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Hello All,

sometimes I love this software, sometimes it can really be frustrating.

I have the latest audiophile version which I plug into my USB on my laptop. I have all my files pointing to the E (external) drive.

My DAW is Mixcraft 9 full, latest version.

I often will generate songs in Band In a Box and then drag the individual tracks into that conversion box thingy at the top left as WAV files.

I have done this before with success, but lately - after a Band In a Box and Mixcraft update - when I drag the tracks this way, and the resultant WAV files into the DAW tracks, when I reload the Mixcraft file, I get an error message. It says it cannot find the tracks, and is looking for them I think in the temp folder on the E drive, but they are not there.

Any suggestions?

Dunbar7376 / Tom Marvan, San Diego.
Hi Tom,

If you use BIAB's Dropbox to drag you files, they will get saved to \bb\DragDrop.

When you reload Mixcraft, do you have the BIAB drive plugged in? It might be the updated Mixcraft that you now have doesn't copy the files from\bb\DragDrop but just works with them in the \bb\DragDrop folder. If this is the case, it will be looking for the files in that folder.

I use Reaper and there is a setting in Reaper's preferences that instructs the program to move/copy files to a song folder rather than leave them in the original location. It might pay to see if Mixcraft has a similar setting. This would be useful.

For example, I recently wrote a song called "In The Still Of The Gentle Night". I created a folder for that song especially for the Reaper files. Then when I loaded my audio files into Reaper, Reaper automatically copied them across to that directory rather than leave them in the original BIAB directory that I saved them to.

I hope this helps,
I just drag the master tag directly into the DAW (Cakewalk) and this seems to work. I'm probably doing it all wrong, but it works.

Thank you for your response.

I think you may be onto something when you say, "I use Reaper and there is a setting in Reaper's preferences that instructs the program to move/copy files to a song folder rather than leave them in the original location. It might pay to see if Mixcraft has a similar setting. This would be useful."

I bet you there is a similar setting in Mixcraft. I will look for it tonight. I have other songs that work fine in Mixcraft, before the double software upgrade, so I will check the behavior in the previous, successful iterations.

Tom Marvan.
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