Hello everyone,

I hope PGMUSIC is monitoring this post. This ought to be in the Wishlist of Features but I think it's still valid in this section.

BIAB's worst weakness is in the Real Drums, for example, among others:

1. The inability from the user side, to isolate the drum components, by autogeneration.

2. Sure, we have seen all those workarounds, but then these were like brain surgery.

3. Can't PGMusic just allow this autogeneration of a drum track (kick drum only), that can be used in a DAW like RB? In this manner, the user need not worry about synching the drum track with the other tracks (such as Melody track)

4. I now there are probably 20 subtracks in a DRUM TRaCK, but surely with software programming, PGMusic could isolate major ones like KICKDRUm track, Snare Track, (choose the important ones). Any ideas on this?

5. Furthermore, there is this another Feature Wishlist, that I'm sure a lot of users will find very exciting: Can PGMUsic somehow, use its programming talents (or subcontract this out to an outside programmer) to create an "autogenerated ending" that creates a few bars of drum buildup until a climax of drum crash?

(I dont know the term being used by drummers for this "builp up and crash".)

But think it can be done.. just an options that says, 8 bars of drum crash... for example. (the last chord of the guitar could be sustained throughout etc..

That's what im looking for... a revolutionary feature...

anybody wants to start this petition?
