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My CNC windows machine decided to update for no reason.

It is not connected to the internet.

That has screwed up my CNC program.

The CNC program is complex enough I have to have a CNC engeneer deal with it at $100 per hour.

I never had any of these issues until win 10 got here.

What a usless program Windows is for a mission critical application!

I am puzzled by this as well. Are you sure you never go on the Internet, however briefly?
That sounds like a rather dirty bit of MS behaviour, though it could be a bug.

My first reaction is "if it isn't connected, it can't"; my second is that perhaps it tried to validate your licence, couldn't, and has gone into some kind of restricted mode (syn sulk). Curiously most of the hits I get looking for "not connected" suggest that Windows will report a failure to connect.

Is there any possibility that it may have connected via WiFi without your knowledge?

I've always been sceptical about Windows in "mission critical" situations, but then I guess with my background I'd inevitably have that view. Despite having actually used Windows in such a situation. I get more uncomfortable the more MS try to tie my hands.

CNC itself is outside of my knowledge-space. I note that LinuxCNC has a reasonable userbase and it would get away from Windows, which might sole the problem, but might equally raise a whole new set of problems. Might it be worth talking with your CNC person about it?
If it helps, you are not the only one. I have a laptop that is barely a computer. I just use it for writing Word documents. It updated itself last week. It has never been connected to the internet.

Is it on any kind of a network?
If I can get to machine A on Network Z, I can probably get to machine B,C & D on that same Z network .. if I designed the OS used on that network, just a thought
not a pretty one, but it's one
hi guys

First the computer is not on the internet and never has been except when windows was installed. There is no network interface card in the machine. It would not connect to the internet when I tried thinking there was some hidden wifi somewhere. What ever happened come from the hard drive.

I was able to delete the updates that had todays date and recover from the problem.

Then the power went off and I had to rewrite some gcode. Not a lot but stil...a lot better than a CNC opperating software reinstall at normally a couple of hundred dollars.

I don't have a UPS on this machine at the moment.

I really never had many issues with 7 or XP. The problems started with the updates.

I can go back to linux. It is very stable but a bit of a PITB if you don't use it every day.

We are now living in a time where products and services cost more and deliver less.

Photos of the damn thing finally working!

What amps look like at


I, too, cannot see how it would update without being connected.

I have two Win11 machines that I use on stage. Since all I do with them on the gig is to either play the backing tracks I make myself, or display words and/or music, there is no need for them to go online.

When I bought them, I connected them to my Wi-Fi, registered them, let them update, and then unpaired them from my Wi-Fi.

They haven't updated by themselves, but if they do, I'll report it. One of them keeps telling me that my antivirus is out of date, but I just ignore that.

If anyone figures out how they update without being on-line, let us know. It would be very interesting.

Notes ♫
Wild guess: Did you connect a cellphone to your Microsoft account?
FYI I had a Win 10 computer off-line for about 2.5 years and it never updated.

When I did go on-line with it all hell broke loose as it was so far behind in updates that I had to format the HD and start again, but that is another story. Now I keep it updated.
In my case, it might have grabbed the hub I have on my phone.

Thanks for clearing that up!

To be sure, go to your Device Manager and disable your network interface card and/or wireless hardware.

Yours will 100% look different then mine. You can always go back and enable them if you need to.

You kill the hardware, everything else should fall into place.

If that does not work after disabling the hardware, get rid of the computer as it is haunted.


Attached picture network.jpg

That was me.

You made some stupid comments out loud at Herb's party that changed a few things.

You weren't supposed to talk about Project Frankenstein or the visible wire seen dangling from the trouser leg of the big guy.

We have revoked your security clearance.

We can put wifi wherever we want it and you know it. Don't be a moron. It has nothing to do with Bill. Bill does what he is told.

And yes those are drones.

You shouldn't have spilled the beans. You are no longer on Mission Critical. You talk too much.

We have an AI war going on and an election coming up.

Stay focused.

Actually David. It had nothing to do with Project Frankenstein. That drone you saw was actually a UFO. You need to upgrade the security cameras you guys installed on my house.

The UFO was not unknown to me, only to the government. Those government guys are such butt heads we refuse to talk to them. Living here in the Bermuda Triangle, many unexpected things happen. Add the close proximity to the know the answer to that issue.

Also, while we are on the subject, those off-pitch notes you played the other day are causing unwanted oscillations in the project I can not name.

On a brighter note, I have been informed that the whiskey still is back up and running. Everything is robotic, including the former human employees. I have managed to make everything perfectly safe and have added chemicals that stop the effect of alcohol when touching the steering wheel of a car.


We need you to bring your laptop out of the house slowly and your fake BIAB hard drive.

We know what it is. It obviously is not for music. Using a helpless Canadian software company as a front for your wicked conspiratorial deeds. Shame on you.

Walk out of the house slowly and put the lap top and hard drive down, then raise your hands. We have 600 laser sites aimed at your head.

Game over Billy.
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