some other DAW. But there really isn’t competition for either as a generative band from a chord chart and style input standpoint. There have been some attempts but for all intents and purposes these products from PG Music stand alone in their field.

well the other day i was really happy with rb.
i was trying to isolate a certain drum sound from a
drum set,,,,so i used a midi trak that i had genned for an organ, and instead plugged in a drum plug in and got what i wanted . there is a trik to exposing more drum sounds in a drum set using rb's transpose feature.etc.
another trik with rb is to use slower tempos to gen real drums and isolate the rd drum hits...which can then be used in a free sample player via triggering.etc..

also in this excellent thread rharv makes a great point
bout fractional tempos etc...
You can also route EZDrummer or FREE MT Power DrumKit sends out to individual tracks in RealBand with reastream-standalone in KV Element
*Make sure you have EXT in the top left ON to send sync and copy a piece of an empty audio item to the end of the tracks to enable the FX to be active on the tracks.
Full Screen
heres a couple of further triks/tips/ideas i'll pass on re realband.
1. the acw.
what i'm doing right now is transferring a bunch of songs
originally recorded on semi pro multitrack tape into realband. and doing a "tarting up job" on them.
luckily i digitised the tape stereo masters awhile back.
heres the tip.
in the acw i set the bar lines manually...its work.
then send to rb the tempo map.
THEN IN RB PLAY i set to 75 or 50 percent and adjudicate
whether i set the bar lines correctly in the acw main screen. ie checking visually in traks view.
sometimes i have to go back to the acw main screen and reset some bar markers and thus amend the tempo map.
what is interesting is this method shows how much drift
there was on the old tape multitraks. i like that rb deals with fractional tempos.
2. individual drum hits..
a way i've had getting individual drum hits from rd's..
is to slow the trak down in rb, find the hit or hits i like and exporting out to a win folder where ive built up a drum hits library. if one is carefull re artifacts etc
one can get interesting results.
the above will suffice, cos i cant afford the outlay like the big studios do on big sample libs.
finally you can load the samples into a sample player.
for midi triggering.
i would advise to go thru every single rd. theres lots to discover...and you might find you might not need another commercial drum package if your willing to do deep dives
into the rd library.

To Save time on getting RD samples, open the source WMA or WAV file, go to the end of the file.
There are sometimes single hits from the drums for just such a purpose .. helps to make it quicker/cleaner if they are there.

Attached picture RD_Path-.jpg
Attached picture RD_Samples.jpg
Sorry folks. I don't use RB for anything. I find it not a suitable DAW for the music that I do. If everything I did was BIAB I would probably use it but because a lot of my music is commercial loop based and I have tons of vocal tracks and busses I find RB lacking in supporting effectively the plug-ins. Also I find sample editing and cutting cumbersome in RB and when I tried to do Acid wav editing (change the key of the wav) I could not find a way to do this in RB. Not the DAW for me. I think that PG also realizes this which is why they came up with the DAW integration tools. Again, if all music was BIAB then it's probably OK. For mixing across different platforms it's just flat out not a solution for me.
Originally Posted By: David Snyder

Well, guys, I guess I am the odd man out.

I LOVE RealBand! I wish they would fix the VST save issue, which is highly annoying, but other than that I love it. I mix in Cakewalk with about 897 VSTs last time I counted but I record in RB, as I said. To each his own it looks like.

I can see I am all alone though (except for Muso) so I will let this go!!!!


Just reading this thread and thought I would throw in my 2 cents. You are definitely NOT the odd one out. I absolutely love realband. I use it on every song. I don’t use any other daw. I also do not understand why people don’t even give it much of a try before dismissing it.
for those of us that grew up with PowerTracks, RB is simple and easy to use. as for changing key it's easy and straightforward but if you are used to another DAW by all means stick to it.
glad you commented. i was beginning to doubt my
lets step back a mo'.
and be appreciative of what we have today.
it used to cost megabuks // millions to put a studio
together in the old days.
now for a couple of k spent wisely with a good usb interface, bb//rb//reaps//mics//speakers//refurb computer//ssd//etc etc...your only limited by your audio engineering skills and skills as a songwriter.
if my songs suck then i'm to blame not the gear.

even starting off with the 90 buk pro pak on pen drive..
you get realband free. throw in some freebie vsti plug ins and say spitfire orch lib...and away you go.
great songs can result.

i think the prob is one only realises how good rb is IF
one is willing to plumb its depths.

anyhow..thats my perspective.

merry xmas to all.
Originally Posted By: JoanneCooper
Originally Posted By: David Snyder

Well, guys, I guess I am the odd man out.

I LOVE RealBand! I wish they would fix the VST save issue, which is highly annoying, but other than that I love it. I mix in Cakewalk with about 897 VSTs last time I counted but I record in RB, as I said. To each his own it looks like.

I can see I am all alone though (except for Muso) so I will let this go!!!!


Just reading this thread and thought I would throw in my 2 cents. You are definitely NOT the odd one out. I absolutely love realband. I use it on every song. I don’t use any other daw. I also do not understand why people don’t even give it much of a try before dismissing it.

I'm sure you all know my opinion on this already, but I'll restate it.
You can use any DAW you want. The end raw tracks will not be any different using RB/PT than using Reaper or ProTools or whatever.
The interface does the audio/digital conversion, not the DAW.
It's all about personal preference in the tools.
RB can be used in very successful recordings just as any other DAW can.
I've used it for CD's that sold well and for TV material. In the end, nobody cared what DAW I used.

If you grew up with (and KNOW) Sonar/Cakewalk then use that (or Reaper or whatever). Reaper was a HUGE learning curve to me, but I got use to it eventually, I imagine it is the same with RB for some.
The main difference is the workflow, so use whatever you want. It's another tool.
But I wouldn't dismiss it without at least seeing what it can do, even if it seems a little clunky at first.
There are still some things RB does that other DAWs do not, at least not without additional plugins etc .. to me generating additional content in RB is still better than using the plugin, or at least more comfortable, but that's just me.

I'm not going to try to talk you into using it, but I think you do yourself a disservice by not spending a little time looking at it, once you have it.
well i'm both disappointed and disheartened by the 2022
rb upgrade....heres why. seems to me its like 'lets throw a few bones to hard core rb users'. ive given up posting wishes in the wish list (same with biab..). cos i feel posting wishes is a big waste of time.
2.imho pg have had a MASSIVE golden opportunity to do some really really nice things for rb users, but chose not to do so. why , i dont know.
a window of opportunity as it were that could have really vaulted the rb product forward in a major fashion instead
of the 'very slow incremental bits n bobs' approach.
as a result, and as a very very long time pg supporter and user i've decided to vote with my wallet and not spend large this year. let me say the biab upgrades impress me,
but not the rb ones...much more could have been done imho.

merry xmas

The new "all the same" tracks and the addition of automation to BiaB suggests to me that they may be working towards making BiaB the new RB.

Whether I'm right, whether that's a good idea, how it would be received by RB users are then all significant questions.
agreed the new 'all the same tracks' goes a long way to making BIAB a lot more flexible but the transparency of RB still makes it the natural place for me to go when the song has been roughed out in BIAB.

With the RB tracks window you can see everything at the same time
Lost in the sea of replies: Is there any actual competition for RealBand? I submit there is nothing like it on the market. I don’t believe there is any other product out there that uses chord change information and audio tracks to generate backing tracks.

The statements in this thread are mostly about DAW usage and features but this major distinction of the generative modus of Real Band and BIAB put them in an entirely different category than DAW software
This is not a reason to buy, so don't take it as such.

Assume PGMusic has a finite amount of programmers/time.
Every year they try hard to please everybody, but let's face it .. RB is the Mixed Veggies part of the income pie, and BiaB is the rest of the plate, including meat and potatoes.

I can only surmise that they dedicated a lot of time on (and created an impressive new version of) BiaB this year.
What I am stumbling along to say is; we have seen some pretty cool features added to RB mid-year before, and my gut says when the rush of the new release settles down is when they can give RB more time.
But I'm not speaking for PGMusic here, just observation and hunch.

The ability to send 'realtime' timing instructions to the VST/VSTis that use it (EZDrummer, Jamstix etc) is one such surprise update released mid-year. Pipeline & I had asked for it in previous years and were a little disappointed, then boom mid-year it was just added in with an update.

I do like some of the new Realband features this year, such as ability to assign the RBBackup folder in particular.
Now I always know where my backups are and it is easier to manage. Previously it was always on whatever drive you ran RB from.
What if I don't remember the last time I worked on a song was with what version of RB and on which drive?
Now I know I can go to X:RBBackup .. X being whatever drive I want.

So having 4 drives, with various RB/PT installs .. and then the various external drives from over the years .. I had RBBackup folders all over the network it seemed.

.. sometimes for me something as little as this feature, that helps so much, makes me smile.
Most users would read it and go eh. To me it was a biggie, since I use RB so much.

FWIW this is another thing I've asked for in previous years and it finally happened, so hang in there, yours may still happen smile
Rharv. (respect to you.)
RE. "hang in there".
dont mind me, maybe i'm gettin too demanding/gnarly as i age. lol. its just that after many years on the market i feel the rb product could be way way further ahead.
opportunities lost etc etc to dominate the daw market.

mind you, to be frank , looking at all daws these days ,
nothing much cranks me up. even reaps that i love like i love rb, i worry will it get too bloated.
as now the whole world is piling in.
in a previous life working for a tech company i musta issued a ton of cya memos to snr mgt , that we needed
to move much faster in development of new tech.
nobody listened, so you can guess the result.

i hope that maybe mid year 2022 we might see more groovy new features for rb. i just dont wanna be in the old folks home many years hence, and still yearning for certain
cos ive still got a ton of songs in me. too many in fact.

merry xmas.

Thank you for your persistence David Snyder.

You've made several very clear and important points.

I'm still concerned about what others say about RB crashing and being a memory hog,

But I will give RB a try because it sounds like it may be perfect for what I will be doing...mostly creating simple arrangements with backing tracks consisting of maybe 4 or 5 tracks.
I'm still concerned about what others say about RB crashing and being a memory hog

I haven't experienced that in a long long time.
What version of RB do you currently have?

Sure, the interface could use an update (it looks old school) but it performs quite well for my needs (which has included commercial production and TV).
If your needs are 'creating simple arrangements with backing tracks consisting of maybe 4 or 5 tracks' it should be fine.
Originally Posted By: rharv
I'm still concerned about what others say about RB crashing and being a memory hog

I haven't experienced that in a long long time.
What version of RB do you currently have?

Thanks rharv. I have 2021. I havn't started using it yet, but would like to learn ONE and stick with it.

Is it fair to say that RB when used for arranging (Not as a DAW) that is really where it's uniqueness lies?

So maybe I will need to learn BIAB, RB, and some other pro DAW for recording?
You can 'record' fine in RB.
No need for a different DAW just to record.
Where many move to a DAW is when mixing/mastering.

Even then, RB can do most of what the others do, so if you don't already have a favorite DAW, try RB, see how far it takes you.
Then decide what you need next.
The thing about RB is not only can you record, you can also generate at any point throughout your project which is nice.
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