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Hi Folks / PG crew
Assume I need an RT guitar... even feel. So I type "guitar" in picker. Now I need EV feel. So I sort by that, clicking "Feel" on the top of picker. Now I need right tempo within EV feel... But of course when I press to sort by tempo, EV/Swing get mixed up and any other sorting options will prioritize just that specific sorting.

Request is to have an option of chain query A->B->C or B->C-A or any other combination instead of A or B or C, etc.

Meaning, new sort query will respect prior choice. If Selecting EV feel and then sort by tempo it will sort and show tempo within all EV feel first, not mixing up with SW.

I do understand that some would prefer raw searching, that is why I mentioned to have as an "option".

P.S. Jim F. Mentioned that this was requested a few times, I just can not find older threads. So consider this a "bump" smile
I just tried a few strings in the Filter String, using commas and plus signs, hoping to find a way to specify the sort order. I could not make it work.

To the original request, +1
Hierarchical sorting would be a big advantage.

+1 from me.

The RealDrums Picker should also have nested filtering capability but it doesn't.

Mario D stated in +++ THIS +++ thread the StylePicker supports nested filters.

It confusing when one search window filters one way and the rest filter a different way.
Jim, are you trying to derail my post with RealDrums Picker? (joke :))

If we are talking about a side request, I believe that a unified picker for all creative content (something inline to what I proposed earlier) RT,RD,Loops,User Tracks, Midi etc. is the only true way to go forward. To save time in a future. An investment.

less "disconnected" search options, better organized content, PLUS getting rid of all the menu options when choosing a track for the mixer, as it would be defined by whatever you choose in a single (tabbed) picker.

and of course, the subject of this thread: Nesting / Hierarchical sorting rules should apply option smile

P.S. Ohh yes my biggest request Utility Tracks, hopefully will be also under one roof with the rest of mixer tracks and not with their "own" picker. Many pickers are driving me nuts. Not sure why developers decided on different multiple pickers in the first place and not just use the template of the main picker, removing options that "do not apply". Should be much easier to maintain too (!)
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