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Worked to complete the UserTrack as mentioned below.
Hence the bump post below.

Created this outside world of BIAB.
Used the Pop Template.
Used Addictive Keys.
Used Power Tracks Pro 2013.
No overt FX added this pass, in this learning phase.
Rendered to wav.

If Understanding Mr. Tobin's video, need to add the template.sgu to a folder.
Is it simply renaming the template.sgu to DreamsUsrSeeker1.sgu ?

After downloading unzip/installing about 800 meg of you folks stuff got
me into working on this.

Also overall opinion of this UserTrack please. Albeit not finished yet.

If this is in the ballpark will be many more.
Sooner than I thought, same opinions need please. Note WMA to reduce file size.

Bump my own post.
Added the Pop template renamed.

Tried several styles with the "thzzzz" user track.
Tried BLANK track and it played out just fine.
Overall was simply ATROCIOUS.
The chord change timing was good, the sounds were decent,
but a million miles off key.
Guess was pushing too hard, too late last night.

Will back up, watch the video again, then go back to the

Thank you.
Have you got 2 blank bars at the start as the wma hasn't.
No, maybe that is the "Eureka" point.

Spent over 2 yours with video,s and reading to find out what
was screwed up.

Somehow missed that point.

At first thought it was fact created outside of BIAB, but then
thru the video's found out this was acceptable.

Will go back right now, and redo the whole sch-molly.

Thank you so much for the suggestion.
LOL been there done that. You should not have to redo it all just add 2 blank bars in the front of the wav in your DAW and save it.
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