Here is my latest song with Band in a Box:
Same Old RoadI used the Audio track in BIAB to record my singing then changed the Wav file to read "Same Old Road soloist".
This Placed the Audio as a Performance track onto the Soloist Track.
I was then able to re-record the Audio track without having to overdub the Audio.
****** Song Summary *************
Key=C , Tempo 120, Length (m:s)=3:08
Style is _CTRRKJN.STY (MedCountryRock with Piano[120RS])
RealTracks in style: 1293:Bass, Electric, TexMexCountry Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 2023:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryRockJohn Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 847:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryRockRiff Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 844:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryRockPopping Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 1515:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryBrent Ev 120
RealDrums in style: RockTexas^1-a:HiHat, b:OpenHat
All comments welcome
Lyrics Here again down this old road
Longing for you all the time
Seems like I have been here before
Your promises dashed on the shore
How I long for your tender touch
To feel your body close to mine
To feel again the warmth of your lips
I think that would be divine
Yeah baby I'm walking down the same old road
Just thinking of you once again
How I long for your tender touch
To feel your body close to mine
To feel again the warmth of your lips
I think that it would be divine
How we danced on that balmy night
Well we danced till the morning light
We held each other so very tight
Baby yeah it felt alright