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#203443 05/16/13 01:43 PM
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A few weeks ago, something reminded me of my high school girlfriend (it was a long time ago). One thing lead to another, and I got to thinking about people having regrets, about "the one that got away" and wanting to turn back the clock. Guitar..chords..thougths...mumble, mumble... song.


Here are the Real Tracks:

RealTracks in style: ~520:Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 165
RealTracks in song: 691:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming AcRockBright Ev 120
RealTracks in song: ~544:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dreamy Ev 165
RealTracks in song: ~407:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 165
RealTracks in song: 408:Guitar, Resonator, Background Allis Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 1540:Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopBelieve Ev16 065 (Half-Time)
RealDrums in style: NashvilleSkip^03-a:SideStick, HiHat , b:Snare, HiHat

Simple stuff. Hope you enjoy it..

Comments encouraged.


floyd jane #203453 05/16/13 03:17 PM
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I only have a couple of seconds -- so here's my challenge. Can you please do a "bad" one, so the rest of us won't feel so lousy. Ha, ha -- just kidding. I always enjoy your vision of what a song should be. You got a lot of real deep down talent.

Now at bandcamp: Crows Say Vee-Eh @ bandcamp or soundcloud: Kevin @ soundcloud
floyd jane #203457 05/16/13 04:56 PM
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Floyd, that's bodacious, my friend! I am finding my vast (or half-vast) reserve of superlatives running short in describing your songs. CUT THAT OOT! (Canadian).

Seriously, you, Sir, have songwriting skills poochin' oot all over.

I constantly look forward to each new offering.

More please!?

floyd jane #203458 05/16/13 05:21 PM
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A real pleasure to listen to Floyd. The story drew me in and I love the way you handled the chorus. Beautiful arrangement and production. It really captures the wistful vibe.

Well done.

floyd jane #203476 05/16/13 11:40 PM
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Hi Floyd,

I really enjoyed this one. Come to think of it, though, I really enjoy ALL your songs. As others have already said, you're an amazingly consistent songwriter, singer, arranger and producer!

Heading back for another play!

All the best,

Audiophile BIAB 2024
floyd jane #203481 05/17/13 01:45 AM
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Hi Floyd,

Reminds me of when I was 16 (Many,Many,MANY moons ago) when I fell in love with a girl.

Family moved and we lost touch.

Bumped into her a little while ago and I was instantly transformed into that 16 year old blubbering wreck. Funny how that works after decades of separate lives.

So your song certainly worked for me.

Best regards


Windows 11 64 bit, Biab 2024 1111, Realband 2024
i7 Desktop Computer 16Gb Memory

Noel96 #203490 05/17/13 06:19 AM
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Originally Posted By: Noel96
Hi Floyd,

I really enjoyed this one. Come to think of it, though, I really enjoy ALL your songs. As others have already said, you're an amazingly consistent songwriter, singer, arranger and producer!

Heading back for another play!

Just beautiful.


floyd jane #203492 05/17/13 06:25 AM
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Another keeper Floyd. Very nice.



floyd jane #203511 05/17/13 11:24 AM
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I have to agree with Noel, your consistency is pretty scary!
Just another really fine job all around!
This mix seems a little dryer than others... Thats neither here nor there, just an observation. grin

Great Job,


floyd jane #203524 05/17/13 02:20 PM
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Kevin - thanks. stay tuned... sooner or later there's bound to be a bad one....

Don - Thank you so much for such kind words. I thought I was under the Gaynor radar. Glad you've noticed....

Josie - Thank you, too. I really appreciate your comments. I know you've been there...

floyd jane #203525 05/17/13 02:25 PM
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Noel - you are always... so kind. About time for another from you, isn't it?

George - thanks for the listen.

Guenter - Appreciate it. Time for you, too, I think...

Bob - I know you're just stashing then all away.... (and where is your next one???)

Greg - Not sure what "dryer" might mean... I have been leaning towards "simpler" lately.... Thanks for the comments...

floyd jane #203590 05/18/13 10:37 AM
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You need only read the preceding comments. Sweet and in-the-pocket. You never miss.

I really wanted to comment on your comments. You know, people have told me regularly that they don't like Jazz. No problem, it's what I expect. What makes me suspicious are nonmusicians who claim to like Jazz. I never ask them, but I'm sorely tempted to ask, "Exactly what is it about Jazz that you like?" I used to characterize Jazz as "music for musicians." But even that needs modification to "music for some musicians."

In your case, I've received the answers without asking the question.

(1)Lyricism. As a superb lyricist and singer, you want and expect lyricism - music that has the potential for supporting emotionally laden lyrics. Simple chords (and not too many of 'em) work best, and country guitar is an art in itself. If you can get lyricism in a Jazz solo, great, but there are competing goals. For me, the purpose of a solo is to illuminate the chord changes in new ways, build excitement, throw some surprises, etc. If your solo isn't as interesting as the melody itself, why bother with it at all? Just play the melody over again instead.

(2) Chaos. This really jumped out at me in your comments on Moody's Mood. You explained why you didn't like it and used the word chaotic. I think that pins it down for those not drawn to Jazz - lots and lots and lots of notes. Incoherent, chaotic notes. Jazz is disorder that hides deeper order, but no one said that perceiving it is easy, immediate, or for most folks even possible.


aleck rand #203636 05/19/13 07:13 AM
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Originally Posted By: aleck rand

You need only read the preceding comments. Sweet and in-the-pocket. You never miss.

I really wanted to comment on your comments. You know, people have told me regularly that they don't like Jazz. No problem, it's what I expect. What makes me suspicious are nonmusicians who claim to like Jazz. I never ask them, but I'm sorely tempted to ask, "Exactly what is it about Jazz that you like?" I used to characterize Jazz as "music for musicians." But even that needs modification to "music for some musicians."

In your case, I've received the answers without asking the question.

(1)Lyricism. As a superb lyricist and singer, you want and expect lyricism - music that has the potential for supporting emotionally laden lyrics. Simple chords (and not too many of 'em) work best, and country guitar is an art in itself. If you can get lyricism in a Jazz solo, great, but there are competing goals. For me, the purpose of a solo is to illuminate the chord changes in new ways, build excitement, throw some surprises, etc. If your solo isn't as interesting as the melody itself, why bother with it at all? Just play the melody over again instead.

(2) Chaos. This really jumped out at me in your comments on Moody's Mood. You explained why you didn't like it and used the word chaotic. I think that pins it down for those not drawn to Jazz - lots and lots and lots of notes. Incoherent, chaotic notes. Jazz is disorder that hides deeper order, but no one said that perceiving it is easy, immediate, or for most folks even possible.



You make good points and I think this topic is worthy of group discussion. I want to comment, but I don't want to hijack Floyd's thread. Please post these same observations on one of the discussion forums and let's see how the participation goes.

Last edited by Pat Marr; 05/19/13 07:32 AM.
floyd jane #203637 05/19/13 07:31 AM
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This is getting ridiculous. I've run out of fresh ways to offer praise for your songs! You're like the basketball player who swishes every shot. dang!

Anyway, that one reminded me of something, but my aging memory can't remember what. I can say for sure that the way you crafted the guitar solo, it reminded me of CSNY

You and a few others have really developed recognizeable styles. If you posted a song anonymously, It would be easy to know you had made it, and that's a (very) good thing.

As one who plays covers, I'm more of a chameleon so I'm fascinated by the elements of personal style. I would characterize yours as having the following recognizeable traits:

1) your voice has its own unique accent and depth

2) your themes tend to revolve around every day topics that might get discussed at dinner or a family reunion

3) the way you phrase your verses is highly individual... I haven't heard anybody else on this forum who uses pauses and run-on sentences to better advantage... the result of your phrasing is that your lyrics are less "sing-songy" and more conversational.. which is consistent with the theme of everyday topics.

I could say more, but I have to save something for your next song. ;-)

floyd jane #203656 05/19/13 11:34 AM
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hi Floyd great production and mix Is cystal clear plus +10 thanks eric

AMD (TM) 5950 4.9 GHz 16Core Processor 64 bit 32 bits of ram windows 10 pro 64 bit os. sound card Antelope ZenQ guitars Ibanez 2202a 1968 les Paul Custom and Cavin ae 185 Guitar boss Gt-100,GT1000 pedal Yamaha HS8 studio monitors
floyd jane #203681 05/19/13 02:43 PM
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Hi Floyd.

As usual, I've arrived here too late to say anything original.

Suffice to say, well up to your usual high standard.


floyd jane #203705 05/20/13 12:50 AM
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I was commenting on the mix and the overall reverb or FX just seemed a little "dryer" or not as "wet" grin...I could have been impaired at the time though. tired


floyd jane #203734 05/20/13 05:20 AM
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Darn good song nice clean production and a memorable voice.

floyd jane #203763 05/20/13 12:25 PM
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aleck - appreciate you droppin' by for a listen...

eric - thanks for that.

ROG - thanks - that was original...

Greg - gotcha

Steve - so nice to have you drop in. thanks for the kind words.

floyd jane #203768 05/20/13 12:49 PM
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That's some awfully nice stuff to say. I truly appreciate it.
Now that you mention it, that guitar lead IS very CSNY-ish...
Nice that you think I have a "style". I stopped dreaming of being a performer (artist) YEARS ago (I think it coincided with hair loss).
I've "quit" and come back to music a couple of times (10 year layoffs) and
writing is always what brings me back.

I believe strongly that lyrics should (for the most part) be conversational. Natural. The words should roll easily and naturally from the singers mouth and, more importantly, fall naturally on the listener's ear. Writing is pretty easy if you (the writer) keeps one rule in mind... If you put down a line that you would never actually say in conversation... erase it and start over. And when it's sung, it should sound natural - the same way it would sound if you were to simply speak the line (not some awkward cadence to fit an existing melody - if that happens, you erase that, too).

And I find most of my titles or ideas in everyday kinds of stuff. Things that come out of the blue, but were right there in front of you all the time.

So I'd say you did a pretty good job of "defining my style".

And, again... thanks for taking the time to listen and comment.


Last edited by floyd jane; 05/20/13 12:51 PM.
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