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I seem to have gotten on a Spotify playlist with Cardi B and Kanye.


Why do I mention this in "Recording"? Well, because it seems all the others were done in $50 million studios on million dollar budgets. Me: Well you know!!! But don't tell anybody!

I don't know how long this will be "fresh." Maybe a week??

And there's more!!

The album is for sale on Amazon and iTunes!!

The perfect summer gift for ones you love!!

Buy David’s New Album on AMAZON

Buy David's New Album on Apple/iTunes

I think that would be enough to make me want to quit music and burn everything if not put a bullet in my head....


I admit it made me burst out laughing.

When a friend emailed me and said "Dude, check out this recent release playlist from Spotify....!" And I checked it out...

It made me laugh.

You have to have a sense of humor to live in this world these days.


However, if there is a bright side, I think this could forever end the conversation over whether it is possible to create a "modern" sound with PG products. At least we know that answer now.

Ok, I have to call Ye.

Talk to you later.

Have fun.

Check out the Hip Hop in 2022. It is full-on dope.
Hey that is so awesome Dave! Gonna listen to you and your new "friends" right now
Bottom line: Are you making any money from your newfound celebrity status?
HI David,

not bad at all to have your music exposed to such playlist. I think it's worth a big CHEERS. Do you have any idea of how you ended there?

Recently my latest single ended on a Spotify AI generated playlist (it was there for 5 days), and within 18 hours this ended up being my most played song ever - I have no clue how my song ended there - it just happened. Just to answer Mike - no all added up it will not make me 10 USD in total.....

I wish I knew how I managed to trigger the AI as this was a ballad with a quite 90's feeling to it.

Bottom line - is that it's fully doable to use BIAB in your recording and get into playlists where you get a wider exposure.

Thanks Peter.

On the "money" issue, I actually have been surprised (pleasantly) at how much I have been able to make so far with both digital sales, streaming, and sync licensing.

Not a fortune, but nothing to sneeze at, as they say. I love the little messages I get from SongTradr in my inbox. smile

It all tells me I am not wasting my time--at all. At my current growth rate, I can definitely see some respectable "mailbox money" coming in from just doing what I would do for fun anyway. It is totally possible to write songs that will get purchased and into films and ads with a home recording studio. AND--the BIAB sounds are awesome, especially if you mix them up with your own musicianship, and other tools such as midi, etc.

I love the feeling you get when you get a nice sync fee for the same song multiple times--and it didn't take a lot of time to write, and it is just out there waiting for the next person to find it.

I am having fun with all of this. A lot of fun. No doubt.

I always thought you would be a star Mr. David. North Carolina star, that's what David are
Yodel-deedle ay-hee, you oughta see his

Glad to hear you are doing well and getting some rewards for all your hard work. I was in Greenville South Carolina two weeks back. I thought about giving you a call and driving by but I was too pressed for time. Perhaps next time.

I think there is little chance that the Cardi B and Kanye stuff will rub off on you. If you get some sales from all that, it's all good.

Best wishes for your ongoing success.

Congrats Dave. Getting on playlists is tuff but it really is the key to getting your music heard. The audience that you can reach through playlist can make a big difference. It doesn't matter if that materializes today. Sometimes it takes a while to build an audience. My latest tracks got picked up through Release Radar and generated over 1k plays over the last 28 days. The Radio Algorithmic playlist generated over 5k streams and the fascinating thing about that was the songs on that Spotify created playlist were from 2018. Yet they were being played over the last month. I've never seen it as a waste of time but more of a creative outlet. I think your attitude is the same. If it generates income that's GREAT but if it doesn't that's ok too. Again congrats. It's got to make you feel good that at least your work is being recognized. If you're curious here's my Spotify link. It's been fluctuating quite a bit but as of the writing of this message I have over 6k monthly listeners and I'm on about 265 playlists. All the best !!
I'm happy and proud that your talents are being rewarded guys!
Originally Posted By: David Snyder
Hey, I seem to have gotten on a Spotify playlist with Cardi B and Kanye.

Sorry, but you're looking at it the wrong way!

Cardi B and Kanye got on a playlist with YOU!


( sorry for resurrecting a thread from the stone age )

That's what I'm talking about!


You are the man!!!

Some finally gets it!!!!!!!


Someone finally gets me!!

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Good one!
I previewed the science album and my favorite one is the satellite.

Can I ask in a case like this when algorithm plays in favor, how much royalty revenue was generated? For one album, over half a year, a couple of grands? Or at least covers the price of a BiaB Ultra+ pak?

Art should not be measured by finance. But I really wanna know the number as a reference on digital publishing.
Thanks Villain,

I will just say that I have never paid for ReverbNation's pro plan and I have never paid for SongTradr, not by a long stretch. My streaming income (not to mention paid downloads) has more than covered all costs.

HOWEVER, the most I have made streaming-wise, and it was a nice chunk of change, was for an album I wrote in two days when my Mom said:

"Could you just write me a soothing album of soothing classical music on that little classical guitar of yours and put some soothing strings with it to help me relax?? For Christmas??"

I literally spun up 12 songs in two days, blindfolded, put almost no thought into it, and put it out for distribution and gave my mom a hard copy CD. People were streaming it like crazy for a while and I could not believe how much I was getting really.

So I am working on some more "soothing" albums.

BUT--and this is the big one, I NEVER got as much as I did for that 3 minute ukulele bit that was licensed for a Chinese soap commercial.

That one made my eyeballs pop open.

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