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Hi there,

Creating a solo in BIAB is not too difficult. Using the solo and having it play at the proper time to fit the mood of the song is another story. In this tutorial I show how you can create an "effective" solo and how I edited the parts to compliment the mood of the song.

Check it out. it may help some of you in your compositions:
this was an interesting insight into your process.
You're correct that finding a solo that actually works with a song isn't a simple matter.

A couple of problems I noted with the video are:

a) you've put your screen in screen image over the section of the lists you were selecting from
b) I know this wasn't scripted but you finish a lot of sentences with "right"
c) you've bypassed the new version of multi riff that would achieve your desired outcome readily.

Nevertheless, it was an interesting sneak peek into the HC way.
Originally Posted By: rayc
this was an interesting insight into your process.
You're correct that finding a solo that actually works with a song isn't a simple matter.

A couple of problems I noted with the video are:

a) you've put your screen in screen image over the section of the lists you were selecting from
b) I know this wasn't scripted but you finish a lot of sentences with "right"
c) you've bypassed the new version of multi riff that would achieve your desired outcome readily.

Nevertheless, it was an interesting sneak peek into the HC way.

Ray, I agree that putting the image over the screen didn't come out right. On that front I agree. As far as me using the word "right" that's just the way I converse so anyone who views has the choice to listen or not. I actually a get a ton of comments about how I present because it's conversational and people feel like I'm speaking to them and not AT them. That's just me. I doubt if that's going to change much. Lastly I didn't bypass multi-riff. When I made this video multi-riff didn't exist. In all candor I would barely use Multi-riff. I like editing interesting parts in my DAW after generating the wavs. I'm don't do a lot of pre-arranging my exact tracks within BIAB. I may arrange the structure of the song but I take ALL instruments, create wavs, and move them around in my DAW arranging the song. Thanks for viewing though.
Originally Posted By: Mark Hayes
Originally Posted By: Henry Clarke
As far as me using the word "right" that's just the way I converse so anyone who views has the choice to listen or not.

Please review concept of Constructive Criticism.

Let's be clear here. I'm well aware of Constructive Criticism so I don't need for you to tell me that. When someone starts off with .."a couple of PROBLEMS" I don't find that constructive. There's a better way to say that.
Everyone loves Henry, and it's his tutorials that I recommend to everyone. Whenever someone is having trouble figuring out how to handle the midifile, a little link to Henry's tutorials! And he makes great music.
Great video Henry! Thanks for the share!
Originally Posted By: sslechta
Great video Henry! Thanks for the share!

Thanks so much for watching. I really appreciate it and I hope it's helpful. :-)
Originally Posted By: MoultiPass
Everyone loves Henry, and it's his tutorials that I recommend to everyone. Whenever someone is having trouble figuring out how to handle the midifile, a little link to Henry's tutorials! And he makes great music.

Thanks so much for the shoutout !! I do the best I can and try to share what I learn through my music. I do have my own style and hopefully it doesn't rub too many people the wrong way. I'm just being me in my tutorials :-)
Hey Henry,

I just want to send a big "thank you" for your great tutorials. Without them, I would most probably have given up exploring BiaB very soon after buying it. You are explaning that stuff very well!

And on top of that the videos are also very entertaining through your singalongs :-)
Nice voice - would need no autotune, btw :-) - and just my taste of music. Looking forward to more & many thanks again!!
Originally Posted By: MoveToGroove
Hey Henry,

I just want to send a big "thank you" for your great tutorials. Without them, I would most probably have given up exploring BiaB very soon after buying it. You are explaning that stuff very well!

And on top of that the videos are also very entertaining through your singalongs :-)
Nice voice - would need no autotune, btw :-) - and just my taste of music. Looking forward to more & many thanks again!!

Well thank you so much for the kind comment !! :-)

I think I've watched all your videos and find them very informative, since you often show effective ways to use the lesser known features of BIAB. Always looking forward to the next one or one of your "covers". My all-time fav cover you've done is "Walk on By" with the Disco beat, but also enjoy the 50's/60's songs.
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