This is the 1st of 2 songs I wrote one weekend in 1975. I was at St Pancras Station London one Friday afternoon saying goodbye to the latest love of my life who was going away for the weekend and this is the one she liked the most.
Both songs emerged over the next few weeks. This was written on that piano in that room in "A Place that I go to".

I heard the 1st 2 lines said by a disgruntled passerby as I sprinted to the bar once the train had gone, except a different expletive I believe!! It was hammering down.


Damn me It looked like rain
Oh those storm clouds crowding the skies over me again
I remember what you said as the train pulled out on time

Why Now do they have to run on time
When I only have these moments left with you going out of my mind

It always bin the same
I paint a picture with words in my mind again
As the sun always shines on the canvas that’s my mind

Why Now do they have to run on time
When I only have these moments left with you going out of my mind

Its OK you can tell your friends
You can write a book about it if you want to
You even could pretend that you're not there
But somewhere in your mind etched for the rest of time
Is that space for those thoughts of me and you

No wonder some one cries
No wonder they all tell lies
If this is what they go through
Just like me and you
Saying hullo is the easy part
Saying good bye oh no

Damn me if you didn’t smile
And that somehow now makes this all worthwhile

RealTracks in song: 854:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm RockWaltzA-B Ev 140
RealTracks in style: ~522:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 1265:Synth Pad, PopShiningSoft Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 793:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming ModernCountrySync Ev 100
RealTracks in song: ~598:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Bluegrass Doc Ev 100

Strings and synths using chord track and NI FM7 and Emu Proteus
BVs The Flab Four
and a bit of me on my 12 string

