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Hi, I notice if I pick a style with RealDrums RockabillySwing drums it does not count in correctly eg _POKEY.STY or _ROADSTR.STY it only hits on beat one of the first bar and beat 4 on the second. (or is it beat 4 on both). Also I notice if I load a different style say _VOODOO1.STY then change the RealDrums to RockaBillySwing it does not seem to change the drum track. If however I change the drumtrack in ROADSTR.STY the count in is fine.

Maybe I’m missing something. Not that it is all that important as there are ways around this.

I tried _POKEY Style and it loaded RealDrums BoomChickaSw. The count-in worked as expected

I tried _ROADSTR Style. It loaded RockabillySwing, and got the same results as you.
The count-in beat only plays on 1 - - -, - - 3 -

I'll report it.
Thanks, I probably changed the drum track in pokey style.

Oddly enough if you load the boomchicka drum track then try to swap it with the rockabillyswing track the boomchicka seems to stay.

I also tried on the 32 bit version and got the same results with RockabillySwing.

I have reported it.
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