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Hello fellow BIAB users!

Quick question about RealStyles. I'm using RS's almost exclusively. As I'm exploring all of them I'm finding that most (around 80-90%) of the RealStyles that include "Amplitube" as part of the style name result in a "style ________ not found" error when I try to select them. In my experience, all other RealStyles are present and accessible whenever I need them.

This screenshot shows the list of the 28 RealStyles that contain "Amplitube" in the name:

A handful of these are available, but as I said the vast majority aren't.

This second screenshot is from the MIDI > What Add-ons Do I Have submenu and indicates that I have all style disks:

Can someone enlighten me on how to access these RS's that seem to be missing? I would really appreciate the help. Thanks
Hi Edward,

Is amplitube installed on your computer?


From your screenshots it doesn't appear that there is anything missing, so that is strange... Could you tell us the exact text of one of the messages? There is a log of the messages in 'Help | Display log text file...'
Hi Noel, Hi Andrew

Thanks for your replies.

Noel, actually I haven't installed Amplitude yet. I gather these styles are contained in a separate folder from the rest of the RealStyles that is created when you install Amplitude?

If that's all I need to do is install and activate Amplitude in order to use these 28 RealStyles, I'll go ahead and do that.

Andrew, this 1-minute video demonstrates attempts I just made to select and open a few of these RealStyles, all of which failed:

Thanks again. Looking forward to the clarification...

*Amplitube lol
Those styles aren't installed with the Amplitube installer, they should be installed with the main Band-in-a-Box installer. While they are much more useful if you DO have Amplitube installed, they can still be opened in BB.

Try running the main Band-in-a-Box installer again, and in the screen that you select components to install, make sure that the components relating to Amplitube are checked. (Also, if you were to click 'Rebuild' in the StylePicker, I suspect those styles will not be displayed, since they don't exist in your bb folder.)
Great. I'll try that. Thanks, Andrew!
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