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Dear sirs,

I would find it really useful if band in a box could be configured to be used as a client (or as a slave) to an another DAW. ether though Rewire, VST or even midi clock. (thou any of these options would be fine, Rewire would be my top choose, VST my second).

My issue it this. I do Scores, and I have come up with the perfect set up for this purpose. I use my DAW as the master and load a segment of the video and audio from a movie that needed to be scored into it as a guide. I then proceed to plug in VST and direct x devices into that DAW as needed and wire up several midi channels to outside hardware. I also synchronize a couple of other DAWs and sequencers to this set up. I tend to Rewire to Reason, plug NI machine into my system as a VST, and send midi clock out to my Yamaha QY-70. One of the reasons that I approach this in this way is because some of these DAWs can do things that I can do in any other way, so I relent of all of them for my work, and that includes my Master DAW.

I would really really like to be able to add Band in a box to this configuration as anther DAW synced to my master DAW. So I am hopping that you will highly consider my suggestion for your 2016 release of Band in a box.

I became a big proponent of Rewire as soon as I found out about it. At the time I was running Reason 3 and Nuendo 1. What a moment when I got them running together! I recommended Rewire to PG Music shortly after that, probably in the late 2000s.

Later on I found a page on Propellerheads' web site which detailed the benefits, as well as the fact that it was free to developers and came with free technical support. I copied and pasted this in another post a few years ago.

Shortly thereafter PG said that they were "looking into it." As a new user, you have no idea how momentous that is. AFAIK that is the ONLY time they have commented on a process that might be in progress. However, that was years ago and we have heard nothing since.

I don't actually know whether BIAB is a good candidate for Rewire--but RealBand and Power Tracks Pro Audio would be, and I could certainly "settle" for that. Keep up the racket and maybe we'll hear something more. I'm with you 1,000%.


Definitely adds value and improves the product capability

Massive +1
This would be huge! As stated there is no form of sync not even the most basic MMC (MIDI Machine Control) for start control though that could be done other ways. With OSC or Keyboard Maestro or QuicKeys. Keeping them both synced with tempo changes would be huge! So disappointed there is no communication from BIAB about this after years of posts.

This is not fully proof read but thought it might be helpful to someone and gives the general idea of what I have done to sync things with a steady tempo.
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