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If you have interest in practicing songwriting, a very friendly songwriting challenge is commencing in February - the February Album Writing Month challenge.

There are a few that hang out here on PG forums that have participated in this in years past and I'm guessing all would join in with me to throw support behind participation.

The challenge is to write 14 songs in the month of February. This can seem quite intimidating - which admittedly it can be at first consideration.

However, I can vouch that the challenge presents quite a 'brain change' in process for songwriting which is quite exhilarating.

The brain change is simply a shift to being prolific rather than detail oriented as it pertains to songwriting. For me, this has resulted in some of my favorite songs I have written - songs which I would have likely never conceived had it not been for the 'pressure' of writing a song every 2 days.

The website, with it's discussion forums and framework for posting songs and reviewing the same from others, will go live on January 20. Join in.

Thanks Scott. Have signed up to practice the principles of the Andrea Stolpe songwriting workshop as outlined by Noel in his excellent 'songsmiths' site. Cheers - Richard.
February Album Writing Month starts in less than 24 hours, for some it's underway.

Join in the insanity but invigorating 'write 14 songs in the month of February' challenge.

Not sure if anyone is still following this thread - here's 3 different 'synthy' songs I've experimented with so far in February. Trying to go for a different feel each night.
I am doing my 4th FAWM and have made some great friends and heard a lot of great music. Everyone on the forum is always helpful with comments and it is a good place to collaborate if you enjoy that. Hope this helps!

MY FAWM 2014
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