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Hello All,

I have EverythingPAG on a external hard drive. I updated BIAB 2016 to build 438. I then like a dummy uninstalled build 438 (don't ask me why).

Now when I try to open BIAB I get the message that BBW.exe is missing.

Anyway for me to fix this mess I created?

Thanks to all of you:)


How did you uninstall the build?

Have you tried reinstalling build 438 to see if that makes a difference?

If you purchased BIAB from PG Music, you should be able to download your BIAB/RB installation file from within your sales account. This can then be re-installed.

Hi I uninstalled it from the Win 7 Control Panel. The Control panel showed the most recent BIAB update as 438. So I uninstalled it.

I have not tried reinstalling build 438. I will have to investigate how to do that. Normally I update BIAB when it alerts me that updates are available.

To re-install a build, simply click on the below link and download it.

When it's downloaded, double-click on it to install the update. You'll be asked to double-check that the install paths are correct. Make sure that they are correct before proceeding. It may or may not work, I'm just guessing.

As mentioned, though, you should be able to get the program installation files by logging in to your Sales account (if you bought the program from PG Music). You won't need to re-install the Realtracks and Realdrums.

All the best,
Hi Noel96

thanks for the info:) I will give it a try and get back to you:)

Hi Noel96,

I tried to install update but it did not work. I got the following message: "The folder that you have selected for the BIAB folder does not contain BIAB 2016...."

My original EverythingPak is 2015. Then I updated to 2016 back in Jan 2016.

The path shown for update 438 is c:\bb but I changed it to f:\bb because that is the drive letter of my EverythingPak hard drive.

Got any ideas?

Hello. If BBW.EXE is missing, the culprit is likely due to the application being removed by an antivirus program. I've noticed Norton or AVG are bad for this.

If it's AVG you'll want to open AVG, go to Options, go to Virus Vault, and then restore the quarantined BBW.EXE file.

If it's Norton, I don't have experience with that one but you will want to find the quarantined files and then restore it if it did remove it.

This should restore the old missing EXE file and then hopefully allow you to do your upgrade.

It seems that the update requires BBW.EXE to be present for it to install.

You did the right thing in updating the path for the installation.

Now it's time to try your sales account at PG Music.

1. Log into your account from PG Music's homepage.

2. Select "My Products".

3. Download the file that I've highlighted on the graphic at the end of this post.

If you don't see this file or its equivalent, it probably means that you haven't registered your Everything Pak with PG Music. If this is the case, register it now. You will need the serial number (which is on the back of the USB hard drive).

Once the product is successfully registered, the download files should appear (although it also take a day or two for this to happen).

Lastly, if none of the above work, it's time to contact PG Music Support. Live Chat, under the Support tab at the top of this webpage, is the quickest way.

If you send an email to Support, include the URL of this thread in the email so that the PG Music team can read what you've tried by way of attempting to fix the issue.


Attached picture Sales Account Download files.JPG
Hi Mat,

the BBW.exe file was not removed by an antivirus it was removed as described in my first post. I have avast installed and have never had any issues with it in the past.

Thanks for your input though:)

Hi Noel96,

I will try what you have described. I am using the EverythingPak Hard Drive for the install correct?

Thanks again!
Originally Posted By: voxbox
Hi Noel96,

I will try what you have described. I am using the EverythingPak Hard Drive for the install correct?

Thanks again!

Inasmuch as I understand all of the above...

1. You run BIAB entirely from the USB drive.

2. There is no part of the BIAB nor Realband installation on your computer's internal hard drive(s).

3. Your USB drive is drive F:

If the above three points are correct then 'yes', download and install the previously mentioned file. You may need to direct it to f:\bb and f:\Realband .

As mentioned in an earlier post, you'll need to double-check the installation paths for this because they may default to C: (as you've already experienced).

Just in case it's needed, the path for Realtracks and Realdrums should also be f:\bb (although this can be amended later if needed).

Good luck!
Hi Noel96

I did what you suggested and BIAB 2016 is up and running.

I need to check to see if all of the styles are there.

Thanks so much for your assistance and everyone else that contributed!!

Glad to hear you've got it all under control.

If you ever need to 'uninstall' an update in future, simply go to the update webpage found under the Support link, download the previous update (or the one you want to load back on) and then manually install that directly into the \bb directory. This will overwrite the update that's presently loaded.

Since BIAB ships with a particular build, it's always necessary to have some build present.

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