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When trying out melody notes by entering or editing with the mouse in the note editor there are a few things which really annoy me by now: FIX THIS PLEASE PG !!

1) Scrolling through the melody with numeric keys 0 and . the notes are not always turning red, and when not red you cannot delete them. (del key)

2) When entering notes with the mouse, there's this occasional pop up ruining the fun with stupid questions along the line of 'do you really mean to put a note there' etc. Forcing you to move the mouse elsewhere first to close it before you can go on. There's STILL NO SIMPLE ESCAPE button function to close it from the keyboard, as i requested before.

3) I often have to change the amount of bars one can see, as the utmost note at the right is somehow getting lost, and can only be accessed by addressing them with 0 and . Just to move them to the new bar around the corner wit the right arrow key etc. before you can edit them for length, volume and pitch ... F
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