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Just experienced crash#2 while in the Piano Roll again.
Was creating and editing my MIDI notes and out of nowhere . . . BAM !
I think this might be related to Utility Track#1.
A possible symptom is just before the crash the acoustic piano and electric piano MIDI voices were mysteriously changed to a pan flute MIDI voice. The pan flute was the last voice I was working on before the crash.

There definitely is some instability here unless I'm somehow doing something wrong. I attached a screen shot of my tracks after the crash. Notice "edtLabel", Utility Track#1 was altered to this name as a result of the crash.

Do the software developers monitor this forum. If no, can someone forward this to them?


Exception log with detailed tech info. Generated on 4/13/2022 9:26:43 PM.
You may send it to the application vendor, helping them to understand what had happened.
Application title: Band-in-a-Box® - Love In The Autumn.MGU
Application file: C:\bb\bbw64.exe
Exception class: EAccessViolation
Exception message: Access violation at address 00000000004106DC in module 'bbw64.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
Exception address: 00000000004106DC
Main thread ID = 35276
Exception thread ID = 35276
Exception stack
Stack list, generated 4/13/2022 9:26:38 PM
[00000000004106DC]{bbw64.exe } System._ZN6System7TObject12InheritsFromEPNS_10TMetaClassE
[00000000012E6E38]{bbw64.exe } JclDebug._ZN8Jcldebug18JclCreateStackListEbiPvbS0_
[00000000012E6D49]{bbw64.exe } JclDebug._ZN8Jcldebug21DoExceptionStackTraceEPN6System7TObjectEPvbS3_
[00000000012E8963]{bbw64.exe } JclDebug._ZN8Jcldebug14DoExceptNotifyEPN6System7TObjectEPvbS3_
[00000000012D6805]{bbw64.exe } JclHookExcept._ZN13Jclhookexcept13TNotifierItem8DoNotifyEPN6System7TObjectEPvbS4_
[00000000012D6A4C]{bbw64.exe } JclHookExcept._ZN13Jclhookexcept14DoExceptNotifyEPN6System7TObjectEPvbS3_
[00000000012D6BEF]{bbw64.exe } JclHookExcept._ZN13Jclhookexcept19HookedExceptObjProcEPN6System16TExceptionRecordE
[0000000000411C09]{bbw64.exe } System._ZN6System23_DelphiExceptionHandlerEPNS_16TExceptionRecordEyPvS2_
[00007FFD529286EF]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at __chkstk
[00007FFD528B5AEA]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at RtlRestoreContext
[00007FFD529276FE]{ntdll.dll } KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[00000000004106DC]{bbw64.exe } System._ZN6System7TObject12InheritsFromEPNS_10TMetaClassE
[00000000004105D1]{bbw64.exe } System._ZN6System8_IsClassEPNS_7TObjectEPNS_10TMetaClassE
[000000000148BD81]{bbw64.exe } unitTxdlg._ZN9Unittxdlg5Txdlg13MoveControlToEPN3Vcl8Controls8TControlEiiii (Line 815, "unitTxdlg.pas" + 4)
[0000000000BE6EC8]{bbw64.exe } . . .

Attached picture Screenshot 14.jpg
I recall that Ember had previously asked: "When you go to Help | About Band-in-a-Box what's the 3 digit number in brackets?"

It would be useful to know that detail.

Is there any further detail in the exception than what you have shown? It seems to be truncated.

I can alert the developers to your issue, but the build number is important.
I have build 920 and I believe I'm up to date.
The dump I sent earlier is truncated. The full data dump is below.
And after shutting down BiaB after the crash and bringing it back up the "edtLabel" mentioned above remains latched.

This might be a dumb question but is the Piano Roll the preferred method of getting MIDI into BiaB and aligning it on a bar by bar basis? Or do experienced users use RealBand or some 3rd-party tool?

Exception log with detailed tech info. Generated on 4/13/2022 9:26:43 PM.
You may send it to the application vendor, helping them to understand what had happened.
Application title: Band-in-a-Box® - Love In The Autumn.MGU
Application file: C:\bb\bbw64.exe
Exception class: EAccessViolation
Exception message: Access violation at address 00000000004106DC in module 'bbw64.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
Exception address: 00000000004106DC
Main thread ID = 35276
Exception thread ID = 35276
Exception stack
Stack list, generated 4/13/2022 9:26:38 PM
[00000000004106DC]{bbw64.exe } System._ZN6System7TObject12InheritsFromEPNS_10TMetaClassE
[00000000012E6E38]{bbw64.exe } JclDebug._ZN8Jcldebug18JclCreateStackListEbiPvbS0_
[00000000012E6D49]{bbw64.exe } JclDebug._ZN8Jcldebug21DoExceptionStackTraceEPN6System7TObjectEPvbS3_
[00000000012E8963]{bbw64.exe } JclDebug._ZN8Jcldebug14DoExceptNotifyEPN6System7TObjectEPvbS3_
[00000000012D6805]{bbw64.exe } JclHookExcept._ZN13Jclhookexcept13TNotifierItem8DoNotifyEPN6System7TObjectEPvbS4_
[00000000012D6A4C]{bbw64.exe } JclHookExcept._ZN13Jclhookexcept14DoExceptNotifyEPN6System7TObjectEPvbS3_
[00000000012D6BEF]{bbw64.exe } JclHookExcept._ZN13Jclhookexcept19HookedExceptObjProcEPN6System16TExceptionRecordE
[0000000000411C09]{bbw64.exe } System._ZN6System23_DelphiExceptionHandlerEPNS_16TExceptionRecordEyPvS2_
[00007FFD529286EF]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at __chkstk
[00007FFD528B5AEA]{ntdll.dll } Unknown function at RtlRestoreContext
[00007FFD529276FE]{ntdll.dll } KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[00000000004106DC]{bbw64.exe } System._ZN6System7TObject12InheritsFromEPNS_10TMetaClassE
[00000000004105D1]{bbw64.exe } System._ZN6System8_IsClassEPNS_7TObjectEPNS_10TMetaClassE
[000000000148BD81]{bbw64.exe } unitTxdlg._ZN9Unittxdlg5Txdlg13MoveControlToEPN3Vcl8Controls8TControlEiiii (Line 815, "unitTxdlg.pas" + 4)
[0000000000BE6EC8]{bbw64.exe } TrackSettingsU._ZN14Tracksettingsu20TTrackSettingsDialog15arrangecontrolsEv (Line 1852, "TrackSettingsU.pas" + 47)
[0000000000BE6FFC]{bbw64.exe } TrackSettingsU._ZN14Tracksettingsu20TTrackSettingsDialog10FormCreateEPN6System7TObjectE (Line 1864, "TrackSettingsU.pas" + 2)
[0000000000778725]{bbw64.exe } Vcl.Forms._ZN3Vcl5Forms11TCustomForm8DoCreateEv
[00000000007780EE]{bbw64.exe } Vcl.Forms._ZN3Vcl5Forms11TCustomForm17AfterConstructionEv
[0000000001454066]{bbw64.exe } formsSPECIALBBW._ZN15Formsspecialbbw7TPTForm17AfterConstructionEv (Line 239, "formsSPECIALBBW.pas" + 2)
[0000000000410B10]{bbw64.exe } System._ZN6System18_AfterConstructionEPNS_7TObjectE
[0000000001453FE7]{bbw64.exe } formsSPECIALBBW._ZN15Formsspecialbbw7TPTFormC3EPN6System7Classes10TComponentE (Line 224, "formsSPECIALBBW.pas" + 39)
[0000000000BDF4B1]{bbw64.exe } TrackSettingsU._ZN14Tracksettingsu22RunTrackSettingsDialogEh (Line 282, "TrackSettingsU.pas" + 11)
[00000000013A9C27]{bbw64.exe } W1._ZN2W112TSynthWindow19RightMouseRadioMenuEh (Line 1544, "w1.pas" + 552)
[0000000001469BF4]{bbw64.exe } unitBBXdef._ZN10Unitbbxdef4Tbbx28RightMouseRadioMenuSelectionEi (Line 1227, "unitBBXdef.pas" + 8)
[0000000000AF4AA1]{bbw64.exe } w6._ZN2W616TOffscreenWindow9WMCommandERN6Winapi8Messages8TMessageE (Line 75, "w6.pas" + 24)
[0000000000BFA7EE]{bbw64.exe } unitBBToolMenus._ZN15Unitbbtoolmenus8TBBPopup20callbackTrackContextEPN6System7TObjectE (Line 2924, "unitBBToolMenus.pas" + 33)
[000000000075F50B]{bbw64.exe } Vcl.Menus._ZN3Vcl5Menus9TMenuItem5ClickEv
[0000000000761D75]{bbw64.exe } Vcl.Menus._ZN3Vcl5Menus5TMenu15DispatchCommandEt
[0000000000764259]{bbw64.exe } Vcl.Menus._ZN3Vcl5Menus10TPopupList7WndProcERN6Winapi8Messages8TMessageE
[0000000000764158]{bbw64.exe } Vcl.Menus._ZN3Vcl5Menus10TPopupList11MainWndProcERN6Winapi8Messages8TMessageE
[000000000053F036]{bbw64.exe } System.Classes._ZN6System7Classes10StdWndProcEP6HWND__jyy
[00007FFD510C1C4C]{user32.dll } Unknown function at CallWindowProcW
[00007FFD510C0EA6]{user32.dll } Unknown function at DispatchMessageW
[0000000000788704]{bbw64.exe } Vcl.Forms._ZN3Vcl5Forms12TApplication14ProcessMessageER6tagMSG
[0000000000788778]{bbw64.exe } Vcl.Forms._ZN3Vcl5Forms12TApplication13HandleMessageEv
[0000000000788C14]{bbw64.exe } Vcl.Forms._ZN3Vcl5Forms12TApplication3RunEv
[00000000014D9AB4]{bbw64.exe } BBW64.initialization (Line 554, "BBW64.dpr" + 122)
[00007FFD514C54E0]{KERNEL32.DLL} BaseThreadInitThunk
[00007FFD5288485B]{ntdll.dll } RtlUserThreadStart
Call stack for main thread
Thanks for the build number.
I'll report this to the developers.

This might be a dumb question but is the Piano Roll the preferred method of getting MIDI into BiaB and aligning it on a bar by bar basis? Or do experienced users use RealBand or some 3rd-party tool?

I generally use the notation editor for entering notation, but this is usually if I am creating a lead-sheet or other score for printing. I sometimes 'trim' the notes with the Piano Roll editor, but generally don't enter notation that way. For me, the notation editor is much faster and definitely easier to read.
The Utility 1 track appears white, which means there isn't any MIDI instrument on it. Did it turn white after the crash, or was is white beforehand as well?
According to the crash reports, you are launching the Track Settings window when the crash happens.

I can see why a crash might occur if the Track Settings window was launched more than once in a program session.
Chantelle, if by "white" you mean the font color, I don't remember if the font was white before the crash.

Blake, I'm sure at some point I was in the track settings. I'm still learning this program so I'm exploring lots of things. Are you saying that users can only open the track settings 1 time? If so, what if I need to adjust the settings on more than one track?
Originally Posted By: Bass Thumper
Are you saying that users can only open the track settings 1 time?

No, it is currently a bug. The fix will be available in build 923.
Ahhh, I see. Good luck with your programming efforts and let me know if I can do any more to help out.
Keep up the good work, BiaB is awesome.

Do you know when this was first observed as a bug?
Here is the link to our support page so that when the bug is resolved and a new patch released you can easily find the new patch: click here!

This link is for Windows specifically.
Thank you Ember.

In "another life" I worked on a quad-redundant flight control system for a next generation helicopter so I know a little about the complexities and challenges of quality control and reliability of large, complex software programs. In this case it involved 10's of millions of lines of code. One of the tools in our toolbox was the ability to generate automated test cases using stochastic methods; an area of much ongoing research, especially in the area of self-driving vehicles.
Excellent news, Blake. Thanks for being able to identify this issue. I had tried multiple times to replicate but was not able to. Apparently it needed other functions being used at the same time.
The build 923 update is available for pre-release use here:

Once it is downloaded and installed, please let us know if the issue persists. Hope this helps!
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