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Posted By: Narayano Half bars in 6/8 time - 07/23/18 12:58 PM
I'm entering a tune in 6/8 time called Will Ye Go Lassie Go? and the first bar has only 3 beats and the last only 3 beats. This gives me a problem at the end as the bar plays too long. Also a problem when I set for 2 choruses.

Sorry if I'm asking so many questions but, thanks to the help I've received here I have managed to create 6 backing tracks with which I am delighted and which wouldn't have happened without all the help. I am watching videos to help me - I have purchased Joanne Cooper's set and also those by Groove Music but some things seem impossible to find on my own.

Thanks again,

Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Half bars in 6/8 time - 07/23/18 02:39 PM
I would need to know what style you are using to see how it sounds in BIAB. For example, in Celtjig.sty, BIAB handles 6/8 in 4/4. Each measure is two bars of 6/8; in other words, every quarter note is a triplet and two beats of 4/4 is 6 beats in 12/8.

Assuming your style is like that, the technique is to go to the first bar, press F5, and enter 2 for beats per measure. Then go to bar 2, press F5, and enter 4 (which restores the 'normal' time). Do something similar at the ending bar.
Posted By: Dave Re: Half bars in 6/8 time - 07/23/18 05:47 PM
could it be that the first bar is the lead in bar? You can put 3 beats in that bar easily. The last 3 beats may just be the ending. Are you copying from a music book, or perhaps entering it by ear? Music often doesn't start on the first beat of a bar
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Half bars in 6/8 time - 07/23/18 06:58 PM
I’m guessing it’s more like a church hymnal, where the first three beats of 6/8 are at the end of the song, completing the measure when you repeat to the beginning?
Posted By: Narayano Re: Half bars in 6/8 time - 07/24/18 02:29 AM
Brilliant! I've been trying different approaches with no result. This seems to work fine. Thank you.

Kind Regards

Posted By: Narayano Re: Half bars in 6/8 time - 07/24/18 02:31 AM
Thanks for that Dave. I think the next post by Matt explains what has been happening for me.

Kind regards

Posted By: Narayano Re: Half bars in 6/8 time - 07/24/18 02:33 AM
Exactly! I'm learning to play mainly traditional folk music and a lot of the songs are written that way. Brilliant!

Kind Regards,

Posted By: Matt Finley Re: Half bars in 6/8 time - 07/24/18 10:00 AM
Thanks. Once in awhile, I get one right.
Posted By: Narayano Re: Half bars in 6/8 time - 07/25/18 12:13 PM
I think that for me you've got several right! Thanks.
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