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Here's another demonstration of what I find to be quite amazing skills:

Incredible display of unique talent indeed. But ya wanna know why I am not in love with this? These simply don't sound like guitars when played in this manner. grin
Originally Posted By: MusicStudent
These simply don't sound like guitars when played in this manner. grin

I know what you mean ... they're electric, of course, which has changed the sound significantly from an acoustic. But they also remind me a little of flamenco guitarists, though the latter don't generally play the neck. I think one really need electric sustain to make that work properly.

It amuses me somewhat when I see those lists of "top 100 guitarists", that there are so many really good guitarists that that are not on them, but would outperform most of the list. Of course the lists are usually compiled by rock music magazines.

I love the seemingly endless possibilities with guitars, notably when electrified. It's little wonder they're so popular.

Some flamenco:
Antonio Muñoz Fernández
Paco de Lucia
Juan Martín
Here's another.

(Apologies to Dan in advance wink )
Edit: PS: Apologies to Keith too grin

I much prefer the type of music that sixchannel and others upload to the site. I do appreciate the guitar playing in the videos but its not for me. I'm of the shadows era.
Sensational? That's a very expressive adjective for a piece that has someone playing reasonably simple parts over a loop. The instrument looks impressive, the player seems dexterous but there was nothing musically moving or interesting in the 14 string solo.
"rousing or tending to arouse (as by lurid details) a quick, intense, and usually superficial interest, curiosity, or emotional reaction."? Perhaps but it didn't evoke any of those, let alone anything deeper, in me while watching.

How about something really great.

Good God Ray! I say!! Gott im Himmel!! Will this atrocious fake music never stop! I dare say man! I am off to the symphony!!!!!!

Wait!!! Hilary! Stop my beating heart!!
Oh wait no this!!! Not bad!

Oh, it was never compulsory for everyone to have the same opinion. There was no mandatory agreement expected.

I often hear music compositions that I find are quite unsensational, while the singer/songwriter/composer would obviously believe otherwise.
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