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#213503 08/31/13 12:08 PM
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Here's a review of BIAB from someone outside of the regular users. A few things are debatable and a few things are worth consideration. Plus you can leave comments. Later, Ray

Last edited by raymb1; 08/31/13 12:09 PM.

Asus Q500A i7 Win 10 64 bit 8GB ram 750 HD 15.5" touch screen, BIAB 2017, Casio PX 5s, Xw P1, Center Point Stereo SS V3 and EWI 4000s.
raymb1 #213504 08/31/13 12:48 PM
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Ouch, but heck, I love BIAB anyway simply because nothing else on the market does what it does.

raymb1 #213508 08/31/13 01:56 PM
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A lot of you BIAB Ole timers know this, but.

There are so many "hidden" things built into this music system
over the years I agree with Dan 300%.
In a good way, sometimes wonder if the BIAB folks know about
most of them.

However you use the piece of software, it just keep on giving.

Last edited by seeker; 08/31/13 01:57 PM.


Down The Street vs2015 12-03-2014
Win7, AMD QuadA8-5500,16GB,2TeraHD, Komplete 10
PG Ultra Plus 2016,Alesis 12USB, Sonar Platinum
raymb1 #213510 08/31/13 02:49 PM
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It's good to get an outside perspective. A lot of what he says has been complained about here for years but he's also way off base on a few things too simply because he doesn't understand the program. Who knows, since there's no mid year release this summer perhaps some of these fundamental things are being addressed.


Biab/RB latest build, Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 5 5600 G, 512 Gig SSD, 16 Gigs Ram, Steinberg UR22 MkII, Roland Sonic Cell, Kurzweil PC3, Hammond SK1, Korg PA3XPro, Garritan JABB, Hypercanvas, Sampletank 3, more.
raymb1 #213511 08/31/13 02:54 PM
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Keep in mind as you read a couple of his complaints that he was using the Mac version of Band-in-a-Box. He later revised his post to make that more clear.

BIAB 2025 Win Audiophile. Software: Studio One 7 Pro, Swam horns, Acoustica-7, Notion 6, Song Master Pro, Win 11 Home. Hardware: Intel i9, 32 Gb; Roland Integra-7, Presonus 192 & Faderport 8, Royer 121, Adam Sub8 & Neumann 120 monitors.
raymb1 #213514 08/31/13 03:11 PM
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I've noticed that many of the writer's criticisms have popped up on these forums over the years. As Ray says, some bear thinking about. To my mind, others seem to show that the writer does not fully appreciate just how inherently complex Music is.

I've reflected on the above complexity many times since first buying BIAB in 2007 and I believe that PG Music have managed to cater to both professional and novice with their programs. BIAB engages users on many levels. I cannot see how it's possible to simplify BIAB without losing functionality simply because music is such a complex thing. The fact that there is no other program on the market that does what BIAB/RB does as comprehensively as what BIAB/RB does is worth noting. I suspect that the really big names have thought about it but have found it too hard to accomplish what PG Music has at a reasonable price.

Just my tuppence worth!

Audiophile BIAB 2024
raymb1 #213516 08/31/13 03:27 PM
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"It would be totally amazing if a company like those of the developers of Finale or Sibelius could buy out or license the BiaB technology and put it right into their modern music creation and notation environments."

PLEASE NO !!!!!!! Not AVID !!! PLEASE !!!!!

Jan - 12 Core AMD Ryzen 9 3900X
Win 10 64-bit
Samsung m.2 SSD Boot drive,other SSD internal and USB drives.
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Noel96 #213525 08/31/13 07:58 PM
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Noel, you always hit the nail on the head. There probably is no way to pare down BIAB without losing something. Later, Ray

Asus Q500A i7 Win 10 64 bit 8GB ram 750 HD 15.5" touch screen, BIAB 2017, Casio PX 5s, Xw P1, Center Point Stereo SS V3 and EWI 4000s.
PhillyJazz #213527 08/31/13 08:06 PM
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Originally Posted By: PhillyJazz
"It would be totally amazing if a company like those of the developers of Finale or Sibelius could buy out or license the BiaB technology and put it right into their modern music creation and notation environments."

PLEASE NO !!!!!!! Not AVID !!! PLEASE !!!!!

If I understand the news correctly, Avid owns Sibelius, but not the "developers". The founders (the Finn brothers) had already sold the company, and then the remaining developers were fired. However, most of them are back together and are now working on a new notation software program in a different company.

BIAB 2025 Win Audiophile. Software: Studio One 7 Pro, Swam horns, Acoustica-7, Notion 6, Song Master Pro, Win 11 Home. Hardware: Intel i9, 32 Gb; Roland Integra-7, Presonus 192 & Faderport 8, Royer 121, Adam Sub8 & Neumann 120 monitors.
Noel96 #213528 08/31/13 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted By: Noel96
I cannot see how it's possible to simplify BIAB without losing functionality simply because music is such a complex thing.

Originally Posted By: raymb1
Noel, you always hit the nail on the head. There probably is no way to pare down BIAB without losing something. Later, Ray

I totally disagree. This thread, for example:

is full of great ideas about redesigning / simplifying the program's interface, which seems to be the main focus of criticism in this, and other reviews.

While most long time users in this forum seems to be happy with BIAB's interface, most of first time users (at least in my experience) find it a little bit daunting / confusing, and many potential users just refuse giving BIAB a try simply because they perceive it as a too much complex or outdated program, given it's interface.

In my opinion, the review does a great job identifying some of the reasons that helps understanding why many newcomers see BIAB this way, and giving some specific examples that needs urgent attention from PG Music.

Anyway, I suspect that Peter and his team are already working in a serious redesign for BIAB 2014. If I'm right, that would be (at least to me) the best new "feature" in the program's history since the introduction of Realdrums and Realtracks smile

Latest BIAB version, latest build.
Cerio #213542 08/31/13 11:44 PM
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Without going into a whole litany of issues, simply making the colors and texture look modern would go a long way. I posted in that other thread some screen shots of other DAW programs and plugins. Just look at the cool "luxury car" black and silver colors, instrument textures like wood,chrome and brass on various instruments pictured in plugs, stuff like that. I'm no where close to being a programmer but I suspect that this sort of thing isn't possible with the current code.

PG has no problem bringing in world class musicians to do the RT's so bring in some world class graphics people for this project. Maybe bring in some young genius interns who worked on Avatar or something. Then give it to the beta testers and let the fun begin.

My big worry for the company's future is this forum. It's like an old folks home around here. Ok, I'll say mostly, I know there's a few regulars who are under 50 but not many. What must a 30 year old who happens to find this place who knows nothing about the program think when most of the threads are about 50 year old tunes and people talking about nursing home gigs? I fear PG won't survive in the long run if they don't modernize for the younger crowd and it starts with the look.

I personally enjoy some of these threads because I'm one of the old farts here but speaking from a business perspective things need to change. Boomers are not the market movers we used to be.


Biab/RB latest build, Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 5 5600 G, 512 Gig SSD, 16 Gigs Ram, Steinberg UR22 MkII, Roland Sonic Cell, Kurzweil PC3, Hammond SK1, Korg PA3XPro, Garritan JABB, Hypercanvas, Sampletank 3, more.
raymb1 #213543 08/31/13 11:47 PM
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Have you folks seen this site?

i5 3.20GHz, 32gb RAM, 1tb SSD OS, 12tb HDD, 4gb gForce vid card, 32" monitor, Audient id44, Win10 x64, BiaB/RB 2023, Reaper 6,IK Multimedia Total Studio 3.5 MAX, Waves 10
raymb1 #213552 09/01/13 05:23 AM
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Seems to be a rash of these blogs building. Aging musicians with too much time on there hands, No disrespect intended, heck, I fit half of that description and look forward to the day when I become a full time member of the retired musicians club. smirk

There is a simple solution to this, - 50 new features and a bunch of new Real Track bundles. That will keep us busy making new music instead of blogging. grin

DrDan #213563 09/01/13 07:58 AM
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The most telling thing the reviewer said was

"if the BiaB developers tried to modernize anything, the old user base would howl in protest."

I am part of the "old user base" having used the program for over 15 years and I am also 70 years old. I have long thought that this forum, helpful though it has been, is PG's worst enemy. I sincerely hope that PG are not listening only to this forum when deciding how to bring BIAB into the 21st century. Ironically, many long time forum members are the least qualified to advise PG.


Tony Wright #213565 09/01/13 08:34 AM
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I view these forums as an integral part of my own learning process.
Have listened to posted music, read hundreds of postings on varied

Personal view only, "without these forums, I feel PG Music would
lose a great deal."

Biggest problem I see is you(users) need have some amount of music background, and also computer/technical savy. Also a strong desire to dig, try, read, listen and pursue what PG Music has presented to us.

Last edited by seeker; 09/01/13 08:34 AM.


Down The Street vs2015 12-03-2014
Win7, AMD QuadA8-5500,16GB,2TeraHD, Komplete 10
PG Ultra Plus 2016,Alesis 12USB, Sonar Platinum
Cerio #213567 09/01/13 09:30 AM
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Originally Posted By: Cerio
Originally Posted By: Noel96
I cannot see how it's possible to simplify BIAB without losing functionality simply because music is such a complex thing.

Originally Posted By: raymb1
Noel, you always hit the nail on the head. There probably is no way to pare down BIAB without losing something. Later, Ray

I totally disagree. This thread, for example:

is full of great ideas about redesigning / simplifying the program's interface, which seems to be the main focus of criticism in this, and other reviews.

While most long time users in this forum seems to be happy with BIAB's interface, most of first time users (at least in my experience) find it a little bit daunting / confusing, and many potential users just refuse giving BIAB a try simply because they perceive it as a too much complex or outdated program, given it's interface.

In my opinion, the review does a great job identifying some of the reasons that helps understanding why many newcomers see BIAB this way, and giving some specific examples that needs urgent attention from PG Music.

Anyway, I suspect that Peter and his team are already working in a serious redesign for BIAB 2014. If I'm right, that would be (at least to me) the best new "feature" in the program's history since the introduction of Realdrums and Realtracks smile

I hear what you're saying (along with others) but I don't think the issue is that the software is too complex and therefore, ought to be "dumbed down." Rather the criticism is...which I that the DOCUMENTATION needs a radical...."fresh start" redesign because it is quite obvious that the FEATURES imbedded in the software have TOTALLY overwhelmed the documentation.

Were it not for PG's UNSURPASSED tech support and the existence of THIS forum I think that the frustration level among BIAB users would skyrocket.

If PG announced that they were suspending ALL feature upgrades for the next YEAR in favor of devoting all their efforts to rationalizing their documentation...dramatically improving search relevance...updating video tutorials and working to bring to the surface functionality that we must "drill down"...often WAY access, then the perceived value of the software would increase by orders of magnitude vis a vis any raw feature enhancements.



av84fun #213573 09/01/13 09:49 AM
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I'm a newcomer to BAIB, and I guess a relative whippersnapper at the sprightly young age of 48. At the risk of repeating some of the things in my thread of last week, asking about good introductory tutorials...

-- I agree with the reviewer -- "love/hate" describes my relationship with BIAB so far. I can't bring myself to dismiss it because it can do some truly amazing things. But...

-- for me the main thing is the lack of accessible, consolidated and bang-up-to-date documentation.

My main impression of it so far is just long, long, eye-glazing lists of features using specialised in-house jargon, without much in the way of a guided tours which quickly show you the cool things you can do with them. In my brief time here I've read several comments from long-time users who say that they still only know about / how to use only a small fraction of available features. My guess is that this is so because the program is so opaque. If the vets/ aficionados are in the dark, how many newcomers can be expected?

Yes, the interface is not attractive; it is also somewhat labyrinthine, but that partially reflects the many features of the program. But I could deal with these issues if proper documentation were in place. It is do-able. I think PG's own people are just too close to the software to be able to look at it through a newbie's eyes. First-rate outsiders should be brought in for this.

-- I very much disagree that this forum is a liability. Without you guys I'd be lost and probably would not even bother. Don't go anywhere!

Last edited by lingyai; 09/01/13 09:57 AM.
raymb1 #213577 09/01/13 10:26 AM
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Check this out.

Reaper just released version 4.5 (free update by the way) this guy is responsible for updating the user manual which was release with the update.

"...Great software needs good documentation, and I hope the latest upgrade to the User Guide will deliver this."

As best I can tell he is a volunteer who has taken on the task of not only writting the manual but also keeping it up to date. This manual is awesome.

So anyone want to step up to the plate and take on the task? I would but, ... I have day job. grin

raymb1 #213582 09/01/13 10:58 AM
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Sorry but if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Are you seriously advocating that we make it all pretty just so the Kiddies can play with it and think its another Shoot 'Em Up game?
The moment that happens I will freeze my BIAB and buy no more upgrades.
I pay good money for BIAB cos I LIKE it this way.
Bah Humbug

Last edited by sixchannel; 09/01/13 10:59 AM.

Old Guys Rule.The older I get,the better I was!
BB2023 ULTRA, 1013, Win 7 and 10

SOUNDCLOUD-tracks using BB-
Tony Wright #213583 09/01/13 11:14 AM
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Originally Posted By: Tony Wright
The most telling thing the reviewer said was

"if the BiaB developers tried to modernize anything, the old user base would howl in protest."

I am part of the "old user base" having used the program for over 15 years and I am also 70 years old. I have long thought that this forum, helpful though it has been, is PG's worst enemy. I sincerely hope that PG are not listening only to this forum when deciding how to bring BIAB into the 21st century. Ironically, many long time forum members are the least qualified to advise PG.


I definitely see your point Tony, though I would say this forum is great in many ways too. It studiously helps you wqith any technical issue, but there is a lobby of hard core users that don't like radical suggestions. I stopped posting ideas because of this.

I find its a wonderful incredibly buggy and antiquated application. I use it in a very limited way simply because I got fed up with the crashing. I open the program, pick my song, but use my piano outside of the application. I never record anything with BIAB. I find favorites hard to use and I agree with the comment that user songs should be in my documents (by default) rather than in the application folder. I never got realband to work at all and I cannot see why we have two apps instead of one integrated one (I got flamed for saying this). Being a Cubase user, I don't really have a need for RB but I would like many of its features in BIAB.

However, I do think (guess) that PG are working on a new, perhaps radically redesigned BIAB for the modern 64 bit world (all my VSTs are 64 bit). I guess that's why things are so quiet on the update front - nothing for months now.

BIAB is a MIDI application with a loop based (Real tracks) interface grafted onto it. IMO the Real tracks feature is such a hit that its even more important than the original MIDI application (perhaps with the exception of Super Tracks).

I could not manage without it but really would like a proper full rethink of the application. I think its on its way...

Last edited by ZeroZero; 09/01/13 11:38 AM.

Win 11 64, Asus Rog Strix z390 mobo, 64 gig RAM, 8700k
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Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins

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Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins

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Video: Band-in-a-Box 2025 for Windows: Using The BB Stem Splitter!

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Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using the BB Stem Splitter

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Congrats to Misha (Rustyspoon)…downloaded/installed a full Audiophile 2025!

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We’re thrilled to announce that Rustyspoon has made PG history as the very first person to successfully complete the download and install of the full Band-in-a-Box 2025 Windows Audiophile Edition (with FLAC files)—a whopping 610GB of data!

A big shoutout to Rustyspoon for stepping up to be our test "elf!"

Thank you for your support, Rustyspoon!

Band-in-a-Box 2025 for Windows Videos

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Whether it's a summary of the new features, demonstrations of the 202 new RealTracks, new XPro Styles PAK 8, or Xtra Styles PAKs 18, information on the 2025 49-PAK, or detailed tutorials for other Band-in-a-Box® 2025 features, we have you covered!

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