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Absolutely breathtaking... especially around the 5:30 mark...

Unfortunately, his performance can only be watched on YouTube and not embedded here.
Oh Wow! How extraordinary.

Watching those fingers dance across the keyboard like a swarm of bees at something close to the speed of light. Brilliant, Brilliant. What amazing talent. This man has made what would seem absolutely impossible, totally achievable but obviously only by a massive dedication.

I watched from this link.

Thanks Noel for sharing. Extraordinary talent.
Almost unbelievable, the camera is blurred by how fast his hands move! How is it even possible to be blind and learn to play something like that? While I can appreciate this, this kind of talent exists on the extreme of what I can even understand.

Originally Posted By: MountainSide
How is it even possible to be blind and learn to play something like that?

Despite the size of a piano keyboard, the consistent pattern of the keys greatly aids navigation by touch. Learning long jumps is probably harder.

Apparently there is a Braille music notation, though obviously one can't simultaneously read that and play.

Many years ago I had a blind girlfriend and was amazed just how capable she was at all sorts of things. And for things she couldn't do, she just asked someone.
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