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Posted By: Guitartist Custom Toolbars in Standard Mode - 05/09/18 09:49 AM
Although I use the standard toolbar mode, I do like the custom tab in the compact toolbar mode.

Since we all have our favorite features that we use more frequently than others in BIAB, and other features that we rarely if ever use, wouldn't it be nice to be able to reduce the visual clutter by making ALL of the toolbars in standard mode customizable? It seems to me that this would be a very simple way to customize and streamline the interface to suit individual needs without resorting to the sparseness of the compact mode. And buttons could be added or deleted at any time.

I think this could benefit both the beginner and the experienced user who probably uses shortcuts anyway and doesn't need to see that multitude of buttons. Think of it as a compromise between the standard and compact modes that simply adds more interface flexibility.
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Custom Toolbars in Standard Mode - 05/09/18 11:57 AM
I think this idea has merit, and although we’ve had many discussions about the toolbar, I’m not sure anyone else thought of this.

Would it work if we could simply eliminate the other buttons, and have one totally customizable Custom toolbar where we could put whatever we choose? I think so. It’s nice now for new users, but more experienced ones could surely design something that fits their workflow better.

Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Custom Toolbars in Standard Mode - 05/09/18 03:20 PM
+1. Custom toolbars in standard mode seem to be a direction PG Music is heading toward.
Posted By: Guitartist Re: Custom Toolbars in Standard Mode - 05/09/18 07:33 PM
Okay, so I just read a post in the beginners forum where somebody tried for 3 months to figure out how to use BIAB and finally gave up and returned it. This is a classic example of somebody who just wants to have some fun creating backing tracks, learning by playing along with some of the built-in songs, and maybe eventually creating some original tunes, but was completely baffled by the interface and complexity of BIAB.

Hence my suggestion for toolbar customization in standard mode. PGMusic could even create different screenset options for beginners, composing, practicing, MIDI, audio recording & editing, etc. Maybe a new customer opening BIAB for the very first time is greeted with a simplified "beginners" interface that will allow them to get accustomed to the program and, when they are ready, to graduate to a more advanced screenset.

Here is an example of a simplified beginner's interface. Nothing but the basics. I wouldn't mind this myself.

Attached File
Simplified Toolbars.jpg  (28 downloads)
Posted By: Pipeline Re: Custom Toolbars in Standard Mode - 05/10/18 05:04 AM
Back to the future ?:

Attached picture BB-Old-Buttons.png
Posted By: Guitartist Re: Custom Toolbars in Standard Mode - 05/10/18 09:46 AM
Wow...back to the future indeed.

I wonder why they eliminated that customization option?
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