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I cannot load BIAB add-ons MEGA REAL COMBOS files onto my (XP based) PC. I get an error "files corrupted".

I tried onto a win 7 based PC and it works. Therefore, i suspect a compatibility problem.

Did somebody faced the same issue ?


It can be the usb port then. Or the dvd/cd reader.

Try a different port, as you know it works.

Try the double ended usb adapter in the top back usb ports.
Thank you John for your suggestions .....

I tried all possibilities (including the download from the port you mention) : unsuccessfully.

I want to know among the whole BIAB community if somebody managed to load BIAB 2011 with its add-ons successfully.

You didn't say how you got received the files - download, DVD, USB disk, etc. If it works on Windows 7, it should work on other Windows operating systems, especially XP. Please give us more details about the source of your files.

If it's DVD, it's possible there might be a problem with your DVD player. I've had that happen before. Can you copy the files on from the DVD to a USB drive using your Windows 7 computer (which worked). Or perhaps something happened to the media after you originally loaded the files.
1) i downloaded by internet (from PG site) the MEGA REALCOMBOS files onto my win7 PC. Then i installed those files onto my win 7 PC and it works.
2) then i saved the original MEGA REALCOMBOS files (as received from PG download onto my win7 PC) and loaded them onto one USB drive.
3) on my win XP PC i tried to install directly from USB drive; it did not work.
4) then i loaded the 3 files from the USB drive onto my winXP PC hard disk. I tried to install those files and it did not work.
5) i did that manipulation half a dozen times; unsuccessfully.
6) desesperately i did the same manipulation on a 3rd PC (also winXP based) and i get the same result.
7) although i checked and compared the files sizes and on all supports (PG site/ win7 PC/ USB drive/ win XP hard disks/ ...); the error message is systematically "file corrupted"

For me there is definitively a compatibility issue win7/XP.

Thank you for your help.


note : all the rest works onto my winXP PCs (BIAB2011, realtracks shots and holds, pro real combos). THe issue comes only with MEGA REALCOMBOS.
It's possible that since you started on your Windows 7 system that the USB drive picked up access permissions from Windows 7 that XP doesn't understand. I don't have it in front of me, You might want to right click on the file and look at the properties to see whether your XP user account has rights to the file. I've seen weird things like that happen when moving between Vista/Win7 and XP using an external USB drive.

Just a thought.
Yes, I was just going to say the same thing. Something else to try is to redownload those files directly to the XP machine. If the links have expired, call or email Support.

Hi Daniel,

This won't a compatibility issue, the files just got corrupted while downloading. If you downloaded using Internet Explorer, you'll probably have better luck using Firefox (it's much faster and more stable, especially when downloading large files).

If you were already using Firefox, deleting the corrupted files and downloading them again will probably do the trick. If not, then the DownThemAll download manager should help.

PG Music
Hi Kent and others,

Thank you for your suggestions ...

However i have to say that i tried it so many times and in so different ways with so many gears and all that, with the same result......

To make it simple; did somebody tried to load those BIAB 2011 add-ons onto a winXP PC ?



note : i am using firefox and my download authorization already expired .......
Hi Daniel,

Yes, thousands of people are using this with Windows XP, it is 100% compatible. The files just got corrupted while downloading. It's annoying, but not unusual.

If you'd like us to send you the software on DVD, please give us a call or contact us through the Live Help (chat) feature on our website so we can get your credit card number again for the shipping charges.

PG Music
I'll also be happy to give you new download links as well. Just shoot an email to, or send me a private message with your full name, and I'll look up your order and send the links.

PG Music
Hi, Kent -

It probably is corruption, but it still doesn't make sense why the files loaded fine on his Win7 system and not his XP system.

If you downloaded using Internet Explorer, you'll probably have better luck using Firefox (it's much faster and more stable, especially when downloading large files).
PG Music

Kent, just curious, what is your source for this information? I always use Firefox, but I've never read anywhere else that there is so much of an improvement in downloads over Internet Explorer.

Hi, Kent -

It probably is corruption, but it still doesn't make sense why the files loaded fine on his Win7 system and not his XP system.

It only takes one bit out of place - at the "right" place - to stop the show.

Likely the area that XP needs has someting corrupted in it.

Hi Matt,

Just personal experience. When someone has trouble downloading, I find out they're using Internet Explorer. Probably 80-90% of the time.

Switching to Firefox usually takes care of it. I haven't done any testing under controlled conditions, but there does appear to be a pattern.

PG Music
I recall reading that there is zero control over IE once your download starts. It either works without pauses or messes up. Firefox can start and stop, recover from problems and deal with stuttering data streams. I have no idea where I read it. It might be the narcotics or the haze from the fact they don't seem to work. Maybe it was back when I tipped a jar. I can't do that now, dries my mouth out totally. Well, I have a sip now and then. Like 1/4 of a finger.
1) i downloaded BIAB 2011 + REALTRACKS SHOTS&HOLDS + PRO REALCOMBOS + MEGA REALCOMBOS by internet from PG site and saved them onto my win7 PC hard disk. I installed all that with success on my WIN_7 PC.

2) so as to have BIAB2011 on a 2nd PC (XP based), i copied those files (then from my win7 PC hard disk) onto a USB drive

3) i installed on my win_XP PC directly from the USB drive and got the following :
- BIAB2011 : OK
- MEGAREALCOMBOS : NOK (error = "file corrupted")

4) consequently : i copied MEGAREALCOMBOS (from the USB drive) onto my win_XP PC hard disk and tried to install it (straight from the hard disk) : NOK.

5) i did the same operation with a 2nd USB drive : still NOK

6) i tried then with a 2nd win_XP PC and got the same result.

7) i investigated by comparing the size of the files on the different supports. Eveything was fine.

My conclusion is : BIAB21011 works with XP, but not enterely. I am convinced that there is still an issue with MAGAREALCOMBOS/XP that i cannot install.

Thank you


note : the only manipulation that i did not try is to download directly from PG site onto a win_XP PC based PC. My download link expired; i am waiting for a new link authorization.
I think a new download link and downloading directly to your XP machine whould clear this up.


1)My conclusion is : BIAB21011 works with XP, but not enterely. I am convinced that there is still an issue with MAGAREALCOMBOS/XP that i cannot install.

That may be your conclusion but it's incorrect. XP has been around for ages. I still use XP SP3 and all those downloads work perfectly. Just follow the instructions and get on with it. If it still doesn't work for you, there's something going on with your system, maybe a complete reformat/reinstall of XP is in order.

I guess I should mention; I have had occasional issues with files between Win7 and XP when using external (or even Flash) drives.

My issue was the other way around though. XP worked with the data and Win 7 reported errors.

I guess what I'm saying is, transferring via USB *may* be involved. Could even be the partition on the drive.. or file permissions, etc

As Mac suggested, downloading directly to the XP machine may yield happiness. Sounds like you only need the MegaCombos.
I'd try that before messing with the OS.
You might also try saving the files to a DVD drive on your Win7 machine and then using that to install on the XP machine (assuming you have a DVD writer on the Win7 and a DVD player on the XP).

You are fully right !

I got a new link to download directly from PG site onto my win_XP PC and that's : OK !

To come back to my problem, i confirm that there is an issue (as described below in my previous email above) when copying MEGAREALCOMBOS from a win_7 PC onto a USB drive so as. Those files are seen from a win_XP PC (the receiver) as "corrupted".

It has to be noticed that problem exists, whatever the source of the MEGAREALCOMBOS files to be loaded on the win_XP PC [either from the USB drive or directly from the hard disk (after of course, loading it from the USB drive onto the hard disk)].

To all the BIAB worlwide community, hHave a nice new 2011 year !


Hi RHARV, you are fully right !

I got a new link to download (from PG site) directly onto my win_XP PC and that's : OK !

To come back to my problem, i confirm that there is an issue (as described above in a previous email) when copying MEGAREALCOMBOS from a win_7 PC onto a USB drive; those files are seen from a win_XP PC (the receiver) as "corrupted".

It has to be noticed that the problem exists, whatever the source of the MEGAREALCOMBOS files to be loaded on the win_XP PC [either from the USB drive or directly from the hard disk (after of course, loading it from the USB drive onto the hard disk)].

Should you need additional investigations, i will be pleased to cooperate. Do not hesitate !

To all BIAB worldwide community, have a nice new 2011 year !

Daniel is that a Hawaiian shirt in the avatar? How come all us old guys think we look cool playin guitar in one of those things sheeeezzzzz i gotta get some more of those!

Thank you for your compliments about my hawaiian shirt; you are definitively a guy with a good taste .....
Considering that the trout he is goind to catch, a good friend of mines always goes angling dressed with a nice white shirt and a tie. I have the same approach with music ....

The best for the best music for the new year 2011!

I'm having this problem, too. I just bought BIAB and am in the process of downloading the big RealCombos files. I'm on XP. The Pro RealCombos 1 installation worked and the styles are seen in stylemaker. The Mega RealCombos 1 do not show up in stylemaker. I guess I'll call tech support tomorrow.
Did you download the latest software patch after? Just ensure you are up to date, the latest patch had some fixes for the styles listing.
Thank you ! The Build 313 patch fixed it.
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