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Enjoying new (2023) feature of generating Chord Track(s). Very useful to get an idea of how pattern based VSTs sound together with BIAB, keeping workflow inside of software, without constant importing / exporting files from BIAB to DAW.

There are a couple of improvements in my view this feature still needs. This post is for the most important one. As of now, when chord track is written, it gets overwritten if change is introduced on chord sheet (with regeneration). So if you change something manually, it will be gone. This request is to add a feature which will "ignore" notes outside the specified range, as usually they would be reserved for Key switches and other functions. So if notes outside the range made persistent, not only you would be able to do more in BIAB, but when you export a Chord Track to your DAW, you will have all your key switches in a single MIDI file (together with block chords)

See attached for location suggestion.

P.S. I made a video on how phrase based VSTs can be used in BIAB. Here is the link if you are inclined:

Attached picture range.jpg

I can do it easy enough in that DAW and upload it but it may take a year to get it in Biab.
It has all chord notes for all chords already on the track but just mutes the notes it don't use so if I want to change a chord it will mute/un-mute the notes accordingly. So if keyswitches is set it will ask what ones to ignore.
I just wish I could spend my time doing this directly in Biab and upload it for you tomorrow rather than spending my time nagging and feeling powerless to do anything frown

This is Real Strat VST3 running fine using the chord track.
When you drag the midi keyswitches into the piano roll it should import it to the drop position with snap to that selected track, and also it should be set to merge by default as if merge is not checked it will absolutely wipe everything out including the chords.
It is a pain having to set the bar number to import to and Merge each time, you get it wrong and it's all wiped.


Attached picture BB23-Real-Strat-VST3-Chord-Track.png
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