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If I create a song in BIAB and then load it using the VST...

1) are chord settings (pushes, rests, shots, holds, etc.) on each bar retained and active when I open the song in the VST?

2) are bar settings (style changes, instrument changes, harmony changes, etc.) on each bar retained and active when I open the song in the VST?

3) are all song settings retained and active when I open the song in the VST?

4) are all mixer settings (frozen, pan, volume, reverb, etc.) on each track retained and active when I open the song in the VST?
I think the vst will be going through some metamorphoses so things will be changing, fixing and adding features. They worked hard to get things done before release but ran out of time I guess.
I don't think it's going to get all the other settings as that's the whole idea of a DAW it does all the FX and mixing, you would just have to drag out of Biab, or if we get the ReWire that was promised or just make the ReWireVST work this would be a good addition to make Biab more versatile.
I think there are 3 pages of tracks in the VST with 7 on each.
But thanks for suggesting the VST idea in the first place, you suggested it and I just gave it a little nudge so to speak.
Yes, it's just getting started with the VST Plugin should do.

You ask good questions. I would expect some of what you mentioned to carry over, but perhaps not all. For example, I think #1 and #2 should. I'd have to see specifics on #3 before agreeing with "all". But #4 includes things normally best adjusted in the DAW such as pan, volume, reverb and the one you didn't mention, tone.

Frozen is a different concept from the mixer settings, I think. In a way, unless the VST is dynamically linked back to the BIAB song file, everything becomes 'frozen' once transferred to the DAW, and you start over there.
Thank you Pipeline and Matt!

So, if I'm reading all the responses correctly, the new VST does pretty much what we could already do with the BIAB drop station/drag & drop but with the added ability to generate multiriffs for dragging into the DAW? I guess you could argue the VST is a convenience over using BIAB but with missing BIAB functionality (such as bar settings) it seems not worth the convenience. Again, except for the multiriff feature. Am I wrong? Does the VST do anything more than what BIAB already does except for multiriff?

Is there a document we could read that has 1) current capabilities and 2) planned capabilities?

I feel one of the things not handled well at PGM is talking to its users! We are fairly smart and will shortly discover the limitations of the VST and all the goodwill that is built by announcing such a potentially cool feature gets washed away by the disappointment as we turn over each rock and discover the worms!

I would much rather have a balanced description that says right up front something like "the current VST does not import chord settings, bar settings, xxx and yyy at this time but we plan to add those functions as we continue to develop and improve it" rather than waiting for us to discover the limitations through trial and error.
The Band-in-a-Box User manual lists a webpage. +++ Band-in-a-Box Plugin Help +++ support webpage.
Thanks Jim. That page does not answer my questions/concerns.
Hi JohnJohnJohn,

I have't found any other VST documentation for the VST. The Band-in-a-Box User manual doesn't have anything beside the webpage link.

I'm aware of two YouTube videos demonstrating the VST. +++ THIS ONE +++ demonstrates the VST inside the Reaper DAW. The video is a little more than 13 minutes in length and shows the multiriff feature. +++ THIS VIDEO +++ demonstrates the VST inside the Cakewalk by BandLab DAW. The video is about nine minutes in length as it does not show the multiriff feature.

Outside the webpage and videos not much is known at this time except what users are finding out through use.
Thanks Jim! Those videos are helpful as we try and discover what this vst actually is and is not!
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