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Posted By: Gary524 4 Bar Endings - 10/26/19 12:15 AM
I think I must have changed a setting somewhere in BIAB that's causing the automatically generated 4 bar ending to be cut short.

When I create a new song, BIAB generates 4 extra bars at the end. However, only the first two bars actually play back and the music abruptly cuts off.

Over in Preferences > Arrange, I have checked the "Allow any Endings" box, but there must be something else that I've overlooked. This feature previously worked as expected.
Posted By: AudioTrack Re: 4 Bar Endings - 10/26/19 12:36 AM
Song Settings > 4 bar ending option might assist. Make sure that the tracks aren't frozen. You may need to generate more than once to get a suitable ending.

Attached picture 2019-10-26_14-34-26.jpg
Posted By: Gary524 Re: 4 Bar Endings - 10/26/19 12:41 AM
Thank you, Video Track...

Yes, I have the 4 bar box checked. As I mentioned, BIAB generates the 4 measures, but the sound stops suddenly at the second measure.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: 4 Bar Endings - 10/26/19 01:51 AM
Hi Gary,

Which sound suddenly stops? If you solo each of the instruments across the ending, I'm pretty sure that you've find that it's just one of the sounds that's causing the problem.

If you can isolate that sound (or those sounds), paste their realtrack numbers here and I'll give them a try.


Posted By: Matt Finley Re: 4 Bar Endings - 10/26/19 12:52 PM
Make sure the Bar for End of Chorus, or the end of the Tag, isn’t too early.
Posted By: Dave Re: 4 Bar Endings - 10/26/19 08:00 PM
4 bar endings are only for Real Tracks to allow them to decay more naturally. Midi endings are usually 2 bars
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: 4 Bar Endings - 10/26/19 10:12 PM
And the 4-bar ending is an enhancement to the original 2-bar ending, but it allows for decay of sounds for two more bars.
Posted By: Dave Re: 4 Bar Endings - 10/27/19 05:23 PM
But only for real / audio instruments. MIDI instrument endings are controlled within the style editor / Endings grid. I don't think they decay the way that Real Tracks do.

Per the manual
By “4-bar-endings” we are referring to a 2-bar ending that has an additional two bars to allow for the natural decay of the audio instrument (instead of being quickly faded out).
Posted By: jford Re: 4 Bar Endings - 10/28/19 01:23 PM
BIAB does not support four bar endings, only two bar endings. The four bar setting is to allow for a smooth decay of the final note, rather than having the sound stop abruptly.
Posted By: Gary524 Re: 4 Bar Endings - 10/28/19 03:16 PM
Thanks everyone. It seems I'm getting some very unpredictable results with the endings. Here's some analysis:

Song #1: A mixture of RTs and midi. 2 bar ending. Chord in 1st bar of ending is set to "No rest". RTs continue to play through both bars and creates a nice ending.

Song #2: 100% RTs. 2 bar ending. Chord in 1st bar of ending set to "hold". Chord is held and decays through the second bar (as expected).

Song #3: A mixture of midi and RTs. 4 bar ending. Chord in 1st bar of ending set to "no rest". RT's play for bars 1 AND 2, then stops suddenly with no decay.

Song #4: A mixture of RTs and midi. 4 bar ending. Chord in 1st bar of ending set to "no rest". RT's play through 1st and 2nd ending and decays in second ending. Not much difference from Song #1 with a two bar ending.

Song #5: A mixture of RTs and midi. 4 bar ending. Chord in 1st bar of ending set to "no rest". RTs hold on chord in 1st bar of ending (though it's not set to hold) and decays in 2nd bar. About the same as Song #2. Why wouildn't it be more like Song #4?

Basically, I'm seeing no real difference in the 2 bar endings and the 4 bar endings. And in one case, the 4 bar ending is suddenly stopping without decay.
Posted By: Noel96 Re: 4 Bar Endings - 10/28/19 05:52 PM
Did you isolate which track or tracks are causing the abrupt ending?

Using the mixer, if you solo each track sequentially and play the last 2 bars, you'll be able to identify which one is causing the problem. Some MIDI tracks have been known to end abruptly if they have a sustained final sound like strings.

Posted By: jford Re: 4 Bar Endings - 10/28/19 06:48 PM
Also, note that styles (MIDI) are not necessarily limited to a single ending. So you can potentially get disparate endings. MIDI styles can potentially have 13 different 2-bar endings (which could be a mixture of riffs or holds). I'm not sure what RTs do for endings, but I believe there are multiple endings there as well.

Most folks, if you are just looking for a held ending, will turn off the generated 2-bar ending (which effectively turns off the 4 bar ending feature as well), and implement a "hold chord" for the ending. Then when you want it to end, you enter a rest chord (which for weird BIAB reasons needs to be different from the held chord). So you might enter (slashes indicate remaining beats in a bar):


Again, there are no 4-bar endings. There are only 2-bar endings with an additional two bars for fading out.

Also, as I understand it (and I could be wrong), I don't know that all the "soloist" RealTracks have appropriate endings, which is why I think you sometimes get an abrupt RT ending.
Posted By: Matt Finley Re: 4 Bar Endings - 10/28/19 07:34 PM
I do what John describes for a held chord ending. The other trick when you do that is to make sure the Bar at End of Chorus, or the ending bar of a Tag, is far enough beyond where you want to sound to end.
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