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Posted By: rd151 What BIAB desperately needs to create - 02/19/09 02:08 AM
The problem with BIAB, is that when you create a song and enter it into the BIAB program, you are limited to only two tracks that you can supply your own tracks with.And that being Melody and Soloist. You need the Melody track to supply your own Melody line.The Soloist you usually use for your fills or a second bass line. But what BIAB needs is the ability to change the GUITAR track and supply your own. That way you could have your OWN melody, fills and rhythm for the whole song.Usually the drums and bass are ok. So maybe the PG Music programers will read this and allow for this? That sure would be nice
Posted By: Mac Re: What BIAB desperately needs to create - 02/19/09 02:21 AM
You can put up to 16 separate MIDI tracks in there using the SEQ button...
Posted By: rd151 Re: What BIAB desperately needs to create - 02/19/09 03:46 AM

No old buddy.The guitar,bass and drum tracks are embedded in the BIAB program and cannot be changed.The only 2 that you can edit are your Melody and Soloist. In both the Melody and Soloist choices you can IMPORT your melody from a midi file or from Finale Print Music 2008. Trust me I know. I use BIAB to create all those songs you love by the Ventures and the Beatles.
Posted By: PapaMikie Re: What BIAB desperately needs to create - 02/19/09 04:12 AM
Well, perhaps what you know ain't all there is to know. Both the Melody and Solo can be set to multi track 16 seperate channels that can be displayed all at once, one at at time or as many channels as you want.

So for example, you could put a melody on the melody, then generated a solo on the solo track. Now for argument sake let us say we turn the solo track to a multi track. we have our melody, our solo, our BIAB generated tracks, but now we will set the solo to multi track and input on channel 11 our custom guitar part. next we will input a sax part on the solo on channel 12, next a set of harmonica breaks on channel 13.

You get the idea...

We can click on the green seq button and turn on the display and or sound of any channel on the solo 16 channal sequencer.

Mac may be a lot of things, but one of them is right again. Boring...
Posted By: Mac Re: What BIAB desperately needs to create - 02/20/09 01:17 AM
My level of song love is set a wee bit higher, actually...

But my students will like having something a bit lighter to work out their skillset on and with a bit of editing here and there, some of those bb tunes you made should fill the bill nicely. Real timesaver and for that I'm grateful.

But if you have a late enough version of BIAB with the big green SEQ button in the toolbar menu, you should really check that out. It can be quite powerful in those songs where you want to embed more than two fixed lines of MIDI instrumentation.

Posted By: PapaMikie Re: What BIAB desperately needs to create - 02/20/09 04:22 AM
Thought I would throw a few more notes on using the multi channel feature.

Let us say that you star with an arrangement with nothing on the solo. You can play the song through and get a BIAB arrangement. Now lets say you really like the Guitar part. You can copy/Move track from the edit menu to move the guitar part to the solo. Now you have accomplished two things. you have frozen the guitar part, and made it editable and keepable.

It will come in on changels 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. You can rechannel channes 11, through 15 to channel 16. Now all guitar notes are on channel 16, but at the cost of have a correct tab of the guitar part.

Now you pay it though and get a very good piano, so you copy/Move track to sole, this time with the Merge with existing data checked. The Piano part is merged with the guitar part, and again we can rechannel it. Let us say to channel 15. Now we have our piano, frozen and editable on channel 15, and our guitar part from the previous generation frozen and editable on channel 16.

So we re-play and this time we really like the strings. So we repeat the steps above, an move the strings to channel 14.

So now we have four editable part. One on the melody, and three on the solo.

This will also export to midi with the aditional parts so you can move it to PT, RB or an other syn. I moved it by exporting to clip board and then pasting into RB. my channel 13, 14, 15 came in on one track and I used the Extract Channels to tracks to move them to thier own tracks. but now I have all the BIAB parts plus the Editable Guitar, Piano, Strings and melody on thier own tracks in RB. But note this functionality was in BIAB, but not quite as tidy.

Try it you may like it...
Posted By: rd151 Re: What BIAB desperately needs to create - 02/20/09 04:48 PM
If it ain't simple to understand and create then its not worth the effort. BIAB programmers should just enable users to edit the guitar and bass section as they would the Melody and Soloist sections. Now thats simple

Posted By: Mac Re: What BIAB desperately needs to create - 02/20/09 05:44 PM
Then use the Style Editor to do so.
Posted By: PapaMikie Re: What BIAB desperately needs to create - 02/20/09 06:12 PM
Not quite what the program is about. BIAB was and is first and foremost an auto generation program. It turns out there are a bunch of other things that can and are done with it, however, let's remember what it claims to be. PGMusic provided and provides reasonably cost efficient tools for other things in PT and RB.

I have tried to show you a way to do it with BIAB as is, an other options is to use RB or some other syn, to import the files generated by BIAB. The Multi track Syn is there to allow you to edit up to 16 channels of data so you can use it or not as you see fit.

It does not seem too complicated to me, but then, that's just me.

I also have RB so if I want I can use that to edit the individual tracks.

Mac provides an other option in the style editor.
Posted By: rd151 Re: What BIAB desperately needs to create - 02/20/09 10:40 PM

I understand what your trying to say and I agree, to YOU it's simple but to the average BIAB user who is a homespun musician like me it ain't easy, trust me.
Anything is easy when you know how to do it, but the learning can be hard. All I'm saying is that there should be a "edit" line for the guitar and bass sections as there are for the Melody and Soloist sections.Where you can input your own tracks whether from a midi track or Finale Music track 2008. Do you see my point?
Posted By: PapaMikie Re: What BIAB desperately needs to create - 02/21/09 12:30 AM
I do see what you are saying, but my point is, everything is difficult before you know how to do it. It is fairly easy to learn to move channels between the soloist and melody, and there for to Isolate a sing channel on one or other of the two editable channels. Yes, it might be nice to have the ability to edit and freeze the other tracks, but with just a little effort you can transfer the melody channels to the soloist or the soloist channels to the melody. If you learn to do this, you can put up to sixteen tracks on these two tracks you can move all but one channel to the melody and then edit the soloist, you can repeat the process with a different channel and isolate the next track and edit it.
Posted By: MartinB Re: What BIAB desperately needs to create - 02/21/09 01:18 AM

... So maybe the PG Music programers will read this and allow for this? That sure would be nice

Ya' know, there is some off-chance that RB was created to provide exactly this ticket ...
just what I was thinking...
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