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I'm using Reaper.

I inserted a virtual instrument track and assigned Scaler 2 to that track.

I open the Scaler 2 panel and choose BASIC PERF 5 and under ARTISTS I choose ABC DU BEATMAKING 2.

I press the PLAY button inside Scaler 2 and a lovely piano piece plays over Eb min9 / Db maj add 13 / Cb maj7 / Bb min7

I want to get this into my DAW but cannot seem to accomplish it.

I tried selecting the chord blocks (#1 in the image) and dragging them into the DAW but they don't sound right at all.

I tried dragging the chord blocks from #1 to #2 (in the image) and then dragging the blocks from #2 to the DAW but they are still wrong.

Then I tried using MIDI CAPTURE in Scaler (#3 in the image). I clicked the MIDI CAPTURE button, played the chords inside Scaler and dragged them to the DAW but again they are wrong.

I tried transposing the imported MIDI but it never sounded right.

Any idea as to how I get this from Scaler 2 to my DAW?

Attached picture Scaler-Question.jpg
Let me know if this is what you need?

Hi, just as an extra. This week the “School of Synthesis’ the makers of Scaler put out a complete course very cheap course on every aspect of Scaler. I am most of the way through it and highly recommend it to anyone interested at all in Scaler.

For only $15 USD you cannot miss. Note: the $15 is an introductory offer and ends April 30th 2023.

have fun all
Here is what I think is going on. It is a common reported issue. You have used the Scaler engine to create a "performance" based on the chord sequence. Then you captured the combined Midi Performance and the Chords and transferred that midi back to your DAW (onto the same Scaler Track), now Scaler is trying to generate a new midi performance based on the incoming DAW track. That results in a cacophony. So you either need to use two tracks as I show in the video or you need to turn off the performance feature in Scaler.

But I am just guessing here... grin
Originally Posted By: MusicStudent
Let me know if this is what you need?

Thanks so much Dan! Dragging the MIDI to a different track worked perfectly!
Originally Posted By: MusicStudent
Here is what I think is going on. It is a common reported issue. You have used the Scaler engine to create a "performance" based on the chord sequence. Then you captured the combined Midi Performance and the Chords and transferred that midi back to your DAW (onto the same Scaler Track), now Scaler is trying to generate a new midi performance based on the incoming DAW track. That results in a cacophony. So you either need to use two tracks as I show in the video or you need to turn off the performance feature in Scaler.

But I am just guessing here... grin

Thanks Dan, how do I "turn off the performance feature in Scaler"?
When it is Off, it looks like this.

When it is on, it is blue with other options lit up. Just click it.

Attached picture Screenshot 2023-04-12 205107.jpg
Hope you don’t mind me chiming in. I simply add Scaler to Reaper as an instrument track. Then (assuming I want another instrument to accept input from Scaler) add another instrument. Then in Reaper set a link between the Scaler track and the instrument (in my case AmpleSound). Then turn off the audio on the link leaving the midi.

In Reaper right click on the instrument track record and set Record Output to Record Output(midi). Note I also have Monitor Input set as well as Midi input all MIDI.

Next depending how you want to play. In Scaler under settings Playback set DAW Synch then put the cursor where you want to record and press record (make sure you have the instrument track armed for record). An alternative is to not set DAW Synch and press keys but I find that much harder.. note right click in Scaler on section C play button will also set DAW Synch mode.

Another alternative is to record on the Scaler track and drag where you want it to go.

Hope this makes sense.

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