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Posted By: DannyJo239 Drum Mapping - 12/17/19 06:43 PM
I started out 25 years ago on the first of the Korg i series of arrangers. They had a feature, which they probably still have, of drum mapping. You could make the drums play closed high hat, open hh, ride cymbal, justt the bass drum w/no snare,jst rim playing and of course, snare. etc. Is there any way to create substyles with this number of choices regarding the drum track. I hope I worded this question well.

Thanks in advance.

Posted By: Bob Calver Re: Drum Mapping - 12/18/19 06:45 AM
I think that what you are trying to do is not really possible in BIAB. The way drums play is either pre-set in the midi style or in a RealTrack is a recording of a live musician and therefore can't be changed.

In RealBand however its easier to do as you can wipe the whole drum track and use the drum grid editor to create the pattern you want and then fill the number of bars you want with that pattern and then if needed change the pattern for other bars. If you save the pattern you create you can load it in future and simply drop it in where you want on the midi drum tracks. You can create and save as many patterns as you need.

So, I may be wrong (and other forumites may be able to help in another way)but, what you want to do is not really possible in BIAB but simple and easy in RealBand.

So create your track in BIAB, ignore the drums for the moment, then open the file and edit the drums in RB.

Just a quick edit but in BIAB you can actually edit styles (including the midi drums or replace RealDrums with midi patterns you like)) and save them as new styles and you may be able to do that but it's a long way round when RB gives you a much quicker and flexible alternative.
Posted By: Teunis Re: Drum Mapping - 12/18/19 07:30 AM
If you are using RealDrums it is possible to get a number of different drum settings using RealDrums QuickList see the manual (online

I would have thought if using midi drums you could set up the drum map in your drum instrument. Usually BIAB midi drums use the GM MIDI Drum Map but that should be easy to change. I often use Addictive Drums 2 and it is easy to set up various hits.

My thoughts
Posted By: MarioD Re: Drum Mapping - 12/18/19 12:03 PM
Yes you can do this with MIDI in BiaB but it is a PITA. What you will need is a drum map of your MIDI drum sound source. You will need to have that sound source set up as your BiaB drum sound source (I do not use external sounds, hard synth or soft synth, in BiaB so others will have to show you how to do this). Then you have to match what your external drum map is to BiaB's drum map (this is not easy as BiaB's drum map is drum labeled, bass, snare, etc, and not in their corresponding MIDI note number). Then you can either move whatever note you want to a new sound, say closed hi hat to open hi hat, or you can add any note. You do this in the edit notation mode.

Now having done this it is much easier doing this in a DAW. I use a number of different drum maps matching my various drum soft synths in Studio One Pro very easily. Note that once I have a MIDI drum map conversion finished in Studio One Pro I can save it. I don't think that is possible to save a drum map conversion in BiaB.

Bottom line is do this in a DAW! YMMV

I hope this helps.
Posted By: jazzmammal Re: Drum Mapping - 12/19/19 02:11 PM
Danny, Real Band is also a DAW that has almost all of the Biab functions plus DAW functions. It's a very powerful program. If you're already using a DAW it may be easier to drag your Biab tracks to it or use the Biab plugin. Bottom line everybody is correct custom midi drums should be done in a DAW.

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