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Now that i'm using the piano-roll many things stick out.

0 ) NO KEYBOARD NUDGE FEATURE using the up/down and left/right keys!!!!! no respectable MIDI editor would leave this stuff out.

1 ) on OSX it doesnt support use our trackpad gestures for scrolling

2 ) lack of DUPLICATE feature and kid shortcut

3 ) COPY AND PASTE shortcuts are non existent

4 ) the way in which notes are dragged and lengthened and shortened is unconventional. Please look at how popular DAWs like Ableton do things.

5 ) No feature to force notes to snap-quantise. Yes there is snap-to in there but .... well just FFS go and look at a DAW and see wha THEY do.

6 ) the screen redraw on resize is antiquated, only drawing after the mouse has stopped dragging. Screens should be redrawn as resizing is taking place.

7 ) a "MAKE LEGATO" feature - where any gaps between currently selected melodic notes get eliminated ( again - see Ableton and other DAWS )
Hi Nonchai,

Command+C for Copy and Command+V for Paste are working fine over here, are they really not working for you?

PG Music
0 to 7 complaints are listed by Nonchai and only one as noted by Kent " Command+C for Copy and Command+V for Paste are working fine " .

what about the other's Kent ? when will they be addressed ?
Hi W,

#3 is a feature that already exists, and should already be working, so since I do tech support here, I'm able to assist with that one right away.

The rest are feature requests for the Wishlist. I'm more than happy to pass feature requests along (and do so all the time), but since I'm not a programmer, I can't do a lot about them immediately like I can with existing features that someone's having trouble with.

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