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This will also work with Guitars the have chord recognition, Kontakt Session Guitarist Strummed Acoustic, Kontakt Factory Library Akkord Guitar, Mildon Strummer 3.5 (free) etc..

DropBox (download in they don't play clear in player)

Enable Chord Output in Biab
BB Chord Output Win Mac

Save your Biab song first then save to MID > File on Disk.

Open the Song.SGU in RealBand or tracks in your DAW.
Import the saved midi file or drag in.

You will be just using the BB Chord Output track in the midi file.
Set this track to RealGuitar.
* Look at the lowest note on the BB Chord Output track and see if it is in the RealGuitar keyboard range, else transpose by 12 semitones.
Check the RealGuitar is reading the chords correctly as some chords that BB creates are wrong like maj7 has the extra note that make it a maj9, usually you just delete the top note.
Set RealGuitar to Pattern > Chords > select pattern/s
Create another midi track for the Patterns and set it to RealGuitar also,
if you are in a DAW just put a send on the pattern track back to the BB Chord Output RealGuitar track.
Drag patterns out to the track, in RealGuitar enable Track button at the bottom.
Look in your manual for notes in the pattern to create Shots/Holds and Endings.

MiniHost Download MiniHost Win/Mac

MiniHost Guide

You can add any Articulation switches to the patterns by sending the midi out from RealGuitar 1 that is playing the patterns to RealGuitar 2 (or Kontakt etc.) on another track set to MIDI Solo, this track you add key switches in the KEY SWITCHES button,
now add those notes in RG 2 midi track.
You can adjust the settings in HUMANIZE and turn it on.
Add whatever FX (Amplitube, Guitar Rig...) you like to the DI guitar.

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