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After generating solos with the soloist for a given song, i would like to re-use - for my own playing - some portions which seem good to me.
I have generated different solos with the option "solo in a style similar to" .....
I would to extract from these solos just some portions and paste them into a common file.
Do that, i opened a second session of BIAB. But it is not possible to copy a file (or portion of a file) from one session and paste it in a second one.
I do not know how to do that.
Can someone help me ?
Thank you in advance for you assistance,
Hi Daniel,

As you've discovered, BIAB doesn't allow sections of Realtracks to be copied and saved. This could be be done if the song was in Realband -- if you have BIAB for Windows.

If you want to save sections of a solo and stay working in BIAB, it's necessary to save the audio file in BIAB and then drop it into a DAW. From there, it's possible to use the DAW to copy the section(s) you want.

What I do when I hear something that appeals...

1. I freeze the track - that means that that Realtrack, i.e. the frozen one, will re-generate the same each time.

2. I remove panning and reverb for that track because I like to add those in my DAW.

3. Then I make a note of (a) what bars contain the solo I want to keep and (b) the Realtrack number.

4. Next I right-click on the Realtrack's name in the mixer and from the menu that appears, I select "Track Actions" and "Save track as wav file".

5. When I name the track, I use the format RealtrackNumber_bars_xx-yy.wav. For example, if I use RT 3221 and I want to keep bars 34-42, I'd save the file 3221_bars_34-42.wav. Doing it this way allows me to know where to look once the file is in my DAW because the information I want is in the name.

6. I can now load that wav file into my DAW and extract the bars that I want.

Hope this helps,

Bonjour Noël,
Thank you for the time you spent to answer me.
You answered me on an audio aspect point of view, but it is not what i want ....
When i mention copy/paste it is related to the notation (the score, the notes..).
My idea is to get a final file with only the good ideas that i found in various solos generated by BIAB so as to study them later on.
Merci encore,
Daniel (from Britany)
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