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"Generate" Hot Keys
These Give you Instant Generate Functions to save time going through Menus.

RealBand 2015 Download
Alt+R Generate RealTrack or Section

Alt+D Generate RealDrums or Section

Alt+G Re-Genarate Track or Section

Alt+M Generate MultiRiff or Section

Alt+U Generate UserTrack or Section

Alt+L Generate Loop Track or Section

You can Add more or change Hot Keys by a simple Edit to the Script:
;Re-Generate (Function name)
~Alt & G:: ; (Hot Keys)
Macro3: ; (make this a unique number)
WinActivate, ahk_class RealBand ; (Tells what program to use Hot Keys on)
Sleep, 1000 ; (pause time)
Send, {F10 1} ; ( press F10 key once, this brings the main menu up)
Sleep, 100
Send, {Right 2} ; (press right arrow 2 times, this moves cursor across menu)
Sleep, 100
Send, {Down 22} ; (move cursor down menu 22 times)
Sleep, 100
Send, {Enter 1} ; (press Enter key once)

RealBand 2014 Download
Alt+R Generate RealTrack or Section

Alt+D Generate RealDrums or Section

Alt+G Re-Genarate Track or Section

You can Add more or change Hot Keys by a simple Edit of the Script:
Below is just one function in the Script
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