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Posted By: David Snyder Recording Guitar Solos: User Tip - 01/11/23 07:01 PM

Hey Guitar Soloists,

I am getting more and more interested in guitar solos these days, and have a really simple trick I have been using that works great.

When I want to do a guitar solo to a tune, I open the song in BIAB, and turn on Amplitube "in the background" but use the record audio function in BIAB to capture multiple dry takes while I am just playing for fun, messing around, etc.

No complicated set up needed.

BUT, I can pick a cool solo by say Brent (or anyone else) and put it on notation mode and see the notes scroll by. Since I read music, this is a good way for me to get great ideas for the solo, and see what a "solid," lyrical, professional solo looks like as opposed to a "noodling" solo.

And I can record stuff when I am just having fun and not taking it too seriously.

Then after multiple fun takes, I will usually find one or two that can be spliced together, and will really fit the bill.

Then, I take the dry DI track, put it in a DAW, call up an amp SIM and away we go!!

(P.S.: I always record my dry tracks with an amp to the audio interface, so it is not technically dry but a Fender amp on tweed mode with no effects. I like the way that sounds, but everybody has their own system.)

Just thought I would pass this along. I am guessing a lot of people do something very similar.
Posted By: musocity Re: Recording Guitar Solos: User Tip - 01/11/23 07:40 PM
Awesome, way to go, using your ingenuity. That's why Biab has Direct Input option now because I asked for it way back to be able to do just that.
Posted By: David Snyder Re: Recording Guitar Solos: User Tip - 01/11/23 07:49 PM
Hey thanks!

I just noticed something cool.

I had a Brent solo (or someone) in BIAB on a utility track it seems and when I opened it in Real Band there was a chart (Real Chart) sitting right there in midi under the Real Track even though I did not have "also generate a real chart" selected in the program.

But that is super convenient. Awesome.

Now I will just look at the notation in Real Band and record a hundred takes there.

Wicked cool.

Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Recording Guitar Solos: User Tip - 01/11/23 11:11 PM
I simply run the output of my spark 40 modeling amp into my focusrite interface. I can hear it through my studio monitors regardless of whether I'm in BB or sonar or none.

Simple setup.

I can then easily load any of the many BB guitar solos and learn them or use them as inspiration or simply record what I come up with.
Posted By: David Snyder Re: Recording Guitar Solos: User Tip - 01/12/23 12:24 AM

Yeah, I guess mine is kinda similar. Very similar if not identical except for the Spark.

I just am not sure that all people realize how freaking cool it is from a teaching standpoint to be able to learn how the pros do solos by reading their solos in notation right in front of your face while you are jamming along to a killer band.

If BIAB only did THAT, it would still deserve the Nobel Prize--and it does so much more.

Posted By: rharv Re: Recording Guitar Solos: User Tip - 01/12/23 08:46 PM
Originally Posted By: David Snyder
Hey thanks!

I just noticed something cool.

I had a Brent solo (or someone) in BIAB on a utility track it seems and when I opened it in Real Band there was a chart (Real Chart) sitting right there in midi under the Real Track even though I did not have "also generate a real chart" selected in the program.

But that is super convenient. Awesome.

Now I will just look at the notation in Real Band and record a hundred takes there.

Wicked cool.



Little hidden gems like this in RB keep me going
I'll use other DAWs, but RB is usually in the workflow somewhere, and many times the only thing needed.
Posted By: David Snyder Re: Recording Guitar Solos: User Tip - 01/14/23 01:46 PM

I absolutely love Real Band, and the only think I have asked for is more tracks, like at least 200.

I do all of my audio work, recording, cutting and splicing there, and when I have all of my tracks of any kind, I move to Cakewalk for mixing.
Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: Recording Guitar Solos: User Tip - 01/14/23 02:40 PM

i support your more traks idea. plus i would like some rb wishes ive posted (past n' current ) in the wishlist coded up. only a few things/features needed in rb then nothing will touch it imho.

i do often the same as you cept i use reaps for mixing.

what i find verry handy in rb is sometimes i do a 'rough stereo mix' in bb , then import bb stereo into rb..then ive got loads of traks to test out rt's solos and my own
gtr solos. i save traks in rb this way for other things.

hn year to all.

Posted By: Guitarhacker Re: Recording Guitar Solos: User Tip - 02/03/23 03:13 PM
Tab for solos, note by note for solos in slow-mo....all available on Youtube.

Just enter the name of the song/solo/tab and waa laa...someone somewhere has already done all the hard work for you. All that remains is for you to take the time to learn it.
Posted By: Jeff Yankauer Re: Recording Guitar Solos: User Tip - 03/01/23 04:23 AM
I'm going to look into possibly increasing the amount of tracks for the 2024 version of RB/PT.

BTW, David, I did test RB's ability to save a VST soft synth using a specific patch by pressing Save Group and reloading it, and it does work. Same for saving the song and reloading the song. Main thing is that you would want to set a track to use one of the non-default slots (any slot other than 16 unless you had saved other slots as defaults). If you load a soft synth like Aria into slot 16 (normally the default slot, set to use Coyote synth) then Coyote I believe will still have priority when loading in a song because default TGS was created for it and saved in Default Settings folder within the DX Settings folder.

Actually if you have a bunch of synths loaded into various slots and then go into the DX/VST Options and press the button to save default plugin settings it saves all synths currently loaded into DX/VST slots as defaults for those slots, so that when you do a File - New those slots will be filled with those synths and whatever patches they were currently set to when saved as defaults. I'm not suggesting that though, because normally I keep Coyote as the default slot (16) and all the other slots are non-defaults and then I load other synths into non-default slots and set various tracks to use other synths. The patches currently being used by those other non-default synths are saved with the song and re-loaded when loading in the song again, at least with the synths I tested it on like Aria, Sforzando, Synthmaster, etc.
Posted By: justanoldmuso Re: Recording Guitar Solos: User Tip - 03/01/23 11:50 AM

As you know from my previous posts i want to see RB succeed….so i'm extremely happy that there will be a 2024 edition.

as well as my past ideas for consideration in rb (which i promise not to retype…lol.)

I think the idea of upping the track count is a good one. maybe to 90 ?

cos of course some people will do multi takes and then comp to a final comp trak.
which brings up how to make a final comp trak for a user who wants to choose ' best bits. from say 10 previous recorded traks of vocs.

but of course there would need to be an inbuilt check i suggest to save people from themselves in the situation where a user might try to get 90 traks on some v old junk pc.
particularly if such users also might be loading up on resource hungry plug ins.
ive seen this many times in the past.

also easy 'pan automation' would be nice. plus i would like to see one aspect addressed aggressively…..let me explain…..

i'm a 'digger' and dig deep into any software i use. eg like rb to find neat features i can use with my own methods. but some folks arent diggers. some are easily put off.

I think its fair to say rb is a program that a user must 'plunge the depths' to get the best out of it.
THUS i feel its imperative to find ways to make this very easy for sceptical users so rb isnt just given a 'once over' and not looked at again. ..which is sad and which i would suggest might be happening currently.

the other comment i would like to make is any way you could make rb more 'nimble' would be great. assembler code perhaps ??

let me say jeff that rb with some added features imho could lead the daw market.

what i might suggest jeff is to have a important pinned thread whereby pg users can comment openly on what it would take for them to use rb as their primary daw.
this is what we did once years ago with a user base. get everything out in the open.
a special open forum rather like a 'town meeting'
it was a great way to not only gauge what the user base 'really wanted' BUT also a way to explain why certain needs couldnt be implemented. we found such explanations really cut down any user frustrations.

wishing you only the best n' have a great 2023 jeff.


ps jeff ..feel free to pm me anytime if you want many ideas of how to make rb the daw leader.
cos i really want to see it succeed.

Posted By: Frankp Re: Recording Guitar Solos: User Tip - 03/01/23 02:22 PM
Hi David,

I like the notation feature as a learning tool also. BIAB was my teacher for learning bass.

I recently wanted to learn the chordal playing on a piano track of Jeff Lorber from BIAB, but the notation wasn't there. It seems hit and miss on whether there is notation... or maybe it's user error.

Do you have any tips on finding tracks that have notation?
Posted By: musocity Re: Recording Guitar Solos: User Tip - 03/01/23 08:02 PM
Originally Posted By: Jeff Yankauer
I'm going to look into possibly increasing the amount of tracks for the 2024 version of RB/PT.

Yeh that'll get it up there. Wonder what the 2030 version will get ?
Not sure if I'll be around to see it ?

What's 48 + 24 + 24 + 24......
You can also drop wav files on the tracks in the Plugin.
You can drop midi files on the tracks and use the internal VstSynthFont.


Posted By: paddy50 Re: Recording Guitar Solos: User Tip - 04/28/23 10:19 AM
Thanks for sharing your process. I'm so new to BIAB and to DAWs that I'm still creating a process. What I have figured out how to do so far is to find a style that I like and to load the demo and listen to it. I might keep part of the demo and change up some of the chords or I might change all of the chords. I haven't been able to play my guitar at all in BIAB. I tried but it crashed the program every time (I just upgraded to the 2023 MAC and haven't tried in it yet). So, I take all the BIAB instrument tracks and put them into my DAW and record my guitar in that. I'm using Studio One. I also love that I can make a chord sheet video in BIAB and put the video into my DAW so that I can follow the chords as I play. That helps so much because without the video it's harder to remember all the changes and so forth. That's all I have figured out so far but it works and I'm having fun with it.
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