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Posted By: Krampus Bo Diddley Beat and variations - 09/19/23 02:53 PM
It would be great to see some real Bo Diddley variations. Mostly I'm thinking of the classic "Hey Bo Diddley", "Who Do You Love" and "Diddley Daddy" kinds of things, although "Not Fade Away" by Buddy Holly and Quicksilver Messenger Service's version of "Mona" would be nice, too. Really, there are lots of variations on that beat, and we don't have ANY in BB as far as I can tell. I'm thinking a lot of people could use them! Here's a few examples:
Posted By: musocity Re: Bo Diddley Beat and variations - 09/25/23 07:47 AM
You can make them from midi or loops
Posted By: Krampus Re: Bo Diddley Beat and variations - 10/01/23 09:24 PM
Well, yes...I could do that, and I have before. But having a series of Real Track styles, with drums, guitar, etc., would be really useful and a huge timesaver. And it's puzzling to me why BB wouldn't have such iconic and essential rhythms as part of their vast series of style sets.
Posted By: musocity Re: Bo Diddley Beat and variations - 10/02/23 03:03 AM
This thread in the forum is for "home made" "UserTracks"
will be better if you post here Styles and RealTracks Wishlist forPG to see.
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