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Mum and dad (Annemarie and Hansueli) with Melanie, Mike and Kevin.

I don't think 'feel good' music gets too much better than this smile

Hope you enjoy it!

And in case anyone should like to sing along, here're the lyrics courtesy of Google...

Originally Posted By: lyrics for "Jodel Time"
Oh , lorolo lolalalalalalalalolalalolalalolalola lolo
Oh , lorolo lolalalalalalalalolalalolalalola lo la lo

Mon amour c'est la Suisse.
Meine Leidenschaft, das Jodeln.
Und ich sage euch warum ?
Pourquoi ? Warum? Pourquoi cet amour ?

ioroloú lorololouloroloroloroleiloroloulei

Jodel, makes me happy, and everybody in the world will understand.
Jodel, macht mich glücklich, und alle wissen worum es hier geht.
Vitesse, High-Speed, Schweizer Tempo,
ein Jodler schicken wir heute um die Welt.
poro-po boropopopopo
lorololouloroloroloroleilorolou ih úh

ioroloú lorololouloroloroloroleilorolouleiu
lorololouloroloroloroleilorolou ih úh
lorololouloroloroloroleilorolou ih úh
loroloroloreilorei loroloroloreilorei
lorolorolololo íh-íh loro íh-íh loro íh-íh
loroloroloreilorei loroloroloreilorei
lorolorolololo íh-íh loro íh-íh loro loró
loroloroloreilorei loroloroloreilorei
lorolorolololo íh-íh loro íh-íh loro íh-íh
loroloroloreilorei loroloroloroloro uh
What a tight sounding family band. Very talented and professional.

Somebody really knows how to handle the sound system too. I hope the live audience was able to hear as good a mix as what was in the video.

I was wondering if the singer's head microphone was in place just for redundancy. When she started passing the wireless microphone from hand-to-hand I started to figure redundancy may be a good thing and the product of experience!
What a wonderful and happy way to start my day!

Thanks, Noel.
This is a great find! I thoroughly enjoyed my watch. Jim mentioned it above, but I was blown away by the recording quality too. A great effort from everyone involved.

Thanks for sharing smile
Yodeling is actually so hard to do, and throat singing. Anybody who can do it has my respect.
Jim, Don, Deryk and Ember.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Melanie's yodelling control is incredible and she's supported by an amazing family!

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