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#67 is match/partner for #66

Remember rule #3 Select/insert UserTrack before generating music.

This is the demo: FWIW I used UT #66 & #67 in this demo.
Sender-sty demo With Violin Ensemble EV 60 UT.WMA 4.81 meg

This is the UT Zip Pak.
It also contains the demo.
Strings, Ensemble, Violin, Rhythm, 50sBld Ev 80.08 meg

Hope this can become part of your music...

Magic word Feedback.....
Now I have downloaded all the User Tracks. I will play with them and they will keep me busy for awhile. I will keep you informed when I have accomplished something.


Great on you jumping on board.
The early UT's were not as definitive in chord recognition
due to using 1 MINUTE template.

As I progressed using and modifying a bit PG Music folks
10 MINUTE template the chord interpretation has improved.

These are NOT RealTracks, but do add another option to our tools.

Originally Posted By: seeker

... These are NOT RealTracks, but do add another option to our tools.


RealTracks are sometimes overrated. Yes they might sound alright but they seldom can control their ego. crazy

Have fun.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that string pattern be a better fit for 12-8 styles?

PS. Oh, and these absolutely _will_ be "part of my music"! smile

I would certainly be interested in what version of BIAB you have.

Also some of your own creations of music would certainly help me.
Appreciate links to some of your works.

The above information would help a great deal.

The usertrack is based on 50's music.

Thank you for the comments... 4-4
I have the latest, 2014, for Mac. I have only listened to your demo wma samples so far, I might add, not actually tried any of them inside the program... but once I have, I'll be back on here with more comments, I'm sure.
As for samples of my own stuff, I'm not the most 'active' in that department, prefer messing around for a good while before feeling ready to actually create something worth sharing. But I can at least give you this taste of what I mean by 'messing around':
"Messing Around".... my wife told me years ago she would
absolutely NOT tolerate it...

Did listen, bit different,(as are some of mine) but nice.
Take note of my forum signature...
I also am messing around.
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