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Posted By: 2bSolo Artist track - 10/08/18 09:02 PM
Something occurred that I don't understand and can't find in the Help. I have a song that has a midi bass. I chose a Hi-Q synth patch. Then I wanted to take that bass track to RB so I saved it as a Wav file. Didn't work, so I saved it as a Performance file. Now I have the word Artist in orange instead of Bass.

Can anyone explain this to me?


Posted By: Charlie Fogle Re: Artist track - 10/09/18 08:50 AM
A Performance Track is how BIAB allows an audio file other than a RealTrack to be on a Channel other than the single Audio Track.

To get your original track back:

Right click on the track and from the drop down menu select Track Actions, from the drop down menu select Erase Track

A window opens OK to erase Performance Track Click OK

A window opens OK to erase RealTrack Click No

A window opens OK to erase Midi Track Click No

Your original midi track should be on the channel.

Be careful. Erasing the Performance Track cannot be undone. You will have to redo the Performance Track procedure again if you want to use the Channel as a Performance Track.

The Performance Track is a very powerful tool that allows you to create your own Artist Performance Tracks but they also allow you to create really complex arrangements and mixes in BIAB comprised of dozens of instruments on dozens of tracks. In BIAB, there is only one Audio Track but it can be used over and over allowing you to create sub-mixes of the BIAB mixer bounced to an Audio Mix and export that WAV file, Import that WAV file, convert it to a Performance Track placed on one of the mixer channels, record new instruments and arrangements in the mixer and repeat the process.

From BIAB Help: Another use for a Performance Track allows you to send a BIAB song (the SGU file) to someone who will be able to play that track without needing to have the RealTracks installed.

EDIT: I think all versions of BIAB ship with PGMusic prepared Artist Performances. These are songs that an Artist plays to a BIAB accompaniment track. Some are also videos you can see the artist performance as well.

Also from BIAB Help: Artist Performance Tracks

Artist Performance tracks use the Melody track to showcase Band-in-a-Box RealTracks demos accompanying a live recording of a top artist performing the melody. These are great for listening or learning-from-the-Pros (since notation/tab shows for the performances).

These performances play the melody (2 choruses), and 2 choruses of solo (first chorus "simple" solo, 2nd chorus advanced). All performance tracks include audio (stretchable to any tempo), notation, on-screen guitar, and guitar tab.

To play the Artist Performance Tracks, open the songs from the C:\bb\Songs & Lessons\Artist Performances folder.

Posted By: 2bSolo Re: Artist track - 10/09/18 11:34 AM
Thanks, Charlie. The procedure helps.

As far as using the Performance as a powerful tool, I don't think I could ever get to the point of doing that. I read what you guys write and I watch videos. I still feel lost half the time.

Again, thanks. This forum is a great thing.

Posted By: Charlie Fogle Re: Artist track - 10/09/18 04:08 PM
Originally Posted By: 2bSolo
Thanks, Charlie. The procedure helps.

As far as using the Performance as a powerful tool, I don't think I could ever get to the point of doing that. I read what you guys write and I watch videos. I still feel lost half the time.

Again, thanks. This forum is a great thing.


2b, you've already done the hard part, you've successfully created a Performance Track and placed it in a mix. Performance tracks are the magic sauce.

If you're interested in trying out the power of a Performance Track, here is a simple step by step exercise you can do in just a few minutes.

Open a new BIAB project
Open Stylepicker
Audition some styles until you find one you like
Load that Style's Demo song Chord Chart
Generate and Render the Demo song to your Desktop or somewhere you can find the song
Import the rendered file into the Demo Song Mixer Audio Track

Sync the Audio Track with the Mixer tracks so the song plays correctly.
(open the Audio Editor and align the beginning of the Audio Track with Bar One/Beat One if necessary. Do this by placing the cursor at the very beginning of the audio on the Audio track. Rt Click and select mark this point as bar one. play to determine the audio file is synced. Stop and Rt Click and select Permanently apply Bar One offset and you're done. )

Select Audio from the tool bar at the top of the screen
Select move audio to Performance Track
Select a Track to place the Performance Track. In this example, select Drums since you will not be generating any more drum parts.

At this point, you have bounced a mix of the complete Demo Song to a Performance Track.

Now, audition and place new instruments on all the 6 remaining Tracks other than the Performance Track and I suggest using instruments that were not included in the original style. For instance Piano, organ, fiddle, banjo,mandolin, alto sax, trombone - Practically any instrument that is not playing on the Performance Track.

BONUS: On one track, select a bar somewhere after bar 5, hit F5, in the Bar Settings Window, near the top, Select the Realtrack Button and follow the prompts to select another instrument to replace the current instrument with another selection. OK to close each window pop up until all windows are closed.

Generate and Render this new mix.

You have created a mix that includes the original Style Demo Song that's mixed with the 6 Mixer Tracks plus added an additional instrument. If you chose a Style with 5 instruments and you've added 6 new instruments plus replaced one instrument with another on the same track, that's adding 7 instruments to the mix.

You've created a song with 12 instruments on 12 tracks in less than 8-10 minutes.

From this point, you're only limited by your imagination.

Posted By: Will Josef Re: Artist track - 10/09/18 07:30 PM
Wow! Thank you, Charlie.

This step by step tutorial is pure GOLD. I have seen you writing about this in several threads, but this is the first time I fully understand what to do. Partly because I really didn't understand the concept of performance tracks.

Now I can see endless possibilities. But it is also a work process where you have to be very disciplined and know exactly how you want your song to sound and play out, because after rendering to audio you cannot just insert 4 new bars in the middle of the song.

Posted By: 2bSolo Re: Artist track - 10/09/18 07:35 PM
Thanks, Charlie. I will give that a try. I will have to find some of the things you mentioned, but I think I can.

What is more impressive is that you wrote your first reply at 5am!

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