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Posted By: Bawb When Saving (An option for MP3)? - 01/15/20 01:57 PM
So when I'm saving my projects, the drop down menu gives me an option to save for MP3 but when I chose "save as MP3" I get an error message that the codecs are not available. Is there something that I haven't installed or installed improperly?

Posted By: Notes Norton Re: When Saving (An option for MP3)? - 01/15/20 06:30 PM
I've had the same problem.

I save as a WAV and then use CDex or Audacity to change to an mp3. One note; if using CDex, choose version 5 or earlier. CDex 5 is open source, I read that later versions are adware supported. (Since I read that on the 'net, it might not be true.)

CDex gives me a lot of options for saving, VBR settings, different quality settings, and IMO makes the best sounding mp3s of all the apps I've tried.

Insights and incites by Notes
Posted By: DebMurphy Re: When Saving (An option for MP3)? - 01/15/20 06:31 PM
Freeware MP3 program called LAME.

Posted By: Brian Hughes Re: When Saving (An option for MP3)? - 01/15/20 06:55 PM
Originally Posted By: Bawb
So when I'm saving my projects, the drop down menu gives me an option to save for MP3 but when I chose "save as MP3" I get an error message that the codecs are not available. Is there something that I haven't installed or installed improperly?


I am not sure why the codec would not be included because the patent on mp3 expired sometime back. About any DAW should have it. Have you tried in RB?
Posted By: rharv Re: When Saving (An option for MP3)? - 01/16/20 09:05 PM
RB doesn't include it natively either.
For some reason PGMusic has not included an MP3 codec so far.
I'd have thought it would be included by now myself.
Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: When Saving (An option for MP3)? - 01/16/20 11:29 PM
May 20, 2019 I asked in the forum and by email to PG Music Support where Band-in-a-Box looks for a MP3 codec.

I've never seen or received a response so once again:
Hello PG Music,

What storage location does Band-in-a-Box and RealBand look at and expect to find a MP3 codec to use during a song file export process?

MP3 codecs are fairly common files to find on the internet since the patent has expired so many users have, or can find a codec, for Band-in-a-Box or RealBand to use. However, I'm unable to find any guidance regarding where the codec should be stored.

Every now and then a user reports receiving an error message stating the MP3 codec is missing.
Posted By: rharv Re: When Saving (An option for MP3)? - 01/16/20 11:36 PM
I have built a newer system recently so I had to reinstall lots of stuff.
I installed the LAME ACM codec tonight, which makes it available to Windows (at least W10 recognizes it).
Reaper can use it fine.
Tried the same render in RB.
RB shows the option as available but fails with a 'Cannot get Stream size' error.

Wish I could offer more.
Not sure why, even when available to the OS and other apps, RB fails at using it.

image 1 - Codec available in W10
image 2 - Reaper using it
image 3 - Resulting successful MP3 file in Realband folder using Reaper
image 4 - LAME available in RB as a compressed format option
image 5 - End result error in RB when trying to use the LAME codec

Attached picture WindowsCodecLameW10.jpg
Attached picture LameRenderReaper.jpg
Attached picture ReaperLAME_render.jpg
Attached picture LameW10.jpg
Attached picture RB_LAME_Error.jpg
Posted By: goofeyfoot Re: When Saving (An option for MP3)? - 01/21/20 07:36 PM
Same problem here. Why is this such a problem?
Posted By: rharv Re: When Saving (An option for MP3)? - 01/21/20 08:43 PM
I'm not sure why it stopped working.
It worked on my earlier W7 machine, but doesn't seem to want to work now.
I'm trying to get this item far enough up the flagpole to get some attention from support soon.
Posted By: Mike Head Re: When Saving (An option for MP3)? - 01/22/20 11:31 AM

There seems to be some confusion on terminology used here.
I have always understood a CODEC to be a DECODER for playback, of a format eg Mp3. hence the DEC in the name.
To create an MP3 file you need a MP3 ENCODER like lame.

The only clue i can find about location of these files is in this help screen.
i note PG refer to it as a codec? it seems to use the windows installed setting.


Attached picture codec.jpg
Posted By: goofeyfoot Re: When Saving (An option for MP3)? - 01/22/20 11:52 AM
Ok, encoder. So how do you install them in Windows 10, 64 bit?
Posted By: rharv Re: When Saving (An option for MP3)? - 01/22/20 08:51 PM
Easiest path recently (that I recall) has been to install the K-Lite basic codec.

I haven't tried that on this system yet, rather new .. I installed the LAME MP3 codec and I found RB has an issue using it right now, and suspect BiaB simply isn't using it.

As far as K-Lite; if you go that route, be sure to download from a reputable site.
.. Then scan the download.

Codec installers (because they install to the OS) are favorite targets for malware and such.
I know it's common sense but felt compelled to mention.

And regarding CODEC, the first hit on Google ( -
"Codec, abbreviation of coder-decoder or compression-decompression, a standard used for compressing and decompressing digital media, especially audio and video, which have traditionally consumed significant bandwidth."

Codecs both Encode & Decode. The acronym just uses COde-DECode and also works for COmpression-DECompression.
Posted By: goofeyfoot Re: When Saving (An option for MP3)? - 01/22/20 09:55 PM

When you get K-Lite, how do you install it?


Posted By: rharv Re: When Saving (An option for MP3)? - 01/22/20 10:34 PM
From memory, you end up with an executable install file (.exe) .. double clicking installs it.

You may have to reboot once afterwards so the new codecs get loaded by Windows.
Installing it should be a familiar windows install routine, again from memory.

/if you find joy, by all means let us know
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