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Posted By: Skyline Freeze tracks possible, but freeze bars? - 12/26/11 05:08 PM
I know it's possible to freeze tracks, i.e. so they don't become re-composed. But the feature I could really do with is to be able to freeze bar(s). For example, you click Compose and BIAB produces a really nice piano intro for the song but you'd like to re-compose the rest, trying for a better 'take' on the verses and choruses. But the only option is to recompose the whole song running the risk of the nice intro being replaced with something not as good. Jammer Pro had this facility years ago ('Keep' for highlighted bars) and to have it in BIAB would be great. My workaround is to save different complete song takes and do all the 'comping' over in Sonar. Anyone got a better workaround?

John, I don't use it so I'm not sure, but doesn't RealBand allow this?
Posted By: MitchC Re: Freeze tracks possible, but freeze bars? - 12/26/11 06:06 PM
This is doable in Real Band by highlighting a portion of a track, and selecting regenerate selected region. BUT, make sure your tune does NOT have any tempo changes. If it does, the regen will work, but then erase a portion of the wav file following the regen'd section. (bug alert!). No comparable feature in BIAB to my knowledge.
Posted By: boydbob Re: Freeze tracks possible, but freeze bars? - 01/14/12 08:17 PM
My work-around for this kind of thing is Real Band.

You can open the saved BIAB file in RB and generate as many additional
midi & Real Tracks as you want.

I usually generate several extra tracks of each part in RB, (including midi)
delete any clunkers, and then do the final editing in my DAW.

IMHO, it's faster in the long run, acheives better results,
and I still have the option of changing my mind later.

Considering how amazing BIAB/RB is for what it does so well,
I'm happy to move everything to my DAW for tweaking.
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