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I don't create styles from scratch but there is an irritation in the Stylemaker that has been mentioned before and is easy to fix.

Some user styles have been created with the box ticked inside Stylemaker that says "allow volume changes with style" Unfortunately this actually STOPS you saving volume changes in a song created with these styles. Once you know the trick it is easy to modify and save the user style with this box unticked.

PG never make this mistake with their styles.

I don't know why this option is really needed but at least please change the wording to "do NOT allow volume changes with style"

I have created many of my own styles, based on ones in BIAB in which I have substituted various tracks. I balance the tracks within the style, and check the box to NOT allow the song to change the volume.

BIAB styles are generally well balanced individually (at least for my ear), but they are not balanced across the whole style library. I have found that one guitar track, for instance, can be much quieter or loader than one from another style. It's not the voice, but the midi pattern being used, or built in volume of the real track.

I want volume of my styles to be consistent and balanced as a group, and that is accomplished with "allow volume changes with style".
That's great, you have learned how to use the tick box and are not confused by the wording. However I have lots of third party styles where the volumes are all at 90 so the author has not tried to balance instruments, as you have done, and yet the box is ticked which freezes the volumes.

I am simply asking for the wording to be changed, not to remove the option.

Yes, this has always been a point of confusion, where it says "allow volume changes with style". The implication is that the user should be allowed to make volume changes; however, the perspective is from the style, in that the style (not the user) makes the volume changes. It really should be reworded accordingly (maybe, "disallow volume changes by user" or perhaps "lock the volume settings" or something similar).
one of the many idiosyncrasies of BIAB.

Most of us have just learned to live with them
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