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I'm enjoying (very much) Cakewalk's TTS-1 32-bit DXi soft synth with BIAB 2014 under Win7 64-bit. Currently I'm auditioning styles using the JukeBox.

QUESTION: is there a way to globally *save* TTS-1 settings (volume/tone/etc.), so they are retained between songs? I'm familiar with Alt-F2, but believe that only saves the current song.

Thanks for any info...

I can only speak from my experience.

Saving settings with soft synths happens when a song is saved. The midi information is saved as parts of the song's details. Then, when the song is re-opened and generated, the information is fed back into the soft synth and the synth is set to play. As far as I know, what you are asking for is not how soft synths work.

I'll be interested to read what others say in relation to this.

Thanks Noel,

I appreciate your input. If it is impossible to do what I want at this time in BIAB, I'll look for a workaround. Exporting the songs to MIDI, and playing with a different program seems one option.

Also, I'll have to consider an entry in the BIAB wish list forum: add a setting to *ignore* song specific synth playback parameters. Hmmm, gotta think that thru a bit, eh? smile
not what you asked for but still may be useful

Saving Performances

Editing and Saving Sounds in the Cakewalk TTS-1.
Thanks! At this point, I spread a very broad net when collecting potentially useful information.

As a career PC programmer, a different option has occurred to me. That is, to programmatically open, edit, and save each BIAB file of interest, modifying the various mixer parameters to my preference. I did this with *one* MGU file in about 5 minutes earlier today - raising the bass volume from default 90 to 127 - but need to perform some 'due diligence' before generalizing that experience to *all* BIAB files (they may not all have the same layout). Obtaining the various BIAB file internal formats (structures) is of interest.

I noticed this - - and will see if it is of any benefit.

Incesting in a good, high quality Hardware MIDI synth might just save you from all that. Ketron, Roland, etc.

Ken, you got some good answers here.

There are 2 aspects to this.

1. Saving the sounds you hear in a project you are working on. Simply click "save" on the song and all the settings, patches, etc, will be saved to be reloaded upon opening that file again. That same song file should always reload the same sounding TTS-1 patch every time.

If, however, you wish to use that patch and it's settings in a different song project..... you need option #2

2. Saving settings as presets in TTS-1. PGHBOEMIKE pointed you to a link that explains how to save something you took time to set up as a custom setting as a readily available PRESET so you can load it again with a simple click of the mouse from a drop down menu.

I used to use TTS-1 a lot in my music as my main synth. It's probably been years since I used it as an inserted synth. I know that BB/RB use it... I'm not referring to that. I have switched almost exclusively to using sample based synths vs patch based synths like TTS-1.
Originally Posted By: Mac
Incesting in a good, high quality Hardware MIDI synth might just save you from all that. Ketron, Roland, etc.


Er, "Investing" would be a better option....
Hey, I'm not the only one who lusts after the gear...
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