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The Song That Never Was Hi all, On 02/05/2013 Guitarhacker posted the song "Song With Imogen". I replied: "One of the most beautiful songs I have heard here. Great vocals and harmonies together with a perfect background. This was not the last time I listened." Now I found out about the background. There are 486 versions of this song on Soundcloud, http://soundcloud.com/imogen-heap/sets/remix-parts-preview/and I wanted to create one of my own. Here the lyrics: It's Alright (The Song That Never Was) Green to this. Where's a manual when you need one? The back of your hands, no good to you now. Right angles, It's all shaped wrong when it should be rolling. You're pining every trick this box hasn't got. It's alright... didn't I tell you so? It's alright. It's all in the process. It's alright. You're all set to go. So don't give me that look... 'cause I know you're up to it. My favourite thing, to walk out on the bridge and look back on Manhattan, under sunset covers while the city lights up. You'll find yours, whoever, whatever you need, it'll be here. Guaranteed under amongst these golden oak streets Chorus Just one place. Just one place, to make amends. Just one friend. Just one friend, that's all it takes. Chorus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The background to the song was explained in one of Imogen's vBlogs. http://jonmtm.tumblr.com/post/77009100/imogenheap-discusses-the-song-that-never-wasShe was asked to write a song for a TV film. The story was that a child (not sure if it was a boy or a girl) had moved from the country to the city (New York), and was anxious about going to a new school, and losing all their old friends. The song is written from the point of view of the child's mother trying to encourage the child to face the new life, make new friends, and so on. This helps make sense of the lyrics, e.g. 'don't give me that look... 'cause I know you're up to it'. Also the reference to Manhattan, since the film is set in New York. Of course in the end the song was not used for the film, hence 'The Song That Never Was'. Imogen posted the vocal stems to this track and invited her fans to remix it. Imogen did not provide any information about what key it was in, or how she approached the track. So I had to find some appropriate chordprogression (most of the examples on Soundcloud were not appropriate, some even tweaked the original melody) and find some suitable RealTracks. BiaB and Realband did the rest for me. RT903_ Bass, Electric, SmoothCool Sw16 100 RT1073_ Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SmoothJazzCool RT906_ Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothCool Sw16 100 RT2334_String Quartet, Rhythm PopChamber Ev 085 RT1059_Sax, Alto, Soloist SmoothJazzPoppy Ev16 090 RealDrums-BossaBrushesPerc^3-perc RealDrums-SmoothJazzCoolSw16^1-XStHHt,SnRd Lyrics, tune, vocals and harmonies: Imogen Heap Arrengement: me. http://soundcloud.com/boehmusic/the-song-that-never-was
I hope you enjoy. Guenter
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This is SO interesting. More comments later... didn't want it lost..
(oh...btw, Guenter... the link to the song - at the bottom - is a little hard to pick out - might be a good idea to bold it? and/or add some space around it?....)
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Hi Floyd,
I followed your advice and edited the link. I'm curious about your comments.
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"Just one friend, that's all it takes."
So true, specially for a disenfranchised Teenager to become human once more. Great mix and the vocal is really well sung - such a pity that it didnt make the Cut. I think you have an inspired choice of RTs there - they work well together. Maybe more later - of gigging tonight. Bye Ian
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WOW Guenter! Your musical sensibilities flow so easily in different directions! This is unlike anything else I've heard you do, but you manage to keep your usual rock-solid quality in place even when you experiment! Not many people can pull that off! I admire the open-minded thinking of Imogen to propose such an interesting project to the world at large! I'm busy today, but at some point I'm sure I'll want to explore the other submissions. But what YOU have done with this melody is (to my ears, at least) a musically appropriate and very well executed accompaniment! The very stylish vocals and lyrics of course are center stage... but the sum total of all the song's elements make one of the most compelling pieces I've heard in a while! Your backing track fits her presentation like a custom-fitted glove! (the thought occurs to me that if you can manage to copyright the exclamation point, you'll get rich just on royalties from your song reviews....) 
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Hi Ian,
thank you so much for your nice reply.
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Hi Pat,
nice to have you back. And thanks for your favourable remarks. "I'm sure I'll want to explore the other submissions." That's what I did, too. Up to now I've only managed to get to No 290. But I'll try to hear them all. Sometimes I only need three bars and get on to the next one. But it's interesting.
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very interesting project and your interpretation captured the spirit of the lyrics and it's intended audience
well done!
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Guenter, that is wonderful. We ran into her singing with Jeff Beck on a DVD and were mesmerized. You did an incredible job with her vocal. I've read and reread the lyrics and like Gruve said you captured the whole feel of the words and the voice with your arrangement. Outstanding!!
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As usual you have mastered everything. Brilliant feel, mix, fills, balance, all captivating your audience in a sensational production. I'm going back for a 3rd listen right now.
Thanks for sharing
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I've listened at least a dozen times - thanks for having the download there - it is nice to be able to play it on the good speakers and using the headphones. You created a terrific soundscape for the vocal to nestle in to. The drums are excellent - the combination of the RealDrums is very effective - and fit with the vocal perfectly. The bass and e. piano support it and never get it the way.
The VERY start of the first note is a tad abrupt. I thought the sax intro should have been a little less busy - a few sustained notes in there (including the last one into the vocal - a fading note there would be nice). The sax leading into and accompanying the "Just one place" section has those kinds of held notes - it's really sweet. These are small things - not to detract from the beautiful arrangement.
The mix is spectacular. I found myself getting lost in the vocal. No longer even thinking of the instrumentation accompanying it. THAT is the mark of a good mix!!! I like the fact that it is not drenched in reverb. It has an immediate feel, an intimacy to it. Like you are one of the few who has discovered a "star" in a small club before the rest of the world finds out...
I probably left some things out.... Excellent work, Guenter.
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Guenter, This project is a testament to your knowledge of theory and your musicality. It cannot be easy to match up a vocal so seamlessly with the real tracks. you pulled it off in spectacular fashion. I agree with floyd about the sax intro. The mix is great and I really enjoyed the end result. Tom
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Guenter, I first heard her, as did Janice and Bud, singing with Jeff Beck. And now this.Everything about that song is tremendous. I really, really enjoyed it.
thanks for sharing,
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Hi, Guenter !
I am stunned !!!:)) How did you do this ? Did she sing the melody to any kind of accompaniment before you took it on ?
Be it anyway, this is just fantastic, I do not have words !!!!!!:))
Cheers Dani
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Very cool. I had to go back to the OP you referred to, to see who said what about it ......
Yeah this was a fun project and a nice thing for Imogen to do. I recalled listening to many of the nearly 500 different versions, most of which tried to emulate her electronica style.... as you heard, I and a few others went in a totally different direction with the music.
She was supposed to pick her 10 favorite remixes and well.... I don't think that ever happened.
I still have my version on my sound click and on my mp3 player and listen to it on a regular basis. I renamed it since I thought the name IH gave it didn't do it justice..... I called it "I know you're up to it" ... that just seems to fit the groove better.
I like the smooth jazz style you used on this tune. I thought the jazz styles fit this song very well.
Good tune.... good job.
Last edited by Guitarhacker; 02/02/14 05:52 PM.
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Hi Lawrence, Janice & Bud, Trevor, Floyd, Tommy, Alyn, Dani, and Herb,
I could write you all seperate thanks as some people here do (to increase the number of replies?). But I'll stick to the usual way and thank you all for your kind comments. Very much appreciated.
@Dani: No, she just published the melody.
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Hi Guenter
Stunning! Loved it. I would also be interested to hear some of the other versions. Are they generally published on Sound Cloud? I did a search for "The song that never was by Imogen Heap"and quite a bit of stuff came up. Such an interesting project.
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This is simply wonderful! love the arrangement and the instrument choices were perfect. This is a great listen ... love the Jazzy feel. Still humming it.
You did a great job...congrats on this marvelous piece!
Best to you..
Al & Di
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Nice work Guenter! I do love her voice. Great idea on her part to get people involved and increase her exposure and fan base.
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