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Posted By: cwiggins999 Soloist autoload? - 04/22/20 01:10 PM
I'm getting some interesting results from the Soloist. But many (with asterisks*) do an autoload of a style which overrides my "band". Is there any way to disable this? Would love to hear the results in my own context.
Posted By: Andrew - PG Music Re: Soloist autoload? - 04/22/20 06:07 PM
Just below the Soloist memo there are three clear buttons. The third one can be used to clear the 'autoload' style. If you want to add it back later, the style is mentioned in the memo. Click Choose and select it from the bb/Styles folder.
Posted By: cwiggins999 Re: Soloist autoload? - 04/24/20 11:42 AM
Thanks! That did the trick - mostly. I still find strangeness when selecting a Harmony item - some actually override the sound I've chosen and some don't. Still finding some interesting things generated as I go thru the options.

I avoided BiaB for a long while, thinking it wouldn't give me realistic results. Took the plunge last week and ordered Pro, and was blown away by the output quality and options. So I've since upgraded to UltraPak - and the external drive arrived in less than 24 hours from my order. The RealTracks are fantastic and I'm finding a lot of use from the MIDI-based styles with the right sound mix in my DAW. So I'll keep forging ahead and am enjoying the creative process that this app is providing. But have to say - as I've seen others mention - that the overall interface "design" is atrocious. I've been a software engineer for 30+ years, so I tend to know what I'm looking for and how to find it. I still find myself stumped by the lack of consistency between components and how inconvenient simple things can be. It's like - and probably is - a house constantly being added to by different designers - having to hook up incompatible plumbing/electric with adapter kludges.. OK, end of rant and back to creating some great stuff. Thanks for the help.
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