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Not free, but very likely worth the 100 Loonies.

Pat is a fabulous teacher and breaks stuff down to something that even we Irishmen can digest.
Yes! sure it will be great. I took his first online series of summer workshops (online because of pandemic) and really liked them. Also registered for this one. (I am 25% Irish and had no problems... haha)
Gang of Four were accurate when they sang, in Armalite Rifle, "Like Irish jokes on the BBC."
I did one of the Berk songwriting courses several years ago. Some of it was good but I found the blend of HARD rules and loose rhymes annoying.
Some years ago he offered a free into online class. I took and we all had to write a song at the end of the online class. As music changes, so does the structure of songs.
One thing that I learn was this: put your heart into writing a song and if it comes easy, you then have talent.
the course went quite well. I took it with a few members of a songwriting group. I have a few of Pat's books and taken a few courses online now. Great tools to have in the back pocket. Especially when editing. New ideas and inspirations keep the muse fuelled.
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