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Don, thanks for sharing the Tommy Emmanuel video link. He is a wonderful musician and teacher.

I notice your chicken avatar is on vacation. How is your computer restoration project going?
I notice your chicken avatar is on vacation. How is your computer restoration project going?

I don't think the dancing chicken's going AWOL has anything to do with my SSD failure.

I've also noticed a problem trying to attach a photo to my forum messages. Strange.

I reported it to Support but no help.
FWIW, the avatar is a url to a .gif on photobucket, and the file is no longer at that url for whatever reason. You can either update the url, or better yet upload the .gif. Either can be done in "My Stuff | Profile".
Hi, Andrew. I've spent hours trying to find it again, or equivalent, but no luck. I'll probably just use one of the PG default gifs. Been too busy reinstalling programs after HD crash to worry about my avatar.

However, I am having difficulty when trying to attach a picture to a message on the forum, however. The pic is a .jpg only 389kb but the File Manager (even before choosing a picture ) reports "File too big" error. Max size is 10meg.

It's a schedule of Isla Grant's Irish Tour Schedule as a courtesy to fellow BBers and it's already in progress.

Help, please!?
I don't know why that would be. Could you email or otherwise send the file to us? Where are you trying to post it?
I'll try. How about if I upload to then link you?
Try this link:
I had hoped to post it to "Off-Topic" thread.

This is Isla Grant's Irish Tour Schedule. I can assure you of a great concert.

Isla is actually Scottish, not Irish.
Tommy has always appealed. What a genius songwriter, performer and entertainer. Great share, thanks!
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