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Posted By: Elliott Kayne Pro Demos for Pitching to publishers - 03/30/23 03:24 PM
Has anyone used BIAB and made a professional sounding demo that they used to pitch to publishers?

I'd be interesting in hearing the devil and to see if you actually got a record deal from it.
Posted By: Roger Brown Re: Pro Demos for Pitching to publishers - 03/30/23 04:16 PM
You asked two questions there... are you asking about publishers or record companies?
As Roger pointed out, you did ask two questions.

To the first one, yes. I have used BB directly for a couple of tunes that were sent to publishers, signed, and used in film and TV shows "as is" with no re-recording. So it's certainly good enough for that.

Regarding the second question... I have yet to get a record deal on any of my songs nor have I had any of my songs signed into a record deal to be recorded by an artist. The question is.... does BB have the sound quality in it's real tracks to actually be used by a major label for their artist's without calling in the big name studio players for a live session? This is only my opinion..... but I think, probably not. While it is really outstanding, amazing, saves a lot of time, and it sounds good, however, to the trained ear, it's not the real thing. There's a clarity with live players that simply doesn't exist "yet" in the real tracks. It's close, and it will convince a lot of people that it's a real band.... (hence the name), but it's still less than 100%. But not by much. I've had some very talented studio folks ask about the players in my band because it did sound realistic enough to fool them.

EDIT: If you listen to any number of folks in the Showcase, you can hear songs that are definitely what I call professional quality and could easily fit right in to a given radio station play list.

There are pro writers (some with with numerous hits) who use BIAB every day for demos.

If they want to raise their hands and say so I will let them do so of their own accord. They may even be on this forum. Ya never know who is on here people.....Just sayin'...So mind your manners.

But the answer is yes.

Professional people use it all the time for demos, and I also think the quality of any album you could make with it would be (to me) about 1000 times higher than the current list of top 100 hits on Spotify, hands down, if that helps.

That ain't nothing but loops. If you can find a real instrument anywhere I would love to know.

If Real Tracks are only 90 percent real that is still more real than 99.9999999 percent of the junk out there now.

If you want to go totally pro, just log in to Bandlab loops and grab yourself some phat dope stems and then you'll really be keepin' it real.
Posted By: Roger Brown Re: Pro Demos for Pitching to publishers - 03/31/23 11:33 AM
To echo David's post, and elaborate on my own (I was in a hurry when I replied), BIAB is absolutely used for demo purposes. That was actually my entire reason for getting it in the first place, and I've found it to be an excellent tool. I have a number of peers who have done likewise.

I'm probably old school in this thinking, but I still believe that a great demo can't mask an average (or worse) song. One of my favorite Nashville cliches is "when you polish a turd, all you get is a polished turd". A great demo (like you can get using BIAB) is a wonderful thing to have when pitching your songs, either to publishers or artists, but it's still going to be all about how good or great the song is in the first place.

Thanks for popping in Roger!

Well, there you have it. Anyone can feel free to google Roger's creds and attach them to the question.

So I guess the answer is:


Learn how to use it.

Write some great songs.

Is there anything else left to be said among the people who purchased BIAB as part of their SONGWRITING LIFE??

Posted By: Jim Fogle Re: Pro Demos for Pitching to publishers - 03/31/23 04:35 PM
If you want to go totally pro, just log in to Bandlab loops and grab yourself some phat dope stems and then you'll really be keepin' it real.
David, I've picked up some very nice pedal steel guitar, slide guitar and Telecaster chickin' pickin' loops from Bandlab. smile It's all in using the search feature. There are some gems available for free but you have to hunt for them.
Maybe not directly on topic but we've had 26 songs licensed that were all done using RT's and RD's.

Several were licensed by Mood Media and they are the world's largest provider of overhead music in 100+ countries. We also have five songs on Songtrader's small curated playlists they use to introduce clients to their catalog.

I'm not trying to be braggadocio but only suggesting that those folks must consider PG Musics tracks to be at a pro level.


Thanks everyone for your wonderful replies, and info. I'd like to hear some of your demos that got picked up. I have been working on demos and cant seem to get them sounding pro enough. I am wondering if I am too critical of my work or I need to learn more recording techniques, or upgrade my DAW systems.

Originally Posted By: Elliott Kayne
Thanks everyone for your wonderful replies, and info. I'd like to hear some of your demos that got picked up. I have been working on demos and cant seem to get them sounding pro enough. I am wondering if I am too critical of my work or I need to learn more recording techniques, or upgrade my DAW systems.


Most of our songs via Sontradr that have been licensed were all produced since we joined ST in 2017. So anything on our SC account for the last five years or so would include many of those and all would be hopefully the same "quality." Recently we have had about 20 songs added to some significant Spotify curators playlist. Again, we don't think of our selves in our desktop home "studio" as pros -- only that our output is considered by some (other than family and friends smile ) to be at a high enough level for acceptance. I really don't think of them as demos. They are what they are. They are done for nothing but fun!

Posted By: mrgeeze Re: Pro Demos for Pitching to publishers - 04/15/23 08:53 PM
Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
As Roger pointed out, you did ask two questions.

Regarding the second question... I have yet to get a record deal on any of my songs nor have I had any of my songs signed into a record deal to be recorded by an artist. The question is.... does BB have the sound quality in it's real tracks to actually be used by a major label for their artist's without calling in the big name studio players for a live session? This is only my opinion..... but I think, probably not. While it is really outstanding, amazing, saves a lot of time, and it sounds good, however, to the trained ear, it's not the real thing. There's a clarity with live players that simply doesn't exist "yet" in the real tracks. It's close, and it will convince a lot of people that it's a real band.... (hence the name), but it's still less than 100%. But not by much. I've had some very talented studio folks ask about the players in my band because it did sound realistic enough to fool them.

So, what is the difference between a publisher and a distributor?

I thought they are the same. I assume you don't need to make a demo. You can just make a completed song, upload to a distributor, it will be published on all platforms, done.

Also, is Songtradr anything special? Is it better than other mainstream distributors such as CD Baby, DistroKid, TuneCore, etc?
Originally Posted By: MusicVillain
So, what is the difference between a publisher and a distributor?

I thought they are the same. I assume you don't need to make a demo. You can just make a completed song, upload to a distributor, it will be published on all platforms, done.

Also, is Songtradr anything special? Is it better than other mainstream distributors such as CD Baby, DistroKid, TuneCore, etc?

Songtradr is a sync library. They license songs for customers including the big film/commercial companies to indie producers and more. They offer distribution but that’s only a side feature for members. You upload your songs to them and if a customer wants to license it ST handles All the business end for a relatively small percentage and collects royalties. They are one of many sync libraries but unlike the others they will accept all of your uploads. Most libraries approve the song before making it available to customers. There is a ton of info on the net about sync libraries.

Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Originally Posted By: MusicVillain
So, what is the difference between a publisher and a distributor?

I thought they are the same. I assume you don't need to make a demo. You can just make a completed song, upload to a distributor, it will be published on all platforms, done.

Also, is Songtradr anything special? Is it better than other mainstream distributors such as CD Baby, DistroKid, TuneCore, etc?

Songtradr is a sync library. They license songs for customers including the big film/commercial companies to indie producers and more. They offer distribution but that’s only a side feature for members. You upload your songs to them and if a customer wants to license it ST handles All the business end for a relatively small percentage and collects royalties. They are one of many sync libraries but unlike the others they will accept all of your uploads. Most libraries approve the song before making it available to customers. There is a ton of info on the net about sync libraries.


This is true. They're basically like a huge store where people looking for music can go and browse for something that fits what they are looking for.

The better quality libraries and publishers are very selective. As a result they are more familiar with the music and artists in their libraries and when the customer comes to them with a requirement, they are in a position to recommend a number of songs that would fit. Some of those will also forward the listing to their writers for the purpose of getting newly written music for the customer. These libraries are very good to work with but are extremely difficult to get into.
All of the better libraries are very high bar.
Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Originally Posted By: MusicVillain
So, what is the difference between a publisher and a distributor?

I thought they are the same. I assume you don't need to make a demo. You can just make a completed song, upload to a distributor, it will be published on all platforms, done.

Also, is Songtradr anything special? Is it better than other mainstream distributors such as CD Baby, DistroKid, TuneCore, etc?

Songtradr is a sync library. They license songs for customers including the big film/commercial companies to indie producers and more. They offer distribution but that’s only a side feature for members. You upload your songs to them and if a customer wants to license it ST handles All the business end for a relatively small percentage and collects royalties. They are one of many sync libraries but unlike the others they will accept all of your uploads. Most libraries approve the song before making it available to customers. There is a ton of info on the net about sync libraries.


This is true. They're basically like a huge store where people looking for music can go and browse for something that fits what they are looking for.

The better quality libraries and publishers are very selective. As a result they are more familiar with the music and artists in their libraries and when the customer comes to them with a requirement, they are in a position to recommend a number of songs that would fit. Some of those will also forward the listing to their writers for the purpose of getting newly written music for the customer. These libraries are very good to work with but are extremely difficult to get into.
All of the better libraries are very high bar.

So, can you do a triple dipping?

You first upload your song to a distributor like DistroKid, then you upload the same WAV to a sync library like Songtradr, and finally you upload that WAV to a PRO like ASCAP.

In this case, you can collect royalties from three separate sources.

Are you allowed to do that? Is there gonna be a copyright conflict between a regular publisher and a sync library?
Posted By: Planobilly Re: Pro Demos for Pitching to publishers - 04/15/23 11:50 PM

Hi, Elliot,

I listened to your demos. They are certainly done well enough for someone to make a buying decision.

Roger Brown is a pretty well-known songwriter and anything he says is more than a little credible.

A lot of good stuff has a Texas Just saying!

It is funny how things keep coming up on this site that remind me of my past.

There was this friend of mine Eric Taylor who married Nanci Griffith, and we all use to hang out and play at Anderson Fair in Houston, Texas.

Perhaps Roger could tell us a little about how "I Knew Love" came about.

I Knew Love

Originally Posted By: MusicVillain

You first upload your song to a distributor like DistroKid, then you upload the same WAV to a sync library like Songtradr, and finally you upload that WAV to a PRO like ASCAP.

In this case, you can collect royalties from three separate sources.

Are you allowed to do that? Is there gonna be a copyright conflict between a regular publisher and a sync library?

Triple dipping? Yes. Join ASCAP? Not if your profile is correct and you live in Canada.

Go to this page and start reading till you understand a few things. Pay attention to SOCAN. You have a lot of reading to do.

Canada Collective Rights Societies
Triple dipping? Yes. Join ASCAP? Not if your profile is correct and you live in Canada.

Go to this page and start reading till you understand a few things. Pay attention to SOCAN. You have a lot of reading to do.

To be honest, I'm a Canadian, but I don't want to join SOCAN. To me, SOCAN is like a Blackberry, while ASCAP and BMI are like iPhones. The American stuff is always better than the Canadian counterparts.

I know in order to join ASCAP, you need to provide your US social security number, or tax forms, which I don't have. I'm currently doing some research on BMI, as they may have different policies for Canadians to join.

ASCAP has two types of membership: Individual and Publisher. Although Individual type won't accept me, I still have a chance. I own a small Canadian corporation, I think I can try to join ASCAP through that corporation as a Publisher member.

I love my country, but unless both ASCAP and BMI refuse to accept Canadians, I wouldn't even consider SOCAN.
As a Canadian living in Canada, you can select ASCAP or BMI to handle your USA performance rights — after you join SOCAN.

Go back to that page and keep reading till you understand your rights and options. I’ve ignored most of your comments on these issues because a) you know so little about them and b) a lot of what I’ve posted doesn’t apply to you.

Read and learn. For everyone’s sake but mostly for your own, please do this.
So, can you do a triple dipping?

You first upload your song to a distributor like DistroKid, then you upload the same WAV to a sync library like Songtradr, and finally you upload that WAV to a PRO like ASCAP.

In this case, you can collect royalties from three separate sources.

Are you allowed to do that? Is there gonna be a copyright conflict between a regular publisher and a sync library?

No. You don't triple or double dip.

Your pro only collects income. They don't distribute or publish. You can upload a song but it's only for registration. Your publisher should do that on your behalf and if you are in a non exclusive library you can have one song with multiple registrations but each is tagged uniquely to a given publisher. Whoever is responsible for publishing a song in a specific place is responsible for the royalty to the pro.

Streaming services pay for streams on their platforms.

So no. You're only getting paid from the one publishing company that got the song in the cut. You can have one song producing multiple revenue streams but none of those are stacked.

I hope I explained that clearly enough.

For pitching a demo to a publisher the rules are very, very simple.

Keep it as simple as you can.

A two track acoustic and vocal is sometimes all that is needed.

They don't want to hear your production, just the song. They will produce it in their heads. Over-produced demos are dangerous territory.

Plan B is to go into a studio and come out sounding exactly like Morgan Wallen but that is 5 grand.

If you can't do that it is safer to have a perfect sounding guitar (or piano) and a pro vocal.

And a song that gives everyone goosebumps or makes them say "hot damn."

They can take it from there.
Posted By: Planobilly Re: Pro Demos for Pitching to publishers - 04/16/23 04:42 PM
Here are some ideas from a producer worth looking at. This article is about what producers must deal with when listening to demos.

Several things got my attention and resonated with me.

1. Choose a pro singer for your demo. Unless you’re a real vocalist, don’t sing it yourself to save money.

2. Good songs with average lyrics don't normally get picked up. You can't sell "average."

This highly competitive business requires business skills and a good bit of being at the right place with the right stuff at the right time.

What David Snyder said is dead on. You can go to a high-quality studio, spend thousands, and "maybe" get the best "demo" possible. The issue is that song will most likely end up where hundreds of thousands of other demo songs end up. So risk-taking needs to be tempered with good business judgment.

Posted By: Roger Brown Re: Pro Demos for Pitching to publishers - 04/16/23 04:50 PM
Originally Posted By: MusicVillain
So, what is the difference between a publisher and a distributor?

I thought they are the same. I assume you don't need to make a demo. You can just make a completed song, upload to a distributor, it will be published on all platforms, done.

Also, is Songtradr anything special? Is it better than other mainstream distributors such as CD Baby, DistroKid, TuneCore, etc? explains what a publisher is and does explains music distribution

You ask in a reply if registering with ASCAP was triple dipping. No it's not. PROs collect your performance royalties and pay you for them. SOCAN in Canada does basically the same thing.
For pitching a demo to a publisher the rules are very, very simple.

Keep it as simple as you can.

A two track acoustic and vocal is sometimes all that is needed.

They don't want to hear your production, just the song. They will produce it in their heads. Over-produced demos are dangerous territory.

This is not necessarily true. There are no rules for this except one.... It needs to be extremely well recorded.

At a songwriters seminar in LA several years ago, I had the opportunity to set in on a hit song writer talking about this very topic.

Should you submit simple or fully demoed songs?

I don't know what percentage of songs arrive as full band demos. Jason Blume did however play several demos for songs that were on the radio at the time. One was a pop song and one was a country song. Both were big radio songs. Aside from the singer obviously being different, those demos were full bands, complete with the fills and solos, and most importantly, completely radio ready. Played back to back it was hard to tell the difference between them. The demo version could easily have been on the radio but it wasn't the big artist singing. Jason's comments were to the effect that you should give them the full idea you have in your head. They can decide if they want to follow that or do a different arrangement. In both cases, the artist essentially covered the demo almost exactly note for note.

If you send a piano or guitar and vocal only demo, they have a lot of work to do to make the song ready for the artist who may or may not hear the possibilities of the song.

It's always your option to send a pared down demo and I'm absolutely sure hundreds of songs have been recorded by artists from a simple piano vocal demo.

You should always spell it out for them if you are capable.

Edit to add: Regardless of what demo method you choose, your song has to be great. A so-so song with a top quality demo will still be a so-so song. And in the same way, a great song with chart potential will be ruined by a singer who's singing out of tune sounding like they were recorded in a bedroom with a cheap mic or an out of tune guitar.
Dear Elliott,

God knows I tried, my brother.

But I have decided the ignore button is going to become a more and more useful tool for some of these "specialty forums" as time goes by. (Not speaking of you, Elliott but of certain characters who seem to argue with everything I say even if I say the sky is blue.)

I am glad Roger Brown came in and made gave solid insights because he has numerous hits. You want to listen to him.

To reiterate: I have been told to my face by numerous pros in Nashville that less is more. I can safely assure you that if Roger Brown is using BIAB for pro pitches (as he clearly says he is), he is NOT throwing in everything but the kitchen sink. Again, listen to who has the hits. He and others use BIAB for demos.

You can do the same. Just keep it simple, and make sure it is a great song with a simple, professional bed, and a strong vocal. (You CAN do this with BIAB and a bedroom studio. That is the whole point here. It's why people buy and use BIAB. Like Roger. Who has hits and an active career. And co-writers with hits as well.)

They do NOT want to hear your idea of a production unless it is on the level with a radio production, and people who write 100 songs a year do not do that.

So, that is all I can say, and I know I am right on these points:

1.) Make it a great song.

2.) Give people goosebumps or make them say hot damn, and have a solid, simple demo that puts the focus on the SONG and the lyrics, and NOT the production. That is a turn-off and a distraction.

That being said, I am going to bow out now, and probably stay away from these discussions off the showcase forum.

But this may be enough. Just do these things and you will be successful. Others have been successful doing it.

And by the way, what's the color of the black asphalt on the road?

It's black.

Except where it is painted.

* Bonus tip: If your "pro" demo sounds like the worst song on an Alabama album from 1972, it's probably not going to work. That is why the two track acoustic and vocal is often a safer route.

Peace out and happy writing everyone.
After 50 years, the only rule I know is that you have no idea what a producer is going to hear in your demo.

Some of the biggest hits have had gawdawful demos. You listen, knowing the hit and wonder how anyone heard that in there. Those, however, are the exception, not the rule.

For the most part, David’s advice is spot on. The demo must showcase the SONG, not your arranging skills, not the vocalist delivering it or anything that distracts.

As for engaging a “pro singer”, it depends on the singer. There are a few who specialize in demos and when you’ve heard enough, you know who they are even if you don’t know their names. In the ‘70s and ‘80s, it seemed like Livingston Taylor (Berklee prof and brother of James) sang over half of all the demos I heard. His voice sounds close to his brother but lacks the distinct personality. This lets the producer concentrate on the song.

Back to the OP, BIAB is very well suited for demos. I’ve used it for a few clients. There are hundreds of styles that don’t call attention to the arrangement if used with a bit of restraint. Unless there’s an instrumental as well as a vocal hook, skip the long introduction.

I don’t use it on my own demos but it’s because I’m too lazy to audition styles till I find what I like. If guitar, I have some tools that I use. For piano, when I was a Voice major, 50+ years ago, I met a Piano Performance major and a few years later we were married. I tell her what I need or write it out and she plays the way I want to hear it.
Actually... I think we're all pretty much on the same page. We all agree on the following.

First.... The song has to be well written.

Second.... The demo should be of the highest audio quality possible.

Third.... A demo is for showcasing the song and is not the time or place for verse long instrumental solos.

Fourthly.... If it works in conveying the song and gets picked up for a cut..... It doesn't matter whether it was a simple piano/vocal or a full band on the demo.

This is essentially what I was saying about doing a bedroom quality demo.

Some of the biggest hits have had gawdawful demos. You listen, knowing the hit and wonder how anyone heard that in there. Those, however, are the exception, not the rule.

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