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In EzDrums by Toontracks I can easily modify a pattern with a "number of hits" setting. It's possible to have more or less than the default. This is really a handy feature.

In BiaB this could be realized by sub-styles, but the point is that the main groove/pattern stays te same. It's just more or less embellishment. So I see it more as an additional bar setting rather than a sub-style.

"sparse" could be used eg for the first verse of a pop-song or the one before the last one. "busy" is more for the final verse/chorus at the end of a song.

Another use case is a pre-chorus with either "busy" verse or "sparse" chorus.

+1 but for an easier way to do it. There are work around available but they are not intuitive or easy.

Band-in-a-Box has "Natural Arrangement" and "Simple Arrangement" checkbox options in the "Song Settings" window available through the "Song Settings" button in the song title bar just above the song tempo.

Pressing the "Bar Setting" button opens the "Bar Setting" window that allows you to clear the existing RealDrum track, substitute a RealDrum track or swap midi drum kits if using midi drums.

Have you tried freezing the other tracks and using any of these settings to change the drum arrangement?

Most of the dedicated drum track creation tools I have looked at have a method to simplify or embellish a drum track. I like, but don't have, +++ RealiDrums +++. Realidrums is a drum track creation tool that works as an instrument inside both the free Kontakt Player and full version Kontakt. It has sliders to individually adjust complexity of each drum instrument. It also will automatically play a 1, 2, 3 or 4 beat fill as desired. It will also export the drum track output as midi for additional editing or playback in a DAW as well as accept midi input from a DAW for use as a midi sound module. It is also presently has a sale price of $99.

All drum track creation tools I've seen create midi drum patterns and have a playback sound engine to playback the created midi drum patterns. That type of dedicated, integrated, modular system is designed for flexibility. A tool like EZDrums can also be expensive, especially if you start purchasing expansion packs.

Description: Song Settings window. Note check boxes for simple and natural arrangements and button to open bar settings.
Attached picture Clipboard01.jpg

Description: Bar Setting window. Notice RealDrums button and midi drums settings.
Attached picture Clipboard02.jpg
Posted By: Masi Re: sparse and busy options for all MIDI styles - 12/31/19 11:44 AM
Thank you for you detail answer, Jim. I forgot about the "simple arrangement" for a moment and it works differently then what I have in mind.

Some clarification:
* the options should work for the MIDI styles
* having them for RealTracks is a bonus (but IMHO unrealistic to add to existing and much work for new ones)
* "sparse" means less notes/hits (it does not affect chord alterations)
* "busy" means more notes/hits (it does not affect chord alterations)
* sparse/normal/busy can be seen as a "density" setting

What I originally didn't have in mind is another setting that affects the rhythmic "complexity". Here we have "straigth" and "off-beat". The former favours plain on-beat notes, the latter syncopations.

Both settings can be set indipendently from each other.

The current setting for "simple arrangement" is explained as having less rhythmic variations and less altered chords.

Originally Posted By: Masi
* "sparse" means less notes/hits (it does not affect chord alterations)
* "busy" means more notes/hits (it does not affect chord alterations)
* sparse/normal/busy can be seen as a "density" setting

I'm not sure if you've investigate blue and green part markers, but this is exactly how they work.

Posted By: Masi Re: sparse and busy options for all MIDI styles - 12/31/19 12:54 PM
Noel, I want more variation within a song. If use a (blue) for the verse and b (green) for the chorus (in the common sense, not the BiaB) then I would like to have variations of a and b. See my original post on how these verses and choruses would differ.

The multi-styles by BiaB have additional variations for intro (c) and interlude/bridge (d). That's nice and reasonable for RealTracks. But I think for MIDI based (tracks) styles there is more possible without additional sub-styles. Thought that doesn't mean I say no if I get the chance for c/d sub-styles for existing MIDI styles smile

It's a kind of convenience thing. I know that I can export the MIDI tracks and add or remove notes. But a) that's extra work for me and b) I don't play instrument X so I wouldn't know where it is natural to add or remove for that instrument.

I see.

Ahh... I get it.

+1 then from me smile
Me Also

Great clarifications. As I said in my earlier post:
+1 but for an easier way to do it. There are work around available but they are not intuitive or easy.

That said the work arounds I suggested do not properly address the density of midi note arrangements. I've seen a few plugins, most notably +++ RealiDrums by Realitone +++ that have slide controls to change the density or complexity of the midi output.

Lets say for a moment each track had a complexity fader. The logical place for the fader is to add a fader to each track in the mixer. The Realitone video shows each complexity fader affects plugin midi output in real time. How would a similar track fader work in Band-in-a-Box? One way could be through the mixer and F5 settings.

Each track complexity fader could set the initial complexity of the track midi pattern. Part markers would continue to make track complexity patterns change as they do now. F5 settings could have eight boxes that display the complexity of each track pattern at the current bar. + and - radio buttons would enable incremental changes that start at the current bar. The user also could double click on the complexity box of a track to enter a new value.

Here's a question for discussion. In this model, when a part marker is encountered should the part marker overwrite the current complexity values, increment the current values a set amount plus or minus, or increment a percentage amount plus or minus? In any case plus increase the complexity while minus decreases the complexity.
Originally Posted By: Jim Fogle
I've seen a few plugins, most notably +++ RealiDrums by Realitone +++ that have slide controls to change the density or complexity of the midi output.

Lets say for a moment each track had a complexity fader. The logical place for the fader is to add a fader to each track in the mixer.

Lot's of track settings could be put shown in the mixer but are not. For me only the fader metaphor makes the mixer a choice for putting complexity settings.

But I assume that the method of setting the initial complexity value in your model doesn't matter.

I hadn't had a song setting for complexity in mind. The simpler approach is IMHO that any bar setting overrides the song setting for a track (which in turn could inherit from a global song setting).

The option to use relative value has its merits as you can play with the initial value to figure out the best overall complexity. Percentages will make only sense if the initial value is fine grained (as a fader implies). If we get "only" a scale from 1 to 9 (5 being "normal") an amount will do fine.

If the bar setting is implemented as a plain text field all three options could be available:

* number without sign => fixed amount
* number with sign => relative value
* number with a % suffix => relative value in percent

That's probably what be done in Reaper, king of tweaks. wink

The drawback is that the user may enter invalid data (eg letters). What's more he has to remember all the possible formats. Great for power users, not newbie friendly.

As an alternative two drop-downs may be used. One shows the measure (amount, relative, relative in %) the other the possible values. For % the dropdown will show only values in steps of 10 (or replace thevalue drop down with a text field).

Another vote of support.
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